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  1. Pixx posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I may be repeating an earlier thread, but I can't find it... I've just put a deposit on a lovely 2002 FZS600 and wanted to ask if anyone knows how hard it would be to replace the pipes with stainless steel as the current "black" ones are the typical rusty mess! Clearly I need full downpipes into a collecting box and then with some way of connecting to the silencer/can. I know I'll need 4 x 42mm gaskets, but is that everything, and how difficult are the headers to remove from the manifold? I don't want to get stuck halfway through the job so that other people can say I'm just a stoopid woman! Also, I'm thinking a rad cover would be a good plan but again, I'm wondering how difficult it is to remove and reuse the original bolts... any experience?
  2. Pixx posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello. I've just put down a deposit on an FZs600 (2002) today and can't wait to get out and about. I'm expecting to need a bit of help, being new to 4s. Happy New Year to you all and roll on summer!