Everything posted by pyromancy5
Splitting a crank case... WTF
I have a 1992 Seca II XJ600 and i am splitting the case. I cant get the damn thing apart and i don't want to mess up my case prying it apart. I used a shop manual and removed all 35 bolts and i still cant get it off. The timing and pressure valves are off too. I only need to get into the bottom, I am not touching the upper half. if any one has some suggestion on how to do this with out damaging anything, please let me know. there is only one pry point, is there any where else I should apply pressure? Alex M. Brown
XJ600 Starter Clutch replacement
Putting the clutch pressure plate back on turned into a whole new problem as well. It turns out that the 5 bolts that hold the springs in place were the wrong type. In stead of being hardened steel, it was made out of softer stainless steel. One of the bolt torqued off around 15 ft lb., when they should be torqued to about 80 ft lb. I had to drill it and use an easy out. No problems. parts on order, and now I am also re building my front break.
XJ600 Starter Clutch replacement
I now know that the part I'm fixing is the Idle wheel, which connect the starter to the starter clutch shaft) Well today was interesting. I got advice from a shop saying I could take off the clutch case and clutch to have access to the aforementioned part. I take it all off and find my self face to face with nothing but a small compartment divided by case from my Idle wheel. sh!t i can see it. there is a small hole, and i can touch it. but there is NO WAY to remove it without pulling the engine and splitting the case. I was told that this is a large reason why people sell these bikes, because they done want to cough out the $200us to get an new starter clutch. Time to get my hand dirty i guess. any any tips. i'd like to hear em.
XJ600 Starter Clutch replacement
I took off the starter and I can see there are teeth missing off the starter clutch (the big side of the gear with little teeth). I can see there is an inch gap where the gear has been sheared. When i got the bike, the guy gave me the part to put in, just a gear and a pin to hold it in place. will i have to just take the case cover off or am I going to have to split the case? How likely is it that other damage is inside? How can i make sure those gear teeth aren't floating around my engine causing damage?
XJ600 Starting probs
did you ever get your bike fixed? mine is having similar problems. I took off the started and i can see there are teeth missing off the starter clutch (the big side of the gear with little teeth). I can see there is an inch gap where the gear has been sheared. is this a difficult part to replace? will i have to just take the case cover off or am I going to have to split the case?