Everything posted by Goff
Look what i got!
Yeahino But she was in dire need of rescuing. Her previous owner had no time for her and she spent most of her timein her cage with no toys or anything....
Look what i got!
The ex took Marvyn Paul
At the end of the day if shes gonna do it shes gonna do it........ she needs to gain experience which will come with time - whether she does that before her test or after. I rode outlaw for years before taking my test, (im not proud of it btw!) - and im still learning each time i sling me leg over one of me bikes. If shes shite then she wont pass the test Maybe now shes binned one bike she might take extra care and think about it a bit more.
roadliner vs midnight star
I am now!
Look what i got!
About as edible as you Foamy.......dont make me get the spit roasters out now.......
Look what i got!
Just been to pick up our new puppy! She is a 16 week old English Bull Terrier named Dolcie - isn't she adorable!!
roadliner vs midnight star
Actually its not just the 1900 honey My 950 is a Midnight Star too.........
well that aint gonna happen is it
- squires
New Vendor
Hi Gary - welcome to the forum. We do allow vendors on our little community, but send a message to alexasigno (our mighty oracle) and talk to him about advertising your business here. Please can i also ask you to reduce the size of your signature. The maximum height permitted is 80 pixels - they take over the forum otherwise! There is a sticky HERE about it from alex. Enjoy your stay and once again welcome
Welcome to the forum - always nice to have another girly rider on our side - enjoy your stay
Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
Preferably 4 ladies dressed in PVC and thigh high boots
remember when?
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Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
Thats called SEXEH Nahhhh - i never had to hoof mine - you sure you're riding style was correct? As for the half-drunk horny Queen fan.....may i refer you to this sir....... Need i say more? Its sleek, SEXEH and makes me look even cooler than the 650 did PS: Love ya really............
V Star 950
There is SOME vibration through the footboards - but its a V Twin - theres BOUND to be some vibration! When im wearing me New Rocks i hardly feel it - when i got me Para boots on i feel it - but it isnt THAT bad.
Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
Can't say that i've ever lagged behind! The mudguards, whilst they may not do anything for wind resistance, still look waaaaaay cooler than the farty little chopped off things on the Custom As for the slimline tyres giving you decent lean - how can ya assume you dont get it with the Classic? I scraped the footboards more than once on Elvira If you wanna get weight over the front wheel may i suggest a set of clip ons and moving your footrests back Anywhoooo - i have the 950 now which is far sexier than either the 650 Custom or Classic, so it makes no odds now!
Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
It looks like a CG125 at the front! I like the aggressive look of the Classic......waaaaaay cooler IMHO And i aint no fat biker!
Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
Nice one! Ride safe and enjoy your bike! Nooooooo! get the Classic! Fatter front wheel and an overall better looking bike than the Custom - and you'll look a lot cooler!
Nice one honey. Im still waiting to hear about my results!
I found out how Foamy got his Jawa!
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Im selling the Jawa
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Which cruiser should a newbie choose?
I have a V Star 950 - but i had the 650 before that then upgraded. I rode sports bikes for years before swapping to a cruiser, so i would suggest the 650 for an absolute beginner. At the end of the day its up to you though - go with what you feel comfortable.
little pink bear
That is so wrong on so many levels.......
JimR is a legend !
You, sir - are what being a biker is all about. Much respect to you Jim
Who's got funny number plate sentances?
Bad Girls Ride Bad Toys