Everything posted by blackdevil
wot is the best yamaha of all time
Ah a man of Knowledge and culture. I ride an 2007 R1 a bloody capable bike ( more CAPABLE than most riders ). I like many others would dream of owning the R7, but the FS1-E IS THE BENCHMARK FOR ALL THAT FOLLOWS, A 16 YEAR OLDS FAVOURITE 4 TISSUE FANTASY. THE FIZZY WINS HANDS DOWN. But if were talking of dream rides APART from LILY ALLEN .Then the MTT Y2K IS THE ULTIMATE THRILL ( JET TURBINE ENGINE ) EVERYONE WOULD BE LOOKING AT THE SKIES FOR THE RED ARROWS OR SOMETHING, AS YOU RIDE BY. BRILLIANT.
i won!!!
Hi all.......
You can take all the advice you want from people on lids, and no-one is wrong its what feels right on your head. I bought an Arai Astro J, Its a good helmet Which i paid good money for, but my brother in law wears an AGV and cannot get on with Arai which would be his prefered brand but they just dont feel as comfortable to him as other ones, But it could just be that he has a head shaped like a bag of chewed toffee's. I would choose Arai everytime and for your money I would rather buy the bottom of the range in top make ( so you have the same tests and technology going into your helmet ) than a mid / top end of the range helmet in a lesser make. Youve only got one head so look after it . Also the good thing with Arai is that if you drop or knock your helmet for any reason you can take it to your local Arai dealer and they will send it away and Arai will Xray it to make sure its still safe ( which I did on an old lid ) and this is done free of charge. That my advice but what do I know and as a wise man once said .OPINIONS ARE LIKE ARSEHOLES, WEVE ALL GOT ONE AND THEY ALL STINK ! HOPE YOU FIND THE RIGHT ONE AND GOOD CHOICE OF BIKE (R6) I HAD AN 03 MODEL.
Hi to everyone
Shall I put you out of your misery you sorry lot . Jaffa cakes had to defined once upon a time to see if they were a luxury Item for taxation reasons. The boffins at Mcvities made a 25 cm one to test. The simple answer to the debate is this............ Biscuits when they go stale turn SOFT. Cakes however go HARD when they go off and if you leave a Jaffacake long enough it will go Hard making it 100% of the cake veriety! IM FULL OF USELESS CRAP LIKE THAT- ACCORDING TO MY GIRLFREIND IM JUST FULL OF CRAP !
- do n doo roo
R1 oil and service update
Did the service with Tony yesterday, and it all went swimmimgly apart from Tony busting a couple of the quick release plastic clip things and me sulking at his suggestion of replacing them with similar items from the local car shop aaaaaaaaaaagh . Just the thought drives me wild, so another 20 mile trip for 2 clips worth 85p each I suppose you cant put a price on peace of mind. ( god I sound sad, But if a jobs worth doing........) Anyway its done. I went for a quick blast to Squires which is about 2 miles from my house. I didnt let the clutch warm up enough before grabbing a handfull and it wasnt happy about going into gear a couple of times but once it was warm and marinated with the new oil it settled down and felt smooth and with the new plugs, air filter and a new set of boots (Diablo Corsa 3's - Fantastic!) I cant wait for Sunday. Bridlington I think, Stopping on the way @ Seaways Cafe, Fridaythorpe. A good pitstop if youve come from Squires and then going on to the coast , it can get really busy on a good day Just watch out for the local Bobbys on Busa's ( nice work if you can get it ! ) Thats my rant over. If you that way on Sun , say Hi - Ill be the one in black leathers on the motorbike !
R1 - Which Oil ?
Thanks Jim. Sounds like good advice, only now Ive got to do a 20 mile round trip into Leeds to return the bloody oil ! Ah well. Sounds like like you know a bit about twitching too. I shall keep a look out for Blackbirds when going into Leeds, Although most of the time travelling through the city all you tend to spot is pairs of Great Tits. ( Naughty! ). Thanks - BLACKDEVIL
R1 - Which Oil ?
I am doing a service with a mate for the first time on my 2007 R1. Ive got all the bits from the dealers to do the job. But when it came to the Oil I was just going to use the recommended YAMALUBE oil in it ,But my dealer only stocks Shell Advance. I had a choice between a 10/40 semi and a 10/40 ultra Fully synth, which was £10 more. I went for the more expensive option thinking you get what you pay for. But my mate said he wold use the semi as a full would make my clutch wear out alot quicker as he has had friends with Blackbirds who have used fully and there clutchs have lasted 1500 miles. Is my Grease monkey mate full of it ( HE DOES RIDE A HONDA) or has anyone had this experience, I can return the oil , WHAT DO YOU USE ? I NEED TO KNOW ASAP AS WE ARE DOING THE SERVICE TOMORROW ( WED ) OH. BY THE WAY THE 2009 R1 IS BEING LAUNCHED AT SQUIRES / SHUBURN . ON FRI @ 7 PM IF YOU DIDNT ALREADY KNOW. Cheers.
R1 steering damper
I have recently changed bikes from an 03-R6 to an 07-R1, I love the new bike and I am getting more confident on it with every ride, However I feel it tips or is too sharp into the corners, I have let some mates try it out and they also can see my point. On the R6 I fitted an Arrow steering damper which proved to be a great asset as it felt solid and smooth, I know the two bikes will ride diffrent and I have taken this into account. What I am asking is has anyone else felt this way and what did they do to sort it ? Is the OE steering damper adjustable ? as there is a screw thing on the side but Im not messing with it until I know what it is, Or maybe the supension needs setting up ,Should I splash put on a new aftermarket damper or is it a case of me being a big JESSY !