YZF 750 R won't start
Is there anybody out there who can help me i've tryed everything on the bike,here's the list. There's a good spark on all plugs, The ohms are correct at the coil pick up, The exup is correctly adjusted, The carb sensor is correctly adjusted, The fuel pump and vac tap are working ok, The carbs are clean and there is fuel getting to the float bowls, I've fitted new ht leads. I've also tried to check the cdi,i have 12 volts at the red/black wire going into the coils and when i turn the bike over it drops to 10 volts.Is this correct or should it drop to 6 as a friend has said it should go from 6 to 12 volts when the bike is turned over. But the thing still won't start.the bike fires (or shall i say pops) on number 4 cyl (the down pipe is warm after trying to start the bike) but the others are cold when you touch them. Can anybody tell me the correct coil and ht lead config,i know mine is correct but i just want to make sure. If anybody has any ideas please let me know as it is driving me crazy Thanks Steve
I believe they are but i have to buy the correct tool for the job (a bit of plastic tube doesn't really give you the best check in the world)unless anybody knows the measurement from the bottom of the carbs to the top of the float
I have already checked the carb ballancing and that's ok also the choke movement on all the cables is fine so in theory the bike should run fine,got any more ideas.
Good evening to everybody i wonder if any of you can help me ? My yzf is playing up,its running really rich,so rich that's its of the scale at a dyno tuners, I've replaced the jets with new ones two size's lower,its better but that still hasn't fixed it. The bike is hard to start up when cold and seems to run on 3 cylinders but after its warmed up it runs fine in fact sweet as a nut. The bike has had no mods to it what so ever it is totally standard,and the exup is set correctly,I've stripped the carbs and there all ok with all the diaphragms in good condition and the needles are in the correct sequence,there's also new plugs and filters on it. Also the choke doesn't work correctly. I'm stumped can anybody help me please???? The bike is a 1996 model, 4HD5 engine.
Wow, bike insurance can be cheap!
I'll be glad when i'm older so i can get cheap insurance.
YZF 750 Vac Tap
:amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb :amb Evening everybody hope all are ok. It looks like my vacuum tap on my 96 yzf750r has decided to give up the ghost and i'm am finding it hard to get a overhall kit for it,Yamaha want £85 for a new tap and they don't do a kit for one,and it seems that scrap yards have none at all or they want stupid amounts of money for one. Do any of you out there no of anybody who sell's a kit for one or have one knocking about,or do any of you have any tips on how to fix it. Cheers for any help. [-o<
Dodgy emails
I've been getting virus's from emails for some time now,i had a chat with a good friend who's a computer wizz kid, he just advised me to delete any message you don't know ( quite obvious but pleople don't do it [-X ),virus/worms i've found have always been around 37KB. If you want to check the vulnerability of your computer check out this FREE web site,it tells you how easy it is to hack and send virus's to your computer. http://www.grc.com Click on the Shield UP!! sign and wait for the next page to come up,then scoll down to HOT SPOTS and then click on the ShieldsUP! header.Click on Proceed and there you go Shields UP. Just click on the boxes which say File Sharing,Common Ports etc and it will check your computer for you, it will tell you if there are any problems with it and it will give an explanation on how to fix it. :hail :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/
Wow, bike insurance can be cheap!
I've just paid £375 tpft for my YZF750R 1996 N reg with Bikesure which ain't bad considering i havn't had a bike since 1998 + i'm 28 years old,and that encluded unlimited milage.Some companys (Carol Nash,Bennets etc) wanted £1000+ plus cat 1 alarm/imm limited milage to 2500 p/y.Just shows you need to shop around :!:
Hi to everybody
Hi to everybody hope all are well and riding safely,thought i would share the pics of my bike with you,thats if i manage to get it to work, i might need some help if i don't .Anyway as Luke Skywalker said "Here goes nothing" http://www.bikepics.com/pictures/205772/ http://www.bikepics.com/pictures/205770/ http://www.bikepics.com/pictures/205773/ :oops:
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