Everything posted by TazR6
My Pride and Joy
Cheers Geoff. It does sound quite good from the seat. never heard it from anywhere ekse. Im yet to hear yours running! Many thanks for all the positive comments. Makes having her even more of a buzz
My bike is dead!
How short is a short life? Surley they should see more than 1500 miles right? I cant believe the price of the plugs either! Nearly £36 in my local store. £14 with delivery off Ebay though. Billy Bonus lol!
My bike is dead!
BLOODY HELL!!!! What a transformation! i was told when I bought the bike in September, that the Plugs n stuff had been changed in July. Since then, the bike has done less than 1500 miles, but they must have been FUBAR!! It pulls like a new bike! There is absolutley no hesitation like there was before under 4000. Im well happy. While it was in bits, i decided to fit the new Air Filter I bought off EBay a few weeks ago. Its stamped 5EB (as is my airbox) but its too small! Got to try and sort that, but its been so long I prob dont have a chance. I wish I had changed teh plugs weeks ago though. It runs nice and smooth. Im a Happy Chappy
My bike is dead!
Plugs arrived this morning. I stripped it down yesterday ready for them coming. What a NITEMARE of a job it is too! if I never have to do it again it will be too soon. After a couple of hours or so of putting her all back together again, I hit the strter button, she turned over for half a second, then,,, another half second, then a secon, and another, and another and another. Dead still. I was gutted. So, I disconnected and reconnected the CDI, pulled out and put back all the fuses, unplugged and replugged everything. Hot the starter and wham, ticking iver in an instant. YAY!! The idle is so smooth its mad. the plugs were well and truly shot, but it wasnt them that caused the none starting lol! I have not been out on her yet, but will be shortly. Having a shower, eating, and off out. All being well it will not be lumpy under 4k now. I will keep you posted. Neil
My R6 new chain.
It has quietened down to a barely audible noise now. It sounded like a really loud supercharger. On over run etc, there was no noise at all. The tiniest amount of right hand input had it whining away. Im assured its fine, so fine it is lol.
My bike is dead!
Its been running sloppy for awhile under 4k. Had trouble starting her this morning, but it went after a few tries. This evening, no go. No matter what. Even a push start did nothing. I reckon its the plugs. Got new ones arriving (CR10EK) tomorrow hopfully. My fingers are crossed.
myu new bike
What track did you do that speed on? Surely you didnt ride at that speed, on an unfamiliar machine on the road right? I would not ride anywhere near that speed on something I had just picked up. I would get a fair few miles behind me first, getting used to the way it behaves before even thinking about it. Nice bike though. Hope you and it have a long and happy relationship.
A Big Hello
An equally large welcome. In the main, Motorcyclists are friendly, and always have time to give a quick nod or wave. Enjoy.
My R6 new chain.
Typo. Its 530 I have, not 520 lol. Thank you very much for the informative post. I love reading up on stuf flike this, and its nice to have access to a Forum such as this, which has intelligent people who are passionate about all things Motorcycle (except maybe Harleys lol) and are willing to share that knowledge and experience. it is much appreciated and much welcomed. Thanks again. Neil
My R6 new chain.
It was all bought as a kit. The pitch is 520. It had a good coat of wax before installation. Tension is spot on. There are a few mentions from a search in Google on XRing chain whine, so I assume its a normal trait of the type of cahin. its likened to Supercharger whine. I have the standard 48r 16f config, with the standard 116 links. All that differs is the pitch.
My R6 new chain.
My Chain was FUBAR, and following a suggestion from here, I bought a Tsubaki XRing Sigma chain. Having done s ome research, its, its meant to be the one to beat. I have no experience with XRing chains at all. I fitted it yesterday, and the difference was immediatley apparant as the wheel rotated smotthly and for much longer then the old chain allowed. Riding it however, I had an "Oh Shit" moment. The nosie it makes is unnerving. Its sounds like a knackered old grea box. It whines under any load at all. Is that normal for XRing chains or is there a problem? I replaced both sprockets too by the way. Thank you in advance for you help. Neil
yamaha day at the ace cafe
Hmm. I have never been, but I might go for it if I can find someone to ride down with. I am directionally dyslexic lol. Even with my Sat Nav I get lost!
Running temp R6
Mine runs from the mid 70s to the mid 80s depending how hard she is being ridden. In traffic it creeps up (highest I have seen it yet is 96, but I have not had it through a summer yet), but it soon drops again when you get moving. Not sure what temp the fan kicks in at. 101 I think though. I wouldnt worry about your temps. Its fine.
UK, US and Aussie Police Officers
Question: How do you tell the difference between a UK Police Officer, an Australian Police Officer and an American Police Officer? Answer: Pose the following question: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, and raises the knife and charges. You are carrying a Glock .40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?' UK Police Officer's Answer: 1) Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! 2) Does the man look poor or oppressed? 3) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? 4) Could we run away? 5) Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? 6) What does the law say about this situation? 7) Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it? 8) Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? 9) Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? 10) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me? 11) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? 12) Should I call 9-9-9? 13) Why is this street so deserted? 14) We need to raise taxes, have a paint-and-weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior? 15) If I raise my gun and he turns and runs away; do I get blamed when he falls over running away, knocks his head and kills himself? 16) If I shoot him, and lose the court case, does he have the opportunity to sue me, cost me my job, my credibility and I will lose my family home? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Australian Officer's Answer: 1) BANG! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- American Officer's Answer: 1) BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Click....(sounds of reloading) BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!!!!!!!!!!! Click. Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips?'' --------------------
- Just 2 minutes of your time
YZF1000R Thunderace 1997
Im liking that very much.
- Leathers
Thats a good piece of kit. I tend not to do waterproof stuff, as I dont have the bike out in the rain. However, the car is going in the next couple of weeks or so, so that is likely to change. It will only come out in the rain if its a crucial trip I have to take. Maybe looking at waterproofs is something I should look in to. You cheeky sod Lezza!
- Leathers
I have a two piece black Rhino set, which are mega thick and heavy that I use on cold days. I have a Frank Thomas color coordinated one piece I use for track days (only done one do far) and for longer runs on warmer days. I have just got another color coordinated two piece that I will use mainly in place of the one piece, as it will be much better for walking around places when I get there. they are fully zippable, pretty much making them a one piece. the back protection is not as good as the one piece, so I will wear a seperate back/kidney protector. This is the latest; The one piece; The plain black; What do you wear? Mine is only budget stuff, but the best I can afford.
My Pride and Joy
All that stripping down just to replace the LEDs in the instrument cluster! No doubt there is an easeir way, but that is the only way I could see how to remove the cluster.
More expense. the Joys of Motorcyles I guess lol!
I went for that one. Seems quite reasonable, and in the past 2 days, 4 people in shops have recommended Tsubaki chains. Thank you very much for your time. I will be sure to look after this one, as it has to last. Neil
More expense. the Joys of Motorcyles I guess lol!
Nobody ever bought a chain then lol! Im looking at a D.I.D. X Ring chain, but at over £100, is it worth it? Is X better than O etc? Anybody Neil
More expense. the Joys of Motorcyles I guess lol!
I have developed a tight spot on the chain, and am looking to replace it. The bike is a 2000 R6. Any recommendations as to what to get? Is an "X" ring advantageous over an "O" ring for example? I have not really got a clue what to go for. Thank you in adavance for your help. Neil
My Pride and Joy
Take another one out and match it up with. Dont go Anodized though. Get Stainless. Anodized look ok for a short while, then they fade, and can take ages to remove, often resorting to drilling them out. A mate replaced all his with anodized, and I think 90% of them had to be sawn or drilled out. Nitemare.