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Ross Livingstone

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  1. Thanks for the reply, but not sure if the diagrams are similar.
  2. Thanks for the offer Nick but its just the wiring that's giving me a problem at the moment. I've completed most of the bike with just the electrics to finish but have now found cables around the lighting circuit with no obvious home and the harness I have does not match the Clymer manual diagram. Anything you can copy around this area, eg the voltage regulator under the tank etc would be great. Thanks again for your help, Ross
  3. Thanks Nick, I've sent you a message with my email address. Ross
  4. I am currently restoring a 1982 XT250 and need a good wiring diagram to finish the electrics. I do have a Clymer manual which includes various diagrams but these are not really clear enough. Can anyone help, Thanks, Ross