Everything posted by hardyrides19
Battery blues
Hey guys,just curious how long i should get out of a motorcycle battery?I own a Ninja zx12r 2005 and about 7,000 klicks/per year.Thanks....buzz
Bike decals
Hey, i have a ninja but this still might help you out... http://www.isitfast.com/index_bikes.htm
F*cking tyres
Hey if ya ride fast and slow down fast;that s the price your gonna have to pay.If ya ride like a grand-ma then you ll save money.Quit bitchin,i own a ninja and have the same problems.C ya on the road.
When people point
Hey,. yea i have a black ninja zx12r and i have a lot of pointers and lookers too but i just nod dude...keep your hands on the bars its the way they like it too.
Red hot exhaust
Thanks for the info...john
Red hot exhaust
Thanks for the info....john
Red hot exhaust
Thanks for the info....john
Another new member
Red hot exhaust
I started up my WR 450/2003 today and I had to use the choke to keep it running for about 5 minutes. The exhaust turned cherry red, looked like my bike was going to explode. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Thanks!