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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff


    Yes, yes you may
  2. Are you insane?? Why the hell would i tell my 9 and 10 year old that this might be their last ride? WTF?? Its like telling them they cant go on a school trip because the coach might crash, or they cant go swimming because they might drown. No one is saying it wont happen to them but to suggest we should tell out children they might die on a ride out with us is idiotic at the least. Think about what you just typed and how bloody ridiculous it sounds.
  3. Those were the days eh wildone This is a GREAT photo!
  4. Goff

    Hello all

    Welcome to the forum
  5. Goff

    worst injury

    Hit an "S" bend far too fast - roads were damp and i ran wide, i tried to correct it but it was too late, i was too far over. Bike spat me off into a fence which i went through (flimsy as fuck it was) and down a railway embankment. I ended up wrapped around a wooden post with busted ribs and 2 broken wrists. Although i got up and ran to the road to see the damage to my bike - it was a Kawasaki AR125 - surprisingly there wasnt that much - and i didnt feel any pain till i realised i was ok and my bike was ok - sort of. I was 18 at the time - and i STILL hate left handers.....................
  6. Goff


    Oooooh i go to bed, get up and see this lot! Lets all just simmer down and gt back to the way we were - having a laugh, aking the piss and geting along nicely. Pass the biccies someone...................... Have i told you lately that i love you?
  7. Ooooooooh sounds like its gonna be a real nice bike! Keep us informed and welcome to the forum
  8. Goff


    Now why dont i beleive you Anyway - i would dump her - anyone who puts their feet on any part of a bike other than the footpegs is committing a very serious crime in my book - and i do beleive her feet are on your exhaust.......... I also like the way your outfits match the bins....nice touch
  9. Goff


    Cant say i have, but i discovered Bridgestones when i had the CBR and so far have never had any problems with them. I may try the Venoms on the 950 though because i have heard you get more miles from them? The worst tyres i ever had were Firestone something-or-other
  10. Goff


    I personally thank you for your support She wont be much of a sexy babe if shes riding in jeans and trainers and comes off - and he will be one very dead twat too
  11. The other thing is that we DID jump on it straight away - and it was being dealt with behind the scenes. I wasnt around late last night when this thread was started but i responded today. We cannot just go around banning people unless folk complain - and as Drewpy said if forum members report it then we wil take action - on this occasion no one reported anything. Ignore it and he will go away just like he did last time.
  12. Goff

    Newbie here

    Welcome to the forum
  13. Best thing to do is ignore idiots like this. They thrive on stirring up trouble, and when no one bites they resort to personal attacks and childish rants - perfectly demonstrated by Handai on this thread. You have to feel sorry for folk like him because he obviously has issues and likes to be the centre of attention, thus creating trouble for no reason whatsoever. Its very sad that his life is so unfulfilled that he feels the need to get his kicks from behaving like a complete numpty. As for respect - i have the utmost respect for many people on here, but i am afraid that Handai needs to grow up, learn some manners, drag himself out of the gutter, wash his mouth out and experience the real world before he'll ever know what respect is. Ignore him - its the best way.
  14. Watch your mouth. The forum is fine without trolls like you.
  15. Goff


    Looks absolutely great just as it is
  16. Goff

    down shifting

    Not often i do this but.......... *moderating hat on* Whilst we all like to have a laugh and giggle, personally attacking people in this forum is not allowed - especially when its one of the moderators. Either take the posts in the jest they are meant or dont post at all, but if you continue to call people names and attack them in this forum, you will be dealt with. *moderating hat off* Now then - who's turn is it?
  17. Goff

    down shifting

    I doubt he is - and im not either Piss easy to copy and paste from other forums isnt it Handai. Oooooooh look - the exact same posts you just made are found.... HERE and HERE (6th post down) So you really DO know jack shit and just made yourself look a right tit
  18. Goff


    You're obsessed with the damned trumpets!
  19. Goff


    Did you see her though? I mean ffs she looks like shrek! But having said that young lads dont care what the local tramp looks like so long as they're getting their leg over
  20. Goff

    down shifting

    If you knew Handai like we do then you too would laugh
  21. Goff

    down shifting

    This is THE funniest thread i've seen in a long time
  22. Goff

    V Star 950

    Welcome to the board. I have owned mine for a week now Only had fekkin chance to ride it nce! British weather is SHITE!!
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