Everything posted by jeepurz
1975 yamaha dt400b try here, good luck. gezz theres a lot of old dt post here. had a 250 dt in 76 great bike.
the 76 is off the table.
honda xl, 76 i think, fits with coils moved in a bit.
Clutch won't disengage!!!
my guess is as your cable wore it was adjusted to the limit, the new cable has changed that, check your owner manual to see where the actual clutch adjustment is, it should be as simple as adjusting the actual clutch to accomodate the new cable, FIRST check routing on new cable and be sure its not binding or routed wrong. dont really know the particular model so that bout all I can help. good luck. you might find your manual on this link. http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/archive/...hp/t-10556.html
the 76 is off the table.
got my 76 xs off the fixin table and shes a roller again, lots of little stuff left, finish rebuild on carbs, find a headlight , finish the wiring , and decide weather to swap out the charging system for something newer. this bike started out as a low mile one owner barn bike that was totaly neglected .
Hi from Western Australia
hey and welcome, know a couple choppa builders from down there, gezz you guys got some great riding country from what ive heard. not sure where boards HQ is but theres people from all over here, and thats cool im a big fan of euro bikes, seems they get a lot of bike we dont here.
Gday from Tasmania
gezzz if ya got some pics of ridin spots post em up.
can i still ?
heck im on the kawasaki vintage board and all ive got kaw is a motor LOL. what kinda suzy did you get?
lowering a shaft drive bike??
theres a cat over on chopperfix forum thats choppin em, ive seen em dropped chopped lowered cafe'd. theres also an 1100xs specific board with tons of info.
yamaha 360 paint?
hey me too, im doing a period off road only version mudder fenders ect, trying to find nos aftermarket clarke type tank. danged hard to find and pricey. if you get any info shoot me a pm . I havent even started it yet but im massing parts.
Adding Pics
I upload mine to image hosting site, copy and paste the addy below your text. ive never mucked with the script bar.
my yammys
started barn bike 200 bucks & 16k one owner miles couple months later seat lowered, 4 0ver swingarm , new rubber heres where im at today last years project now done 78 xs and daily ride 599 honda.
head gasket
A pic would be good, theres a cam cover gasket (prob o ring kinda gasket) then head gaskett , then base gaskett where jugs meet block. rating cam cover gaskett as easiet to fix and lower down ya go the harder it gets.
Yamaha Dealerships Service Dept
its not yamys policy here, but a mech is a buddy of mine and he did state they make sure customer knows possable charges and there dollar figures there talking, and they have a row of bikes never piced up because of the amt of the bill . I would inform yamy HQ about there policy, it should be as simple as letting customer know the amt before hand and there dollar limit on what they want to spend.
steering head bearing race removal
I just put tapered bearings on an xs, the bottom started off uneven, I was able to take pick (dental type looking mechanics pic) but if youve got no distance between it and stock, thats a tough one. A cat on a chopper board told me a good way to install them that may help reinstallion using threadrod and old race on bottom washer on top then tightening worked great. If you dont mind screwin it up a dremal mototool with cutoff wheel will fit in there. Hope you get it out I prob didnt help much.
Splitting a crank case... WTF
heres some pics , hope it helps. behind filter bolt. this was on a 80s xj I tore down captures are of bike your asking about.
Splitting a crank case... WTF
Id be real sure all bolts are off, does shift shaft run throught center? look for hidden bolts on crank ends, im not real familier with that motor but id bet theres a hidden bolt. If you gently tap with metal hammer with rag over case (real gently) do you get a hollow tap sound? (kinda hard to explain a sound). try yamahas part micro fish site there would be a blowup of engine. .
78 SR500 No Spark
heres a wiring diag if it will help. double check it to be sure, this is US version dont know if there all the same, and I also tend to mix em up from time to time.
no cruisers yet, the bottom bike , a bobber will have mid controls, thats bout as close to cruisin as ill get. today I powdercoated some parts got motor in the frame, I started with a 200 dollar bike with 16k miles on it. heck I tinker more than I ride anymore. I really like seeing rides from other countries, europe has some killer customs, heres a before and now pic. before as of today
78 SR500 No Spark
can you bypass the kill switch? those are sweet bikes had a 78 back in 78. are all the wires plugged correctly in headlight shell & power to coil. did you try another plug, gezz thats bout all I could think of sounds like you tried it all. good luck.
Hi im the new guy, Im 51 5 kids 3 grandkids bunch of bikin projects, been riding since 69. heres some pics, yellow bike was finished last year, I did all but paint and a couple machined parts. frame is another 76 xs 650 which im doing in a japanese brat style, got a lot of projects most are yamys. I try to fund my fun by finding ol bikes and selling off parts. Really like the euro streetfighters too.