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Everything posted by TazR6

  1. TazR6 replied to TazR6's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Thank you for the comments people. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy lol! I have had her 12 months today. This time 12 months ago, I was unloading her from the van I hired to get get her. Its gone so quick!!
  2. TazR6 replied to ShoKz's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ooooh! I do feel honored. Thank you.
  3. TazR6 replied to ShoKz's post in a topic in The Bar
    As I said yesterday mate, Congratulations. Im chuffed to bits for you. I remember the feeling well, and Im envious, a syou have your whole biking career in front of you. Mine is mostly behind me now lol. This is always said, but it is always said for a reason. BE CAREFUL! Thi is now where the real learning starts. You are no better a rider than you were last week. All you have done is shown you have reached teh MINIMUM lever needed in law to ride without L Plates. You get to be a better rider with experience, and that only comes with time. You are not invincible etc, so ride like a Mortal. Again, Congratulations my funny accented buddy. Take care out there.
  4. TazR6 replied to workers85's post in a topic in Naked
    My guess is a plug or two have died (if not firing, there is no detination, so less heat), or a coil or two have expired. Former is a pain to change, the latter is much much easier. Either way, its nothing serious. I doubt it anyway.
  5. TazR6 replied to almightyartisan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Good afternoon Dave.
  6. TazR6 replied to almightyartisan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Welcome and enjoy.
  7. TazR6 replied to TazR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    It looks thus: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v736/Taz...ke/100_2508.jpg Not took it out yet cause its raining. Gutted. I didnt realize the old one was so bad til I saw the new one!
  8. TazR6 replied to ROSSITIGERR's post in a topic in The Bar
    Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  9. TazR6 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just got me one. Well, its on order, and will be fitted tomorrow. I have been running Diablos, but decided to go for a Rosso tire to try and get a bit longer life out of it. Current Diablo has lasted almost 10 months. Does anyone here use them? Any experience of them would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  10. TazR6 replied to VO5's post in a topic in The Bar
    Congratulations on passing your test. Its quite a buzz. I remember it well. Now, get out there, and learn to ride, as this is where the learning starts. Dont ride beyond your ability. There is only one thing that makes a good rider, and that is experience. Stay rubber side down. Neil
  11. TazR6 replied to a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yuu sure know how to make friends and influence people! I can assure you that if someone who knew the answer had read your queryit, you would have been given all the information that you needed to sort it out. As nobody has replied, it tells me that nobody (so far) can advise you. What would be the point of lots of people saying; "Sorry, cant help." "I dont know." "Sorry I cant help either." "Hope you find an answer." "Im another one who cant help, sorry" etc etc etc
  12. TazR6 replied to g-funk's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Im sorry, but HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!! HAAA HA HA HAH!! PMSL ROFL LOL LOL HA HAA HAAH HA!! I have not slapped my thighs and felt such mirth for a very long time. Thanks for that, you have made my day.
  13. TazR6 replied to eyedee's post in a topic in General
    I use 97/99 whenever I can.
  14. TazR6 replied to eyedee's post in a topic in General
    Posted twice, after a large delay too!!
  15. TazR6 replied to eyedee's post in a topic in General
    Mine uses much more than the 1.8 Focus I sold in April. I gate about 120 miles from fill up to red light. I try to fill up asap then, but usually dont let it get to the red light anyway.
  16. TazR6 replied to ShoKz's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Looks well cool Dave. I like it. Definately different.
  17. TazR6 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just fitted my stainless headers. Took a bit of jiggery pokery, and I had to weld a small extension onto my link pipe, but its all on and good. It sounds awesome. Really deep and throaty. Need a dyno run now though to sort things out. Flat spot at 4 it struggles to pull through, spluttering and coughing, then hits another at 8. Once through that, its nowhere near as quick as it was. Lost mid range and top end. I can feel it holding back. So, Dyno run on Mon or Tues and get it sorted. if no, back to standard lol.
  18. That it fuc***g awesome!! Never seen that before. I am seriously impressed.
  19. TazR6 replied to TazR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    OH SH*T!! I never thought of that. Here is hoping lol!!
  20. TazR6 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just got myself a complete custom, race developed stainless exhaust system! 1 year old but never used. I will be fitting it over the weekend. Been after one for ages now. This one fell into my lap yesterday after getting a phone call. Not only will it look better than the standard rusty headers that we have to put up with, it will unleash a few more ponies, plus it only about half the weight! I am going to keep my high rise link pipe and Blue Flame EVO can because I love the look and the sound of it. Bring on the weekend! As an addendum, I got myself some new Boots yesterday. I went for some Alpine Star SMX Plus in black/blue. With the "shoe" insert, they are so comfortable, and offer loads more support than my Frank Thomas boots. They were an impulse purchase, but one Im glad I made. I only got them because I had called in at the shop to see if my Frank Thomas ones had come back from the manufacturer after a fault developed with the heel of the left one. They had not arrived, but are due today. So, I will have two brand new pairs of boots to wear in now lol!
  21. TazR6 replied to TazR6's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Some arty shots taken by a friend, Ryan. Check his site. he has a good eye.
  22. TazR6 replied to R6 Dean's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Looks ace. I wish I had been brave enough to change the coclor of mine when I had it painted. Marlboro Orange, or a bright Candy Yellow would have been my two options. Hmmm. Maybe in Winter.
  23. TazR6 replied to ringadingding's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Im yet to see one of these babies on the road! I think they are awesome looking. I might even get one myself for a runabout machine. Very tempted indeed.
  24. TazR6 replied to yamaha r 125's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Congratulations on a bike that is the best thing in its class. The others have a lot to do to come close I reckon. However, as for an exhaust, I wouldnt bother. I you take it over your allowed BHP level, and if you have a coming together, you will not be insured etc etc. I would bide my time if I was you. You have a lifetime in front of you for faster machines. So, while you are at the start of a massive learning curve, I would concentrate on getting the basics of regular riding learnt. Then, it will be time for a bigger bike anyway, and the jump will be even more pronounced then. If you are going to modify it at all, I would lose that absolutely VILE rear end, and replace it with something more pleasing to the eye. Its bigger Brothers also have the same abhorrence, and the look is improved instantly with a tail tidy.
  25. TazR6 replied to a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Looking smart there Geoff, looking very smart indeed. Keep it up.