Everything posted by eyedee
2007 R6 idle problems
Won't be dirty carbs as it's fuel injected. You're idle is low at 1000. Does the bike stall or threaten to if you apply lots of throttle suddenly from a standstill? The 2006/7 R6 was said to have suffered with this problem fairly commonly. I had the ECU replaced by Yamaha on my 07 (as well as plenty of other bits and pieces such as sensors, filters, battery, leads, plugs etc.) before they tracked the problem down to being a faulty injector. Not sure if it's the culprit in your case but the problem was apparently fairly wide spread across the first couple of years of the newer looking R6's - before the updated bike was released for 2008. Hope you get it sorted though as it's very annoying, especially with summer coming. Good luck!
Is buying an alarm for a bike worthwhile? (fitting on an XJ6N)
Thought about this same question on and off for the past decade in which time I've bought 6 bikes. Whether or not its worth it depends on so many factors including age, bike type, bike age and worth, bike location, where and how it's parked/garaged etc. On the whole if you're over 30 and aint planning to park up in Wormwood Scrubs I doubt it's worth getting a pro fitted Thatcham 1 approved alarm put on your bike as it probably won't reduce your premiums in line with the cost of fitting one. For peace of mind and a little extra security you may want to fit a decent, but cheap, alarm system such as a Cyclone V2 which can be done by a competent DIY'er in around 30 mins - or 2-3 hours if done properly. By done properly I mean fitted very carefully to make it most difficult for potential thieves to disarm it. I promise you no tea-leaf could disarm by partners bike alarm in under a minute like I've seen mentioned. It would take the thief a good 5 minutes to even work out where the hell the alarm system is located and that's only if they have a whole load of tools with them to remove some seriously well fitted bike components - though I won't say which. However if a pro thief wants your bike, alarm or no alarm, they'll have it - probably in the back of a van in which case the alarm is pretty useless whatever you get fitted. In this case you're relying on physical security which can be as hit or miss in security terms as an alarm system. I'm not sure why some people would think an alarm would ruin the charm of a motorcycle, unless the bike was a classic or pedigree example? You don't have to fit the flashing led if you don't want the alarm system to be obvious, but surely being obvious is the whole point? I've never had any of my alarms fail on me, suffer many false alarms or cause me any real aggro... other than having to carry the alarm fob. And I'm not sure what's meant about alarms going off when the brakes are applied or similar? If that happens the bikes electrics would be an absolute mess or the alarm fitter is incredibly incompetent. And seeing as most alarm/immobilisor combo's only have 7 or so wires to fit up... well you get the gist. Get a couple of insurance quotes. If a Cat 1 alarm doesn't blow you away when the discount is applied then don't buy one. If you want a little extra security and don't have it in for alarm systems on bikes (?) go for a good cheap one such as the Cyclone V2. They work well, are well made and easy to fit. Otherwise buy that monster Ship chain that DirtyDT posted!
Expensive stuff this Yamaha plastic
I thought it was a bad joke when Yamaha hiked their bike prices this year (R6 from £7999 to £8999, R1 from £10999 to £12499 etc.) Then once you've shelled out for the bike I could hardly believe how much Yamaha charge for their aftermarket parts and accessories... £140 for a new screen (R1), £165 for a plastic rear seat cowl (R1 and R6), £55 for a pair of rear pillion peg covers (R6). I've found myself looking on eBay for parts but it seems its hard to find decent genuine kit. There are a couple of genuine seat cowls up for sale each month, and there's a set of rear pillion peg covers for good money, but on the whole it looks like there's no option than to buy aftermarket stuff (which varies dramatically in quality from my experience) or get shafted by Yamaha for overpriced kit. Still, at least the R6 is a blast to ride - kinda makes up for all the money spent!
Little trouble starting
Cheers for your thoughts guys. I guess it could be the fuel going-off in the lines or a problem with the fuel pressure at start-up. But I would be semi-surprised if that was the problem as the petrol's only been sitting for 7 days sometimes for the issue to occur. JimR, like you say, I do take the bike for a good ride about every week so that she's properly used (slow roads, fast roads, twisties, a few straights, slow and fast riding - I try and give her the works to keep everything balanced). I don't tend to fire the bike up for any length of time shorter than a 20 min ride, sometimes a 2 hour+ ride. I think I'll get her down to my local Yamaha dealer anyway. Better to be safe then sorry. I have to go anyway as the plastic around the mirrors has been cracking up for about a year and the front light pod gets condensation in it. I guess these faults are covered under the warranty. Cheers
Little trouble starting
Yoda, it isn't damp. I keep it garaged in a outside-temp but dry outhouse. barwell1992, I'm going to service it soon so I'll be changing the plugs (just to be on the safe side) but I doubt they really need changing as the bikes only done 2000 miles. To be honest, I don't know if the plugs could do with a clean - I haven't actually looked. I'll check it out over the weekend. Can't see fuel being the cause tho. It gets a new tank's worth every two months at the longest.
