Everything posted by flutterball
Do I need to go up or down a Jet Size on 82 Xs400 Seca?
Chris, I will try to check the plugs as you stated, and see what that tells, As for the jets the actual shop manual states it should be 115 right and 125 left, and that is what I had before changing my exhaust, so with the new exhaust I went up to 117.5 right and 127.5 left. In past forum topics (did a search) this was not really clarified why this engine has this, so I'm wondering if I should have gone to 127.5 on each side, or 125 right and 127.5 left (since right now I have only a limited selection of jets to work with, 1-115, 2-117.5, 1-125, 2-127.5 wont have time to get anymore since I'm heading out on my trip in a couple of days.) Thanks again everyone for your help (thanks John for the chart on plugs), going to get this right eventually. Mark
Do I need to go up or down a Jet Size on 82 Xs400 Seca?
At 6k the bike bogs down then picks up after a couple of seconds, then it does pick up RPM's and speed but not the same power as before. Before the exhaust and jet change, the bike pulled strong after 4k and followed strong all the way to red line if needed. Right after the change the bike did sputter and backfire, but that has all gone away after the initial day/ride, only have issues when the rpm's get to around 6k in any gear, not just 6th. Going to recheck the plugs tomorrow (not home right now), what should I be looking for exactly (too rich would be black deposit I think, too lean would be?) Once that is determined what is next, is re-jetting the next step, or how else would I re-set the fuel air mixture on this bike. Thanks again for all your help, Mark
Do I need to go up or down a Jet Size on 82 Xs400 Seca?
Have a 82' Seca XS400, just changed the exhaust from the originals (rusted out dual pipes) to a new 2-into-1 MAG exhaust. At the same time I completed cleaned out my carbs and increased my jet size on both carbs up one number to account for the new exhaust. Now since I added the exhauset while the bike runs fine, when I get to the 6000 RPM level it hesitates, and does not have the same pull as before. My question is, should I go back to the original jets? or do I need to go up even higher? Not sure about others but I find it very hard to get the carbs out (rubber boots make moving it in and out very hard), so I would like to get it right versus trial and error. (Other info that may be important: The Airfilter is the orginal, not changed but cleaned, this is the 12E version of the engine, not the older XS400 engine, the orginal jets were a different size for each side, so I just went up one size for each, therefor they are still different.) Thanks in advance for any help, (Going to be taking a long trip next week 2000+km, so would like it to be running at tip top shape ) Mark
1982 yamaha seca xs400 questions
Mike, If your bike looks like the second picture on this web-page: http://www.xsrider.com/xsrider/bikes/seca400.html Then its a XS400RJ (or if it was a 1983 then a XS400RK, last letter is for the year). 1982 XJ400 Seca had a different frame. The XS400's before 1982 had completely different engines, and after 82' they are sometimes refered to as 12E's since that is what the model was refered to in Europe. For the best help, check out the first topic in this forum (Pinned to the top "XS400 Links", should be able to get your service manual downloaded off there as well, great place to start for looking for the correct parts. Hope that helps a little,
Looking for Exhaust Options for XS 400RJ Seca 1982
Thanks DTMF for the reply, was thinking of doing just that, but since I don't have a welder and needed extensions, plus the the pipes bent and then two new mufflers to weld on, it likely ended up being cheaper and less hassle just ordering the 2in1 MAC shown above (got a good price on it with free shipping), Know your making changes with your XS400R so will post some pictures of the changes/mods I've done on mine over the years soon (I've owned it for the past 20+ years),
What Carb Kit Do I need?
