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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Goff


    I've had a look at his profile and his buying and selling history and he doesnt look like a scammer to me. His feedback is excellent and he has a lot of it all from different buyers so its genuine. I spend a lot of time in the ebay forums and am a powerseller on another ID so i know a lot about ebay, and this isnt striking me as a scammer one bit. Happen its either lost in the post, or something has gone a bit awry on the sellers part. Was it the side panels or the dt switch or the cables? Has he received any of these items? Pull the sellers number and call him - there may be a perfectly good explanation - if he's a biker as i suspect he is from what i can find - he may have had an off or something PULL HIS DETAILS HERE
  2. I take it you dont use it then
  3. Blegom Alu all the way Brings up the chrome lovely and contains a wax additive that protects and seals the polished metal for several weeks meaning when you get mucjk on it all you have to do is hose it off - and it dont take ages to polish up like Autosol
  4. Goff


    Yeah it was a lovely bike that - even made it a lil more Goff-like Me................ as if you didnt know
  5. Goff


    A light bust behind the speedo isnt a problem! It can be replaced cheaply and you can DIY I dunno about what the guy at the garage toldyou but if your happy with it go for it. HPI checks mean jack shit too - as i found out last month when i went to trade my bike in. The HPI company said it had been written off 2 years ago which was totally rubbish. Turns out they had made a mistake but one that caused me a right bloody headache with the dealer If the bike feels right fot you then go for it.
  6. I VAGUELY remeber a water shortage - but i was only 6 lol
  7. We got freezing temps on the way apparently though - we aint done yet! Although i get up at half 5 to take the dog out and its pitch black - but when i get home around 6am its light!
  8. Goff


    Yep sure was. An upgrade from my CBR4 Reckon it was about 45mpg - but it can be a lot more or a lot less - depending on your riding - as as said earlier if you are aggressive on the throttle then it will drop like you wouldnt beleive but if you are very smooth you get a lot more. Long way you got to ride there - but yeah - with a couple of stops for yourself, it will do the job. I used to regulary blast up to the North East on mine when i first met the OH - OK its not a great distance, but twice a week it did it with no problems. Yep - cant agree more - great all rounder
  9. Goff


    CBR6's are a brilliant all rounder. I loved mine but was far too aggressive with it and i was beginning to turn into one of thse twatty riders we all hate who would have eventually ended up dead. It should handle very well indeed - as for the price - everyones desperate for cash at the mo so dont let that put you off. Just take a good look round it, check what ive pointed out and you cant go wrong. This was mine:
  10. Goff


    Had one of these myself - fabulous bike The CBR6 is pretty bullet proof. Keep it in clean oil and will run forever. There are a couple of known issues, but none are serious or that expensive to fix if they rear their ugly heads One is the regulator/rectifier which can fail and stop charging the bike (or start over-charging it) If that happens then a new reg/rec is around the 65 quid mark. The other problem is the cam chain tensioner (you'll hear a loud clattering rattle, worse at about 5k revs) and that's slightly cheaper and a half hour job to replace - yes you can do it yourself. If the headlight brightens when revved from idle it ususally means the reg/rec is OK, but if the idle is high you wont see much change if the reg/rec is good. You should get decent mileage out of one of these, if you are agressive on the throttle then it will drop like youwouldnt beleive but if you are very smooth you get a lot more. Also check engine & frame numbers and watch the exhaust where it goes 4-2-1 for rot Hope this helps
  11. Goff

    Two up

    That sentence is disgraceful. He should have got longer for his lack of responsibility as a "parent" His boy had no gloves on ffs and no safety gear apart from a helmet - what a complete twat. I hope he becomes someones prison bitch - wont do it again then will he
  12. You know - when the day has hardly started and already its fuckwits ahoy....
  13. 1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the fuck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is? 2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the tv remote because they refuse to walk to the tv and change the channel manually. 3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is a cake if you can't eat it? 4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the fuck would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? My god they need their arses kicking! 5. When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No you moron, I paid £8 to come to the cinema and stare at the fekking floor. 6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine? 7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it. 8. When people say "life is short". WTF? Life is the longest thing anyone every bloody well does! What can you do that's longer? 9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, you bloody numpty! 10. When im in Asda and someone i know says "Alright - what you up to Goff" - FFS!!! I am doing my friggin shopping! Does it look like im Bungy Jumping or something? Im sure theres a lot more - im having one of those days today.........
  14. Bloody snow!! Thats a pretty picture though
  15. Goff

    New person!

    Hey Helen - welcome to the forum - always good to have another girly on board!
  16. Goff

    engine blows

    This is an old one No he doesnt lose his hand A piston exploded through the head and body of the bike and blew his glove off. Blowing a piston dies not have enough power behind it to sever a hand The reason you can't see his hand is because he was wearing black flame gloves under his racing gloces and they blend right in with the bike This video was perfectly edited because right after it ends you can see his hand in the light and pants. He was perfectly fine - in fact he went on to win a Championship on the same motocycle
  17. Goff

    i won!!!

    Ahhhh..........yes.............Anakonda The one withe the same IP as yours...............
  18. Goff

    i won!!!

    Why the big secret? The amount you won, which lottery you won it on and the date you won it on aint no big deal...... Sorry - but knowing you like i do - i think its bullshit for attention - AGAIN
  19. Goff

    i won!!!

    Which lottery was it then Handai? How much did you win? What date did you win?
  20. Goff

    i won!!!

    Yeah - a dolls house
  21. Oh yeah.........i know You wanna bet.............. If you think thats porn my god you've led a sheltered life! Offence? *tut* - dont be daft - if i took offence - you sure would know about it Thankya honey I have one leg left The rest of me is inked enough!
  22. You better be able to run - and very fuckin fast - cos if i catch you........... Anyway - i look fuck all like that.....i have better hair (and yeah its a Honda )
  23. Goff

    Newbie from Wales

    Welcome to the forum
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