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  1. robing posted a post in a topic in Naked
    i want to dump the exup. without the cables connected i dont get the 7000 tango but when i check the cables and see theyre free and re-attach then the tango returns. i have the high level titanium full race oval and would like to keep it. are there any companies that make replacement headers without the EXUP. Micron do two but i'm not sure if they'll marry up to my current pipework. anyone have any experience of this. Robin :wink:
  2. robing replied to axl's post in a topic in Naked
    i got a guy at work to get me some copper grease and its good to 800C but the EXUP is S*&^. why yamaha had to bother with it i'll never know. i think it was to really get up my nose. my Y2K R1 doesnt seem to like it too much. the bike has had little use from new with only 3700 miles on the clock and three strips and rebuilds of the Exup mechanism but i still get that 7000 tango after a short run. the cables were oiled up the plate was checked and the ends greased up with copper grease and another working servo fitted and the tango remains. dynometer tests have shown that the difference between fitted and not is so small that it's almost insignificant. you pay your money and make your choice.
  3. robing replied to Rich's post in a topic in Naked
    i've only just found this newsgroup so excuse my ignorance but what was your exup problem and how did you get it fixed. i have a Y2K R! and am having a nightmare swapping servoes and oilling cables etc... i now have a 98 servo in a Y2K bike and still have the 7000 tango but only after a quick turn around. the dealer recommends that i buy a new CDI unit but i'm not happy about this, a lot of money and maybe not a fix in sight. Robin