Little trouble starting
I've not been around on the forum for a while due to loosing my job last year and then starting a new business which has changed the way I live my life. One of the major changes is that I don't use my bike to travel to work everyday anymore. I've been so busy that I only manage to get out on my R6 once every week and sometimes only every fortnight! I'm working at changing this, but in having the bike sitting for a week at a time I've noticed a problem. The R6 has become very difficult to start after it has sat for a week. It fires up fine, but I have to keep the throttle open to about 6000 revs for about 10 seconds and then very slowly adjust the throttle, reducing the revs until it finely sits at idle. If I try and start it on the auto choke it fires up and then dies immediately. If I don't reduce the revs VERY slowly, it dies. Is there an obvious reason why this is happening, or should I take it back to Yamaha before the two year warranty expires? Cheers
- Flash it!
Crash Bang Wallop!
I got hit in the front nearside of my 06 ZX-6R last september by a chap in a chelsea tractor who pulled across me without looking. Only a 15mph or so impact, but because of the point of impact and the fact the bike didnt have crash bungs it was a total write-off. Lack of them mushrooms cost over £5000 in damage. Needless to say I'm fitting some to my new R6. Sorry to hear about your accident tho dude. Collar bones a nasty break. Hope you heal up real soon.
What's your R6 MPG?!?
I had heard that putting anything more than 97ron in the tank can do damage to the bike - something to do with the fuel to air mix ratio sensor being thrown out causing wear damage to the engine. The UK bikes are setup for 95-97ron apparantly. But that's just what the local Yamaha dealer told me and they've proved themselves to be spanners on every other issue so far! gav2k, was 130 miles to the reserve tank on motorways or local roads? Cheers
What's your R6 MPG?!?
I have to know as my journey to work is long with only one petrol station on the route, so I dont wanna run outta gas! And yesterday, the petrol station was out of unleaded but the petrol light had been on for about 15 miles, so I filled up with Shell Optimax, or whatever it's called, which set me back £16! Great bike the R6, but it likes to drink!
Flash it!
I always do everything the hard way! I tried listening for it clicking, but nothing. Couldnt feel a vibration from anywhere either. I did finally find it. I had to strip nearly every fairing panel and remove all sorts, follow wires etc. but I finally found it... under the PETROL TANK! Thats a really sensible place to put it. Worth the pain tho as the LED's look the business tho.
- Flash it!
What's your R6 MPG?!?
Just wondering what mileage other R6 riders get to a tank? My 07 R6 only gives me about 120 miles of fairly leisurely town riding before the petrol light comes on, and according to the Yamaha manual, it's only got about 15 or so miles in reserve. Seems odd, cos my last Kawasaki ZX-6R 636 with a bigger engine gave me at about 160 miles to a tank (which was no bigger than the R6's). What year you on and what d'ya get?!?
Flash it!
Nah, I'm not talking about disturbing individuals exposing themselves in public places! I'm referring to the little relay boxes Motrax sell. They apparantly correct the flash rate of LED indicator lights that have just been installed on a bike which originally had standard bulb indicators. I've got to fit one of these Motrax Flash it relay boxes to my 2007 R6, but havent got a clue where and they dont come with instructions. Can anyone advise where you plug it in?
R6 as first bike! Am i mad!
Great choice mate. My first ever ride on a bike was the Kawasaki ZX-6R I bought and learned on 5 or 6 years ago. Loads of people said I was mad, but it felt absolutely fine to me. Personally, I think your first bike should be whatever you want it to be. As long as the rider isn't a prat with a death wish of course! lol!
