Hi Guys
only just registered for this forum, been a reader for some time now!!
i bought my Yammy FZ6S after getting my full license back in june (upgraded from a 06 xvs 650 custom)
haven't looked back!!
i am currently in the market for a slip on set of cans and was wondering if i bought them from overseas will they still fit my Australian supplied bike?? i got some prices for several exhausts here in OZ and they are all terribly expensive, even purchasing from overseas and costing in around $100 in freight i will still end up approx $400 ahead. I am particularly interested in the quad pipes from Laser!!! does anyone have these fitted and have you heard the sound they make. I have heard a set of Yoshis fitted to a 2005 FZ6 with K&N filter, PC3 in full tune and they sound unreal but i'm looking for something a little different.
any advice would be greatly appreciated.