Everything posted by Goff
Hello there me ol muckers..... I beleive you need me/miss/me/want to feed me biccies......well according to a couple of very lovely members anywhoooo lol Am back......for good now So....whats happening out there in Yam Land?
Van required
Its a.....dare i say it.... Honda V4
Van required
Hey folks Does anyone have a van or trailer that could help us transport a motorcycle from Runcorn to Oldham this weekend. All expenses paid. Many thanks peeps x
- Cafe Racer
- We got married!
- We got married!
We got married!
Last Sunday - 31st October - we got married! We had the most fantastic day ever - everyone got into the swing of things and all our guests dressed up in our theme. We had a brilliant bad too who also joined in! Here's some piccies of me and my new hubby Mark and some of our guests. Enjoy!
black spiders
Saw them live last year at Manchester Academy - they were BRILLIANT - redneck rock - get in!!
one for GOFF
She's on a dry mix daily, 1000mg evening primrose oil twice a day, a raw egg 3 times a week and charcoal biccies cos she dont half fart lol. The primrose oil is cos she has the canine form of hayfever and this stops her itching and snuffling. She also has oily fish every now and then lol she's a big softy really! She's more likely to lick you to death than anything else
black spiders
And THAT is how rock and metal should be... none of this emo shite thats being played to death! FABULOUS! Maybe you will appreciate this Drewps:
Hey hey hey!!!
No getting shut of me lol Ill always be around honey Miss this place too much, just been uber busy you know, but had a couple of loverlee messages from members while i been away. Im feelin the love in this place
sh1t happens
F'kin ell mate thats bollox. So sorry to hear this, and i hope you manage to get something sorted
one for GOFF
Oh my word they are BEEEEYOOOOTIFUL!!! My Dolcie has grown up now - she's doubled her weight in a little less than 12 months. She's a reet thievin git though.... unless its nailed down.... its hers
650 Dragstar........... girls' bike??
A bikes a bike - end of. I had a 650 - till i upgraded to the 950.... incidentally - what does your boyfriend ride?
Thanks folks. Its taken me six loooooong years to get here but i've finally done it And yes... if you lose a limb or need a spinal brace.... im yer gal lol
I've only gone and passed my fookin degree!!! Im now a fully qualified, fully certified Prosthetist/Orthotist! And i have a job too! Drinks are on me for the next month!!
Hey hey hey!!!
Thank you peeps. I see the sigs have gone massively huge in my absence....mentioning *cough* no *cough* names DREWPY
Got a Sat-Nav ?
I've just signed up.... looks like a lot of fun!
New Member
Welcome to the forum honey
Hey hey hey!!!
Thanks guys. Sorry i couldnt make the meet we had to go darn sarf to finalise some stuff with my brothers for my forthcoming nuptuals. But i shall be around a bit more now so hopefully will make it to some more meets x
Hey hey hey!!!
Helllooooooooooo you orrible lot! Firstly thank ewe to those of you who have sent me messages asking where ive gone lol - im fine thanks just been REALLY busy Im about to take my final exams on wednesday, and ive also been offered a job pending the passing of said degree so im working really hard atm. Been on placement for 6 months hence my absence. My wedding is happening in 7 weeks too so been busy trying to juggle that! Im still the proud owner of my loverleeee XVS950, but he's been a tad neglected of late due to above commitments, but hope to have that addressed int he next few weeks! Hope ya all ok and have been behaving yerselves. Mush love Goffster x
What have i missed
As the title says.... Sorry i have not been about much lately - had a set of final exams last friday and ive been mega busy with uni work and planning my forthcoming nuptuals. Hope y'all been behaving yerselves
Road Tax in the Post
Actually - its not as severe for bikers as it it for car drivers. Most police forces are aware that many bikers keep their tax discs under their seats to avoid getting them nicked while parked up. They also know that on some motorcycles there literally is NOWHERE to display a disc, so the courts tend to be a little more lenient. With ANPR technology the likelihood of you getting a tug for not displaying one is minimal - but it depends on whether or not your bike gets spotted while you are parked up. And if its in the post it doesnt matter = FAILING TO DISPLAY is an offence in itself.
- The Haiti disaster
Does it go faster then?