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  1. Harry posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi I have this "new" xs 500 engine 77 mod engine with new piston, cam chain ++ and do not have the cam chain lock . Tryed to order it i october 07 from Extrem motor sport they charged me but don`t dealiver . Part nr 10 SKU: 94962-09001-00 JOINT, CHAIN 5$ Does Anyone out there have a new chain lock for sale ? Regards Harry
  2. Harry replied to Wizid's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi all News about fork springs I sendt a mail to http://www.bikerevival.co.uk/forks asking about fork springs , and they can not find front springs for XS500 . The xs I have realy needs new springs . So anyone know any suplyer for XS Fork springs ? Regard`s Harry
  3. Harry replied to merlinv's post in a topic in The Bar
    Best info for old twostroke you can find at http://www.aircooled-rd.com. Check wiering 1ste at neutral light sw / oiltank sensor . If wiering to neutral/oil light goes to earth over the frame/ engine , the control light illuminate . Harry
  4. Harry replied to Harry's post in a topic in The Bar
    I have been working with cars for 25 years as a mechanic , so I can make some gaskets . Cyl head gasket is another job . The presure / oil sealing and temp is the problem . I rather wait for a gasket then removing engine from frame to change a leaking gasket. So New gasket and cam chain lock would do the trick . cafe racer on road -stillno brakes and so on Regards Harry
  5. Harry replied to Harry's post in a topic in The Bar
    [two questions harry, did you order from yamahaparts.com or yamahapart.com? both seem to use the general yamaha catalogue, so what parts did you order? based on what ive found with my bike, im guessing cam chain tensioners and maybe even the chain itself? Parts ordered was Cyl head gasket, camchain lock , brake piston sealing, oilpan gasket and som other gasket`s. Since a frend gave me a 1977 wreck of a bike I thought I build a Cafe racer of it . Engine a wreck , but cyl head ok . The 76 mod bike I have I buildt up also from wreck . Paint , frame , engine rebuilt and so on . The cylinder head on this 76 bike broke down , lucky I found a new engine her in Norway on the net . Engine was built for racing by Yamaha Norway in 1977. This bike is in use every summer . ( The Old 76 engine was now going to be reabuilt for the 77 mod bike) . Since the bike is older then 30 years it is very low taxes on it in Norway . I can by 2-3 XS500 for the price of insurance a RR bike one year . The engine I ordered parts for have new pistons , new cam chain tensioner , balancerchain new type ,new oilfilter adapter and new bearings So I hope the firm can daliver the gaskets I need to make this cafe racer . ( clip on/ singel exhaust /singel seat ) . I realy enjoy working with old bikes . Firm parts ordered from : http://www.yamahapart.com/ Regards Harry
  6. Harry posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Anyone bought parts from YamahaPart.com?? usa .. You cant find all old XS500 76/77 mod. parts here in Norway , so I ordered parts from them 25.10 07 and paid by Visa . There is no reply if I try to mail them , so is there any knowledge of this firm out there ? No mail , no parts recived yet . Engine disassebled , work stoped . There is one good thing in this story , there is 6 month to spring . Regards Harry Norway