Everything posted by Bittern
XS 650 Restricor
hi guys, here in the uk i have a 33bhp resticted license..... Is anyone running a restricted xs650 and would it be possible to send me details of the restrictor tyoe used?? Thanks, Rich
Buying an XJ 750
Hi guys im looking at buying a 1985 XJ 750 has anyone had any experience with them....?? Cheers, Rich
XS400SE Restriction
Could you tell me how to do this please? Is it a job where you need to strip the cylinder head? Cheers, Rich
Sports moped weekend September 1/2
ahhh a mobylette. That my dad's old one was my first bike when i was 16 a year ago. I went quite well seeing as it was over 30 yrs old.... Rich
yamaha dt50 tuning
lovely bike Xr400, well i had an '82 DT50 just a few months ago and it went ok with K&N ( on when i got it) and standard exhaust. I was getting 40/45 on flat and i weigh around 12 stone. How fast was you looking to go?? Cheers, Rich
XS400SE Restriction
cheers, also does the Xs 400 have a camchain tensioner because o can't see one on the bike and as far as i know the haynes doent even metion one. Rich
XS400SE Restriction
Hi guys, I've just bought my dads XS400SE 1981 ( he's just got the 650 version) anyway i want to get it on the road but i'm restricted to the 33bhp license. My local bike shops want to charge me 200 quid for the privelige of a couple of washers in the intake manifold to restrict it. Well i want to make my own up as I'm not gonna pay £200 for a pair of washers!! Could anyone help me with how much of an opening should be left in the washer?? I've attempted to make a few up and ill post a picture, any comments welcome. Also does anyone know of a dyno in cornwall where i can go to get it tested?? Cheers, Rich