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  1. I have derestricted and fitted a DEP backbox to my DT125r and it seems to have made no real difference to the performance because it seems to lose power at 7k rpm. Has anyone had this problem or know anything I can do to sort it. Cheers, Millsey
  2. Hi I am looking to replace my exhaust and wanted to know what exhausts you would recommend for a good power increase.
  3. Hi I have recently bought a DTR125r on a S plate 1998. I need help in derestricting it. I have removed the the restrictor out of the front of the exhaust. I know there are more restrictors on the bike and need info on removing them. I have bought a full racing pipe for this bike. Cant wait to see if this makes any difference Any info will be greatly appreciated Thanks, M2theMillsey 420 after hours and you knows its true!