Everything posted by mr benn
xtz 750 runs fine for 5 minutes ?
kinked or trapped vacuum or fuel hose?
Yamaha Dealerships Service Dept
Yam dealers in the UK buy their parts wherever they like. Why would the US be different?
xtz 750 runs fine for 5 minutes ?
plug, cap or coil breaking down when it's hot?
help with a jet kit for a 00 v-star 650 custom
what seems to be the problem?
What's in your guitar rack?
Waterstone Brighton '64
Which one??? Which one???? Ecxhaust!??!?!?
you want an Akrapovic on that. had one on mine. sounded lurvely.
head gasket
what's leaking from it? are you going to attempt this yourself?
RE-Jetting My FZR600
you junked the oe airbox and fitted individual pod filters? one size up on the mains is nowhere near enough. you will need to go up maybe something like an increment of 20 - you've made a huge change to the airflow. if you continue to run it without rejetting you will melt valves and possibly pistons.
yzf750 troubleshooting help needed...
that 7k thing is likely to be the code for the exup not working right. it's probably siezed.
Yamaha r6 2000 forks
forks go through yokes on all bikes don't they? USD forks have huge fat outers that won't fit into the RWU fork yokes on the earlier bike - so no.
- Need Help!!
Yamaha Dealerships Service Dept
It's not Yamaha policy in the UK............dealers over here are quite happy to take your money!
Splitting a crank case... WTF
Is the head not bolted through the cylinder block into the lower crankcase?
Thundercat RPM is freaking out
Have a job - ThunderCat has no exup valve. 8000 is often used to indicate a TPS fault.
new TRX owner
Good choice. You really should go here: http://trx850.motomaniac.net/forum/index.php and register. Loads of TRX info, people and stuff!