Everything posted by xtonyx
My Mess
Here is my mess of a bike. It is my first bike. I bought it about four months ago for about $300, blindly on ebay. Picked it up, it had been rattle canned white, the badges were off a bigger bike and had been sprayed an effeminate shade of metallic blue and glued to the sides of the tank and airbox covers (how many yammy logos do you need on one bike?). The tires were flat, everything had a nice layer of corrosion. It barely ran, the starter was toast. It had been dropped at least twice. I managed to get it started the day I picked it up, rode it a block down the road to where my trailer was at and drove it two hours home. I chopped the frame right after the rear shock perches. Ground off any unneeded mounting points and I've touched up spots on it with the satin black I'm using on the rest of the bike. Pulled the rear fender, welded all the holes on it. I'm going to mount it off the swing arm so I can tuck it down on the rear tire. Front fender is getting pulled off, straightened out, possibly shaved on the inside to fit a slightly larger tire. The tank had big dents on it from being dropped. When I stripped it it had even more dents that had been previously filled in. I wonder how that effects my capacity? It's been floated with bondo as of two nights ago, and as soon as I have some time i'll be smoothing it out and then it's primer and paint. Also floated the airbox covers with bondo, smoothed them out, and primed and painted them satin black. Still working on the seat. Not sure what I'm doing.. I've got a little seat pan I've been playing with, might just do some foam and vinyl or leather on it.. who knows. Stock exhaust isn't in bad shape, some scrapes on the bottom of it from being dropped but it polished up decent. I'll probably header wrap the first two feet of the pipes since there was some pitting near the top I couldn't buff out. Replaced the airbox (which had no filter in it!) with pods. Also replaced the carb holders. Replaced the handlebars with slightly wider (~2" total) drag bars. New grips. New throttle twist (simple, chrome). no more buttons on my bars! Pulled the dummy lights from my gauge cluster, chopped the mount up so that I could tuck the gauges up against each other. Flipped the rear cover on the headlight around so that it would tuck up against the new gauge setup. I'll have to disassemble the headlight to change a bulb but oh well. My tag is mounted off the bottom of the strut, my brake/running light is a model a replicataillight w/ plate light mounted right above it. The wiring will be simple. Everything will be on its own switch. Running/headlight will be on a switch. Brake light we be redundant (no matter what it will be on). Ignition will simply be a switch. The bike is garage kept, and won't be far away from me so I'm not worried about theft. The generator & voltage regular will be wired into the circuit of course. I've got a friend doing the wiring, I don't have the patience for it. Looking to put a 120/80 or 120/90 on the rear of the bike, and a 110/80 on the front. Would LOVE whitewalls but I'm having a hard time finding some, and an even harder time finding some that won't cost me more than I paid for the bike.
XS750 (1979)
way to bump a year old thread........
New guy..pics.
looks sweet, but get that springer seat on it and it will be killer!!! i wish my bike was that shiny.
Throttle sleave
i think i've got you taken care of.
Throttle sleave
drewpy's on the ball!
Throttle sleave
if you're in the US i'll ship you mine. just cover shipping and a tip. i just ordered a new set up handlebars and grips/throttle.. so i've got the original one from my xs360.
xs400 vs xs400 2e
done. =) http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9172
xs400 vs xs400 2e
i might host a torrent of the xs360/400 book that drewpy posted so that everyone can get it.
what I done today
man that looks freakin sweet.
xs360 tire size
i'm looking at these little guys. thinking about a 110/90 in the front, and a 120/90 in the back.. a little fatter all around. http://www.tireexpress.com/prod.cfm?cid=6701&pid=6516
xs360 tire size
i like that shinko 240 but it only comes in a 16" .. =(
xs360 tire size
i was looking at the battlax tires, i don't have a chain guard anymore.. took it off and fabbed up a spacer to fill the gab on the axle. =) i'll look at a 120. want a little beef back there, going for the bobber look. all my pieces are prepped and primed now.. paint is going on tonight or tomorrow. woo!!
xs360 tire size
oh weird, it shouldn't make you register to see them.. hrrm. lemme post 'em up.
xs360 tire size
Alrighty, I've got just about every part in the mail for my bike except a new rear tire, what size tires are you guys running on the rear? I've got the allow wheels (18" ?). I want the widest, roundest tire I can get for the back, even If it takes a little grinding to make it fit I'm not afraid. =) most recent pictures here.. http://www.driven2modify.com/showpost.php?...mp;postcount=84 you can read my entire buildup here.. http://www.driven2modify.com/showthread.php?t=12043 thanks in advance!
Thinking of buying a 77 xs360
that's what i figured. someone was telling me to get a new speedo while im doing all the work on it to clean up the cluster but the kmh speedo was too neat!
Thinking of buying a 77 xs360
xswheels, that's funny. i think my bike was imported to the states from somewhere.. the speedometer is in kmh not mph.
Thinking of buying a 77 xs360
if it's the electrical issues don't worry about it.. the electricals on these bikes are simple.. i took mine apart and put it back together in a night. lol.
XS360 Won't Start, any ideas?
well heres a dumb one.. bike wasnt running after carb tear down and clean out.. checked spark, checked fuses, had fuel.. backfired a couple times but wouldn't fire. left the bike alone for about a week and a half and when i came back to it checked those things again.. this time i had no spark and a fuse was toast (i'm assuming it was intermittent before and finally toasted where i could see it). checked spark and one side was sparking, one side wasn't. checked the coils and they were good to go. so i replaced the points with a set i had laying around and my friend fooled around checking all the wiring to the coils. put it all together, gapped the points, etc.. no dice. backfiring and nothing else. i was done kicking and went inside to play video games. went out last night. backfiring every other kick like before but this time i realized it was through the carb.. googled it and someone said "intake valve stuck open" but there was NO way. then i realized if it was firing on the intake stroke then it could blow gas back out the carb. what would cause that? my friend flipped the point leads to the coil packs around and it was firing my coils backwards. so i fixed the problem but he decided to screw with the coils. dum-dum. it's running... needs a little tuning but it's running. gonna get the rest of what im doing finished up then i'll have a fun toy.
XS360 Won't Start, any ideas?
alright.. fixed the spark issue. contact point was burnt up. kick kick kick, no start, plugs aren't excessively wet. backfires every couple of kicks. no dice. gonna make sure my gas is fresh i guess.. i've got no freaking clue at this point though.
XS360 Won't Start, any ideas?
ill pull em apart again and see. i think i've lost my spark for some reason.. i think the stop/on/stop switch is intermittent. ick.
XS360 Won't Start, any ideas?
I've got a 74 (according to the title) xs360. Kick start only. I've run it a few times since I picked it up two weeks ago otherwise it sits on a motorcycle jack in my garage. It was idling poorly so I replaced the carb holders with new ones (xs400 ones from ebay) and put some cone filters on it (previous owner had no filters in the airboxes.. yay). This smoothed out the idle but it was still doing this weird thing where if you revved it it would hang at 3k and then drop randomly if i touched the choke. I pulled the carb the other night, pulled the covers off the top and bottom, pulled the springy floats out and stuff, sprayed it out with carb cleaner. Put silicon (gasket) grease on the rubber gaskets and put it all back together. Didn't try to crank it that night, it was kind of late. Left it on its kickstand. Tried to crank it up yesterday but it wouldn't fire. Kicked the headlight on and it slowwwllyy came on so I figured the battery was dead. Let it charge last night and came out today. Headlight kicks on fine but still no go. I've got strong spark but my plugs are coming out wet. Turned my pilot jet screws all the way in and then back out 1.5 turns. It's backfired twice on me but otherwise no go. Any ideas?