Everything posted by dougindoors
They are not that bad, 148 bhp compared with the fjr @145!!! all the rumours of bad handling are a Mith, just don't ride as a sports bike, a friend of mine is 60 and there are no chicken strips in his rear tyre, unlike mine lol. so much hipe bout them they only go as fast as u turn the right grip, but I must say fun at 6k and great for the short of leg, a real nice ride will miss Maxine.
Clearing 2-stroke exhaust of Oil
Don't do the chrome any good though, the real but nasty answer is caustic that's what we used in the 70 s
Clearing 2-stroke exhaust of Oil
Fill with tilt cleaner leave for 30 mins and steam clean out don't forget your ppe, tilt cleaner is nasty stuff but dissolves oil like magic
I have bought another head, but sadly the mating surface has damage, so I'll use the valves and check the run out ont the valves in the guides if they are bad I'll renew them with bronze ones, as the stems are only 6mm they prob bend like plastic. Lol once I finish this nasty h hornet I'll be back in touch, do you know any one that fancies a gen 1 vmax?
cheers for that Slice. I was a member back in 2007 but sold my 1992 FJ1200, now I have this I may re-join. I bought it off a friend who as you might say has been ripped off by a bike shop, the cam chain tensioner failed, they suggested have that done first with a new chain @ £500.00 before they stripped the engine, you guessed it right no compression. it was quite obvious when I looked in the cam cover many of the valve buckets were not in contact with the cams, many bent valves. I have just put a cover over it for now, saving it for winters eves.
Can you remove the cylinder head with the engine in frame?
Hi again
Well it's been a few years, I had forgotten I had registered.lol well back on the yams again 88 vmax and just obtained 06 fjr1300 with issues.
paint code fzs600 2000
diversion 600 clutch sticks
hi i have a 97 xj600 with a sticky clutch when bike has stood the clutch will not disengage rock it in gear it will free and is fine leave it for 5- 10 mins and it sticks again i have stripped clutch every thing looks ok. having just purchased this as a non runner and i think it had been standing for a few months do you think the plates have dryed out and is there a soultion apart from renewing the clutch plates thanxs