Everything posted by TazR6
- new lad
my new ride
Brilliant looking lil bikes. No idea how well they perform etc, but if they come close to their bigger brothers, y ou are in for a good time. Enjoy, BUT BE SAFE!
My Pride and Joy
Ahhhhh. I see lol. I wish that pic of Richard WAS of me though, cause if that was me, I would be sooo much better looking than I am in this incarnation. Richard is an infinite number of times better looking than lil old me. Cheers about the leathers. Its one of 3 sets I have. Thats my mad head set, then I have a 2 piece all black for colder weather, and I have my good 2 piece leathers for general cruising around. Got 2 waterproof outfits as well. No matter what the weather or time of year, it always takes me ages to get ready to go out on the bike.
My Pride and Joy
Thats me? I had no idea lol! I thought that was my best mate Richard. Bugga. Im living my life as someone else PMSL! This is Taz. The pic was taken just after the one of Richard.
My Pride and Joy
I put the spine in place on the Monday. I had bought the Stompgrip the previous week, but sticking them on was beyond my remit. I took them to The Image Works (PM me for details if you want ANY vinyl doing for ANY purpose) and had Ted put them on properly for me/ My GOD they are effective! Crystal clear, will protect the tank, and grippy as hell. A slight bit of pressure on them with my legs, and I dont move. Very confidence inspiring. Neon! NEON!! I have no neon on my bike Geoff They are LEDs. Give me osme credit lol!!
That is a dim and distant memory now. Its been finished a week now. Need to get a rat bike though so I can ride in the wet too. Even though I am in direct view in one picture, I cant remembe ryou taking them lol! Thanks for posting them though.
My Pride and Joy
These were taken by a friend. At Matlock on Friday evening (July 4) She pulled a crowd lol! UFO? I want some decent nite shots. Need to find someone with a good camera tp take some. It does look better than the picture makes it look.
My Pride and Joy
Bugga. I forgot about that. I have made a new Photobucket folder and out them in there, meaing all the links have changed. I wonder if it will go back if I move them again.
My Pride and Joy
A load more. Sorry for getting carried away lol! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0808.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0809.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0810.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0811.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0812.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0813.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0814.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0815.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz...30-06-08161.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz.../30-06-0817.jpg
Im getting a new bike
Wow! A Guzzi! They are few and far between to say the least. Cool bikes indeed. Do you have pictures? Would be nice to see it. Take it easy for awhile, as its a big step up in the performance department from the YB. Have fun and take care.
Number plate size points or fine ? ? ? ?
I have an 8 by 6, and it passed an MOT with it no questions asked. I would not go as small as 5 x 7, as that is pushing the boundaries a bit too far I think.
My Pride and Joy
This shows the color coded fairing infills, frame infill, and coolant bottle cover. The switch for the front LED is also visible on the left infill panel. Wheels are being done next. I think it will be blue spokes and inner lip, with the outer lip and rim in gold. Unsure yet though.
My Pride and Joy
Daylite pics. Was going to wait til it was totally finished. I didnt notice til I saw these pics that the tank decals are on the wrong sides lol! Not bothered though, as it still looks ok. I love the tank spine too. Much better than the one that was on previously. As for the LEDs being illegal, they are if I get caught with them, and if the Police are being tough. I have them on switches now so I can turn them off. I only had rear ones before, and they were on permanent. never had any bother even though many Police saw it. the new ones are much brighter than the old ones (see previous pics) so I thought it would be wise to be able to turn them off. They are switched independently front and rear, so i can have them on/off in any combination.
My Pride and Joy
Teaser pics of the new look. Dont worry, they are on switches lol. Shame I cant ride it yet due to leaving the fuel cap and tank fixings at the body shop. Bugga.
5 weeks waiting!
Gutted. Was hoping today would have been my new look bikes maiden voyage. However, even though it is now ready to roll, it is still grounded. I have left the fuel cap, and tank brackets at the bodyshop, and it does not open til Monday! Proper gutted.
5 weeks waiting!
After 5 weeks, I am getting my bike back on the road today! Its been a LOOOOON 5 weeks. Picking up the tank and undertray and the final 2 fairing panels from the bodyshop in a few mins, then get back and start reassembly. Knowing my luck it will be raining all afternoon so I wont be able to take her out lol. Not been on here since it came off the raod as it would have been too depressing. I will post some pics up as soon as I have taken some. I have had her done ALMOST standard. There are a couple of extra decals, the decals are Bright White and Chrome instead of Pearl White and Grey, and I have changed teh color very subtley to what i think is an even more vivid Blue. It will look pretty standard on its own, but the difference will be seen when parked next to another.
yamaha yzf r6
EBay is your friend. Thats what I rely on for most stuff. I have also got a couple of things from this forum. Good luck. Is it another one you have now then? I thought you already had an R6.
I cant praise the TomTom rider highly enough. ear/mouthpiece stays in the helmet. Just need to plug in a small cable for teh Bluetooth unit, which hides away in your pocket.
Lean angles....How far over do you have to be?
No comment lol!
hey new here 2nyt :)
Im liking your name lol! There is a bike shop somewhere (up North I think) called TAZmania. I bought a Steering Damper from them.
Is the TZR 50 a sensible option to begin with?
Welcome to the Forum. Are you looking for new or used (assuming they are still available new)? They are a good choice for a beginner. I have no idea what the big attraction to Scooters. If I was only able to ride a 50, no way would I go for a scooter. It would be a bike every time. Im glad you are choosing Yamaha. Have you considered an old RD50? DT50? Proper cool bikes, and can be had for little money now I would expect. They would also be a good way to start to learn bike maintenance and repair etc. Whatever you get, ride safely, and stay upright!
Help with steering head bearings
Another new bearing is on its way. All being well it will be here tomorrow.
Help with steering head bearings
Ahh. That is a good informative page. Thank you. The threaded bar to make a press that you suggested, is to get the bearing cups into the frame. I was able to do that. Im struggling to get the bearing over the steering stem on the triple clamp. Im sure I know someone with a hydraulic press, so I am going to get my thinking cap on today.
Help with steering head bearings
I will try the plastic pipe tip, thanks. Would have not thought of that in a month of sundays. Im not sure what the threaded rod and washer method is about. I cant visualize it. I have got my thick head on lol. So, the seal that was in place for the ball bearings is suitable for using with teh tapered bearing? I assume it will go "lip" up?
I never realised.....
I said last time it happened that I too would happily chip in to help. It was said that financing isnt a problem. It was something to do with actually making the payment. My offer still stands though.