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Everything posted by jeepurz

  1. got these with a pileOparts, two banks same carbs. help ID thanks.
  2. jeepurz replied to petwar's post in a topic in Classics
    well there appreciating at least on this side of the pond, id guess it would depend on how much work can you do yourself on them. they were great bikes.
  3. jeepurz replied to brotherflash's post in a topic in Classics
  4. jeepurz replied to Iellei's post in a topic in Classics
    try jcwhitney. theyve still got some old japper stuff. prices are decent compared to bling outlets. http://www.jcwhitney.com/Motorcycle-Parts/10111.jcw
  5. jeepurz replied to Iellei's post in a topic in Classics
    whats the bike?/
  6. jeepurz replied to RSF's post in a topic in Classics
    ebay gocart catagory has these, i used them on xs 650. theres several sizes , they look good and work better than socks. If you dont see a size that fits just check back later , there on here all time. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/New-Briggs-...Q2em118Q2el1247
  7. jeepurz replied to Goff's post in a topic in The Bar
    natural selection, gotta love it.
  8. jeepurz replied to willow's post in a topic in Classics
    go to powersports pro or yamaha online , use there parts fish get the part # of your tank, then look at pics from simaler years and lookup that part #, many times tanks fit more than one bike with changes to mount or petcocks. or you can tweek a lot of tanks to fit , if ya feel like tweeking.
  9. jeepurz replied to Mikey*DTR's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    ditto , let the pro do it, then tune the carb. good porting makes a motor happy.
  10. jeepurz replied to stix 2's post in a topic in The Bar
    ive got an old 1100 if you need a pic to help let me know, I know a few trike guys too I can point you too.
  11. jeepurz replied to stix 2's post in a topic in The Bar
    theres a cat over on thechopperunderground from I believe new zealand that can prob help you out , he just converted a chain to shaft bike. If you go over there look in the MACHINING section. http://www.thechopperunderground.com/forum...hp?showforum=68
  12. jeepurz replied to shaunebop's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yup. I used yamabond or use the honda version, once in grease the hole the rod goes in just incase of a burr remember just the hole the rod goes in & not the hole the seal goes in, you might chill the seal and heat the engine slightly.
  13. jeepurz replied to jeepurz's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    lotsa work yet still need a good chain, and a lot of minor tweeking. oh and the seat needs made. think im gonna make some slip in baffles little too loud for me.
  14. jeepurz replied to handai's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    UM Ditto
  15. jeepurz replied to jeepurz's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    IT LIVES, and a quick plug for 650central , there carbs are spot on!
  16. jeepurz replied to tonyl66's post in a topic in Classics
    on ebay theres a couple cats makin em 29.00 bucks, I bought one for a honda resto dirtbike, it was easy to install starting at the back being sure the letters were center on seat. as for the foam find some hd foam scuplt it with an elect knife.
  17. jeepurz replied to 78special's post in a topic in Classics
    I paid 225. for 5 bikes and a truck load of carbs, on returning I stopped at autozone to get some extra tiedowns, cat approached me and wanted to know if id want a 360 honda, I told him 35 bucks. missing the airbox and bat box loaded it up on the trailer too , 3 of the five bikes were toast and parted out 2 werent bad. If you want a deal put a want add in the local paper, in the 70's these bikes were everywhere its not tough still to score on that needs minimal work. just my 2cents.
  18. jeepurz replied to mountain_man's post in a topic in Classics
    thank you sir ,
  19. jeepurz replied to mountain_man's post in a topic in Classics
    Can you give me a little more detail on the bent screwdriver?? i buy a lot of tanks that have locks & usually end up taking out the pins which is a PIA, Id like to learn how you did that. thanks jeep.
  20. try posting on this site. if anyone knows these guys will
  21. LOL yup, I suck at explaining I better stick to links.
  22. jeepurz replied to XS500B's post in a topic in Classics
    try here , it appears they have one 84.00 us. use there parts fish for item http://www.powersportspro.com/pages/parts/...d/2/Yamaha.aspx
  23. jeepurz replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    try this heres the guy he's talkin bout there an HD shop but he thought the were kurk. dealer. I didnt see it listed on there sight but theres an email addy on it. http://www.harleycustom.co.uk/
  24. jeepurz replied to Goff's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    that was quick , he said to try Alistair at A.R.Harley . & heres his web site, he prob wouldnt mind an email if you strike out on here. good luck . http://www.thefont.info/contents.htm
  25. sorry not the best at explainin this stuff heres a link pics bout half way down, http://www.dansmc.com/steering_bearings.htm