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Everything posted by Goff

  1. My kids are home all weekend next weekend so i doubt i will get out but the weekend after - definately
  2. Had a great day out with Oldgit - was great to meet OldTimer too! We must arrange more rides out cos we really are pants at it lol See ya both soon
  3. Glad we could help. Have you seen the Granucci seats too? They are (in my opinion) much better looking! GRANUCCI
  4. Bit blerdy far!! Take me all fekkin day to get there! Looks like im meeting up with OGOAB forra bimble - i could go out with my mates again but i fancied a change tomorrow so Oldgit has got to put up with me
  5. ok try this. There are 2 models of XVS/Dragstar/V Star - no matter what they are called they are the same bike. So a V Star is the same as a dragstar or XVS One is the Classic model One is the Custom model The Custom and Classic models are both part of the same range of motorcycles so they are all XVS's/Dragstars/V Star's HOWEVER Parts from the Custom model will not fit the Classic model and vice versa Is that better?
  6. Custom or classic model? The customs and classics are the same as each other, but the customs are not the same as the classics
  7. Anyone riding out tomorrow? Im not up for screaming round hairpin bends at speeds that give me an instant facelift - just a nice, leisurely bimble to break in Lucian some more. PM me if you fancy it
  8. Goff

    parts req

    The post was removed by one of the mods as forum rules state that until a member has accumulated 15 posts they cannot post in the for sale or wanted section. Some folk seem to think they can get round it - not a chance - the ruling is there to protect ALL our members
  9. Ive just got home myself. Put 200 miles or so on the new bike today - out again tomorrow! WOOOHOOO!
  10. Ill be doing the Wirral Egg Run again this year for charidee Im also holding a weekend rally in July in aid of SCOPE the charity for people with cerebral palsy - ill post details soon when i have a few things confirmed
  11. Goff

    Second sitting

    Awww bless ya honey Check these out - OK so its go a HD logo on it, bu we can do anything you like these days... Im wearing waterproofs at the mo
  12. I asked exactly the same question - several times in fact - and never got a reply, so i too would be interested to know.
  13. Goff

    to wh

    This one: Although - because he allegedly understood him, i think we should take barkwindjammer outside, tie him to the gate, cover him in tuna and have a naked midget prod him non-stop with a cotton bud for 48 hours whilst letting loose as many feral cats as we can....... He wont ever understand anyone else again.........*snigger*
  14. Goff

    Second sitting

    I fekkin hope so! And thanks...i think
  15. Goff


    Welcome to the forum Tom. Nice bike you got there
  16. Goff

    Second sitting

    Thanks Looks pretty poop at the mo, but its having a lot more shading, a lot more colour and some gaps filled in. Hurts like a bitch right now though
  17. Goff

    fs1e rally

    Dont miss nowt me
  18. Goff

    Second sitting

    Had my second sitting for my leg piece last night. I have 2 more sessions to go then it wil lbe finished. Not a great photo but yo can see what he did last night Fekkin sore right now - feels like i got severe road rash!
  19. Goff

    fs1e rally

    I have removed the post from the TY person as the user name is not acceptable mlc - deenjay is not referring to you as the previous poster - it is the one i have removed hun. Cheers folks
  20. Goff

    Leather care

    I use something i bought from the local shoe repairers - seems really good and its softened up the leather on me new leathers
  21. There's limb centres all over the Uk hun. The one in Manchester is Withington
  22. Goff

    New here

    Welcome to the forum
  23. Goff

    Hi to everyone

    They kinda like a soft biscuity, chocolately, orangey thingy And they taste fabulous dunked in yer tea!
  24. Goff

    to wh

    If you knew what stunts he had pulled in the past and the behaviour we have had to put up with then you wouldnt be feeling so sorry for him. You're learnin
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