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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Welcome to the YOC Careers Advisory Service
  2. Nooooooooooooooooooo!! Its THE worst job in the world! i have a PSV and drove buses aorund Manchester for several years, but never again. Is the most stressful, thankless job i have ever done. The money wasn't all that great for the amount of shit you had to deal with and put up with and the management (at First Manchester) are the biggest bunch of arseholes i have ever had to work under. If you want a job where you get constant grief from both passengers and management then go for it. HOWEVER - on he plus side - when i left First, i went to a smaller company and i actually didnt mind it cos it was contract work, so all i did was pick up and drop off old ladies at the swimming baths etc.
  3. I have never been a courier in London but i imagine it will test your skills! Why not have a go, and if you dont like it do something else. It will be an experience if nowt else honey!
  4. Having just spoken to a very nice man called Richard at Chorley Yamaha Centre, he has reliably informed me that the SPANKIN NEW XVS950 Midnight Star is due in the UK mid February at an approximate price of £6399 OTR. (VERY fookin cheap!) He is gonna call me when they themselves get one in so i can go take a look and have a test ride Richard - You are indeed a top bloke
  5. You cant leave - its your turn to brew up and fetch the Jaffa Cakes
  6. Friend of mine does decals for bikes - PM me if you want his email addy - and tell him Goth sent you
  7. Goff


    Mines proppa nice yer knows. It even sounds nice when i tell you to fuck off I like the scouse accent der like, and the oirish one is blerdy luverly
  8. Firstly, I havent wasted any time - thanks for the concern though Secondly - I could have been out on my bike? Its fuckin icy as hell here and i dont have a death wish thanks very much Thirdly - i dont need any parts So in conclusion it will have taken you longer to read, look at the listing, and then come back and reply to this thread than it has for us to have a bit of fun with someone who clearly thinks that its OK to try and flog us overpriced bike parts - and thats just what it is - a bit of fun. As for lowering ourselves - i like it down here.....
  9. And that will achieve what? Only serves to show him that trying to take the piss outta bikers REALLY pisses us off. No ones gonna buy it at that price anywhoooo. Very nice reply from our evilbay mate "gary" Hi, Yes Thats what my m8 wanted for it but i said he will not get that if you want to make an offer i will let him know as i have so many emails about it its driving me mad, Regards Gary In which my reply was - and i thought it was very diplomatic..... Thats because its only gonna fetch about 40 quid. I'd suggest you tell your "mate" to take a look at the one you bought back in November for for the princely sum of £45 - that should put him straight - bikers might have a rough rep - but we aint stupid......... Its one of my pet hates when folk try and take the fuckin piss - it happened to me last year, and its one i wont forget - not mentioning any fuckin names...... TWISTED SPANNER, MATLOCK BATH
  10. Happy Birthday honey Be careful out there - its lethal at the moment. And good luck with your exams - i can completely sympathise though - i have mine on monday and friday of next week..........................ARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!
  11. Dear gary1639 £125???? Are you sure thats right mate????? And when he comes back with a yes, and because i now know hes trying to RIP OFF BIKERS YOU FUCKING TW@T - the goth will be unleashed......muwwaahhhaaaahhaaaaa
  12. Goff

    How much!!!

    Exactly. They wanted over 400 quid just for a header pipe for my dragstar I always buy from our cousins over the pond - ive found a couple on evilbay that are very very helpful and will mark as a gift so you dont get hit with massive charges - thus making it even cheaper!
  13. Goff

    How much!!!

    Y'seeeeee.....thats why we dont go to our local Yam dealers for anything.....
  14. Goff

    V Star 950

    Same here, i called Chorley Yam and they didnt seem to know if we would be graced with them at all either. They are going for aroun $8k so im HOPING they will be within my budget if and when they finally appear. There is mention of them on the UK yam site, but it says price TBC so fingers crossed they are scheduled to make an appearance soon. Incidentally there is a full review of it in this months BIKE magazine (apparently) - havent had the chance to get hold of it yet but shall take a look this weekend.
  15. Goff

    V Star 950

    Yes, yes i would be You know me far to well Tt Im only a shorty so my knees dont go against the tank anywhoo, but as soon as i can find one locally ill go take a look - you have to dontcha lol. Are they even over here in Blighty yet does anyone know? But thanks for the heads up
  16. Indeed - feel free! No problem - at least you had the balls to apologise - and welcome to our forum. I am sure you will understand my reasons for removing the link, we have had our fair share of spam, but if you're genuinely interested in our little playground then please feel free to post it again once you have found your feet on the the forum and got to know us a little Try here: Linky Linky
  17. Goff

    V Star 950

    I REALLY like the look of these, but would obviously want a go on one before i bought one - but im SERIOUSLY interested.
  18. This is the second time - i let the first one go
  19. Its £35 plus £2.00 per call booking fee for my family for the day. Plus food and drink and travel to get there - I bet its almost £100 if not more before we've even bought anything.
  20. Dont bother if you think its gonna stop her from burning her leg - it wont. I went through 2 pairs of waterproofs while i had this stuff on cos the exhaust is still mad hot and will still burn. Get her some heat shields made instead. I had black on mine which soon turned grey - and yes it was done properly by a guy who builds bikes and does them all the time - even he told me it would look shite and he was right. It looks good on rat bikes, and thats it.
  21. Bus Lane Code of Conduct A major report commissioned by Transport for London (TfL) on the effects of allowing motorcycles to use bus lanes provided overwhelming evidence of safety benefits to cyclists and pedestrians, as well as motorcyclists. London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson has announced that motorcyclists will be allowed access to London’s bus lanes for a trail period of 18 months, as of 5th January 2009. If this trial period achieves its objectives of cutting congestion and reducing casualties, it is likely this will become a permanent arrangement and open the door to motorcyclists to access to bus lanes in other parts of the country. It is therefore imperative that motorcyclists use the bus lanes properly and responsibly. The MCI together with support from the Metropolitan Police and riders groups, have produced a Code of Conduct for motorcyclists using bus lanes. The Code covers the TfL rules associated with bus lane use and the etiquette that riders should observe in order to protect and respect cyclists and pedestrians. The Code of Conduct in brief: We share bus lanes with other vulnerable road users, take extra care around them. Be aware of pedestrians walking through traffic queues and at bus stops. Look out for pedal cycles and give them a wide berth, they may suddenly change direction or position. Pass cyclists on the offside only – never undertake. Always assume cyclists cannot hear or see you behind them. Do not use excessive speed when using bus lanes or overtaking cyclists. Do not overtake each other. Watch out for other vehicles at junctions and side roads. Take extra care when riding alongside congested pavement areas. We are ambassadors for motorcycling, riding in a bus lane is a privilege that needs to be respected.
  22. Are you completely mad? Its fuckin FREEZIN out there
  23. Goff


    Have you turned Scottish overnight? Only most of your posts lately have a distinct Scots accent......................
  24. Just got to your local Halfords/motorcycle shop and ask if you're not sure. Wurth is one that i recommend but lots of people use lots of different ones, and they all do the same job.
  25. You dont have to get a paddock stand to lube the chain. Spray it, then push the bike forward (or backwards), spray again, push forward (or backwards) etc etc till its all lubed. See above.....or invest in a scottoiler.
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