LED & Standard Indicators / Turn Signals
Thanks for the thoughts and advice. I'm glad you mentioned about the poor visibility of the integrated tail light indicators. I was thinking that might be the case. After some more thought I think I have decided not to install an integrated tail light at the moment, and if I do install one in the future, I'll keep stalk indicators on the bike too for safety. I think I may actually get a set of the new Highway Hawk metal stalks for the rear of the bike and a set of clear crystal semi flush flashers for the front, though I want to make sure they are visable before I fit them. Cheers
'07 YZF-R6
Cheers guys. I've finally ordered an R&G tail tidy and I'm in the process of deciding on new indicators (see my other post in the Streetbikes/Sportsbikes forum) Then I'm going for crash bungs and bobbins, probably the R&G tear drop shape protectors coupled with alloy bobbins on the front forks and swing arm. Will take new photos when the sun finally comes out!
LED & Standard Indicators / Turn Signals
I've been trying to choose new pairs of front and rear indicators for my 07 R6. I've been doing research into the available options for weeks now (there are so many) and I'm getting closer to deciding which way I want to go. I was initially thinking of getting a tail tidy without indicator mounts and then getting an all-in-one rear light (the new tail light encompasses multi colour led's that act as the red tail light, brake light and orange indicators) and a pair of flush fitting clear front LED indicators. I'd still like to go down this route but the light's not road legal and I am concerned that the Police will be stopping me and fining me every opportunity they get - what's the general concensus on that? The second option is to go for a tail tidy with chrome indicators with clear lenses at the back and clear flush fitting indicators at the front. Thing is, the fronts I am interested in are LED and the rears are standard bulbs. If I wire them up, will the front and rear indicators flash at different time rates to one another?!? And is there are way of solving the problem? If I install a relay, will that affect both the front and rear indicators and put me back in the same position of backs and fronts flashing at different times again? Thanks
Need a new helmet
Had 2 cheap (£130) AGV helmets which both fell apart in under 6 months of riding just a couple of miles a day. Maybe that was just bad luck. Had a shark helmet costing £150 which was nice enough, comfy, good visability but stuffy and didnt have a very nice shape to it. Then bought a SHOEI CX-1 with Pin-Lock for £380 odd and its transformed riding. I have to admit, I'd never go back to buying a cheaper helmet. The SHOEI has done as many miles as all three of my previous helmets combined and is still in almost A1 shape. It's seriously comfy, well ventilated, quiet, easy to clean and change the visor, internals are washable, nose shield protects from steamy visor and it looks the bollox. Arai are worth a punt too I'd say.
Bike Security
I've seen this done a number of times over the years. In fact one cheeky sod locked his bike to my bike lock and I certainly didnt have a sticker on my bike! Would be a good idea if I thought I could trust the owner of the shitter that parks next to me not to scratch up my R6's bodywork whilst putting their lock in place. markandjen - the lock goes through your lock (chain lock) to make a figure of eight. When you undo your chain lock, it seperates the two locks and just leaves the other bike locked up to itself.
My Pride and Joy
That's a really nice example mate. It's in fantastic condition! Have fun riding her.
What's in your guitar rack?
Firstly, my apologies if I have got this all a bit mixed up, but... are you taking the piss? It's fair enough to point out that this forum is for Motorcycle enthusiasts. But since when have motorcycle enthusiasts been banned from enjoying Guitar ownership? I didnt realise mentioning musical instruments on a motorcycle enthusiast forum was such a crime, especially as I was under the impression "The Bar" area was meant for "general" chat? Secondly, what the fuck is "big headed" about owning guitars?!? The individual may have made huge sacrifices over years to afford said guitars. Or maybe the individual simply has a shit lot of money and decided to buy said guitars on a whim. Either way, I don't believe anyone has been at all big headed about their instruments... except perhaps you?!? If you are being sarcastic, I have no idea why. It's just a guitar (how can a topic started about guitars lead to such a dumb-ass reaction?!?). But if you are really serious and honestly own what you say, then I have to retort that I can "beat" it. Not that how is any of your business. Oh, and the thought of having to look at any blokes fat backside makes me want to vomit, but thanks anyway.
When people point
My Midnight Black R6 draws plenty of admiring looks from all and sundry - except most bikers. Then it usually draws revving of engines and nasty looks. But that's usually followed by the twat unsafely overtaking me in a fit of jealousy in which they nearly lose it or crash into an oncoming car etc. Seriously - happens to me alot. But I do live in London - and Londeners are completely different from every other city or countryside dweller in the UK. When I visit my parents in Cambridge I always get people stopping for me, saying "thanks" when you let them out of a side road, flashing to let you pass at junctions etc. In London I get people trying to kill me.
What's in your guitar rack?
2005 Maverick X1 D-Tox, and the loudest amp I could afford for under a grand.
- New around here