Everything posted by f1springy
TZR 50 Not revving
Hi Dave, Thanks very much for the info and the link to the manual its been a great help! Took the carb off and had a tinker with as you suggested and she is running fine now. Thanks again. Regards Rich
TZR 50 Not revving
Hi Dave, thanks for the info, unfortunately there is no haynes manual for this bike but the link you sent is very helpful. I will be checking the float height. It also told me the correct oil level for the bike. Regards Rick
TZR 50 Not revving
How do you check the float height? I have had the carb off before to check and noticed that the needle clips in to the float. This part of the needle goes in and out of the needle main body but can see no way of adjusting it? Thanks Rick
TZR 50 Not revving
After last months problem with my daughters TZR 50 I now have a new problem! The bike is bogging down at anything from 1000 to 3500 revs, once above this its OK. It starts up without the choke but dies after a few Min's and if you apply the choke it dies? I am guessing there is too much fuel getting in to the cylinder? (plug seems wet) I have tried to adjust the air screw but to no avail, i have cleaned the air filter. It has a standard exhaust, air filter and jets. On a different note I want to change the gearbox oil, but how much does it take, there is no level indicator?
TZR will not start
She runs!!!! Went out this morning cleaned all the earths and connections I could find. Checked the reed valve. Re-Checked the carb. Still nothing! And this is the strange part, for some reason had a closer look at the starter motor! Don’t know why just clutching at straws I guess all looked OK but took it off and cleaned it up even though it was turning over the engine OK, or so I thought! With it off I thought what the heck try and bump it. It started after just a few feet! (Yes I had tried to bump it when it first stopped running to no avail) Don’t know why this should stop the engine from starting but what the heck, she runs! So I will be purchasing a new or second hand starter. I would really like to take this opportunity to thank all that have offered up suggestions to my problem. It’s a great site with loads of top guys on here. Thanks again fellers. Take Care Rich
TZR will not start
Hi Yoda, OK I will test this tonight. Someone else said that it may be flooding due to a broken reed valve? What do you think of that idea? Thanks Rick
TZR will not start
OK, I have done everything that you all suggested and she still will not start. I guess its time to bite the bullet and get it to a dealer! I am still at a loss, however just two more questions for you: Firstly after checking and changing the woodruff key all looked fine. Still not starting so again checked the spark, looked strong but as I said before jumping around a bit. I left the ignition on and turned the flywheel with a spanner to see if I could get it to spark on TDS, nothing happened? But it does spark on the starter motor? Also there does seem to be a lot of fuel coming from the plug hole when it is removed and at one point combusted from the spark plug on the outside of the barrel!! Shame it wouldn’t do that inside the barrel!! Checked for continuity all looked OK. I would appreciate more ideas if you have any, if not thank you for your time so far. Best Regards Richard
TZR will not start
That sounds very promising! I will have a look tomorrow and let you know the out come. Thank you very much for your help, much appreciated.
TZR will not start
Thanks for your help I will try this at the weekend when I have time. Appriciate the help. Regards Rick
TZR will not start
Hi, I did have the barrel off and all looked very good, no scoring or anything. The 2 stroke oil is topped up by myself, standard exhaust and jets so no tuning. Can you tell me how to check the rest of the circuit, would I need to borrow a multimetre from work and if so do you know what reading I should get. Also I guess I need to check back from the plug cap to the CDi unit?
TZR will not start
Hi, My daughters 2004 TZR50 was running fine then she said made a strange noise then stopped, maybe pinking by her description. Since then we can not start it. It turns over fine, I have checked the piston and rings and all are in good condition as is the compression. Cleaned the carb. There is fuel getting to the plug and I have fitted a new plug. The only thing I can think of is that the spark when checking it is a little irregular, jumping around the electrode not in a constant place? I am now at a lose to know what to do? Any help would be much appreciated.