Another question: Have a 1982 XS400RJ Seca, need to rebuild/clean the carbs, pretty sure they are 34mm Mikuni (2 of them) what rebuild kit do I need for my bike (gasket, needles etc.). Can I buy one from MikesXS, or is there some other source (live in Ontario, Canada but can order on-line). Just want to order the correct ones, then will finally get around to cleaning out my carbs. Thanks in advance,
Looking for Exhaust Options for XS 400RJ Seca 1982
Need to get a new exhaust for my 1983 XS400RJ Seca, old one is all rusted through. So far I have found this one : Mac 2-1 Part #004-1103 and it states it will fit the XJ-400 Seca and Maxim, will it also fit on my XS400RJ? It can be found on this page http://nichecyclesupply.com/ProductDesc.aspx?code=804-1103&type=0&eq=&key=it Know the 1982 Seca xs400 is very different then the 1980 XS400, completely different engine, but what about the 1982 XS400RJ vs the 1982 XJ400 Seca? Would the exhaust header fit? Any help would be appreciated, since once bought it cannot be returned. Thanks In Advance.
1982 xs400R seca
Looks like your moving along on the re-build, know the idea is to get the bike on the road at a low cost, but would suggest you pick up a side panel for the bike, will make a world of difference in looks (does on mine), and ones available for a good price on ebay right now: item #260431337597 . Cheers,
1982 xs400R seca
DTMF, Have the exact same bike, but my exhuast is in rough shape, was originally just going to paint them with black BBQ paint, but like the cut down look, so how did you cut down your mufflers? Did you have to make new ends, baffles? How much louder is the bike? would it pass inspection based on the noise level? Sorry lots of questions, but could end up following this root as well. THanks in advance
Aftermarket Windshields, what are you using
Hi Secaboy, I have the exact same bike as you, red as well, and use the following windscreen: It is from a Canadian Manufacturer Road Krome and actually fits nicely on the 400 seca following the curve around the square headlight, since its cut-out is more square then round (search ebay and you should find a listing, I got the tinted one and it looks good, here's an id # for ebay =320303137817). It attaches to the handlebars, and can be quickly removed as well, with an allen key. I've found it is very adjustable, and works both on the sotck handlebars, as well as the replacement club bars I've added recently. As for performance, it works well at higher speeds, really cuts down on the wind on your chest at 100+km's (or 60+mph), makes freeway riding enjoyable. Find I use it only in the spring or fall, when its a bit cooler out. During the summer at lower city speeds I find its better without the screen, causes some turbulance and more helmet noise. Hope this helps,
XS400 12E windscreen and power
As for a windscreen, I used a universal wind shield I bought off ebay. It is from a Canadian Manufacturer Road Krome and actually fits nicely on the 12E around the square headlight, since its cut-out is more square then round (search ebay and you should find a listing, I got the tinted one and it looks good, here's an id # for ebay =320303137817). Then it attaches to the handlebars, and can be quickly removed as well. Find it works well when your travelling faster on the highway (+120km keeps all the wind speed off your chest, makes for an enjoyable ride at speed), but for regular riding >=100km, I prefer no screen, less wind buffeting around your helmet caused by the screen at lower speeds, but its a great option to have. As for figuring out power? mine is the 45hp version, and in 6th gear at 4000rpm I'm at 100km/h, passenger weight of about 200lbs, if that helps. Cheers,
82 XS400RJ Seca Turn Signal Relay Location
Thanks everyone for your replies, the relay is in the backbone of the frame, which is very hard to get at unless you drop the engine. I didn't want to go to all that trouble so I just wired around this, and now the turn signals are working. Thanks again.
How to polish old aluminum and chrome?
To polish the engine (I have an 82' I cleaned last summer) the thing I found that worked the best for me, mind you it still requires a bit of work is to warm up the engine first, then after the bike is turned off and the metal will not burn your fingers off, use some Blue Magic Metal Polish on any type of towel, it almost instantly give the metal casings a bright shine, and takes off all the tarnish. Trying to use this on a cold engine, just didn't work for me. For me it made the engine look brand new again, should have done it years ago. Good Luck,
82 XS400RJ Seca Turn Signal Relay Location
I'm having a problem locating where the turn signal relay is on my 82 xs400 Seca. I have looked through the service manual and it states that it is located near the tank, but I can't find it, need to replace it. Is it located somewhere inside the frame? Thanks for any help in advance.