Everything posted by garysb
Thundercat fuel problem?
All fixed,it was just a stuck float level in one of the carbs,thought i would post this just in case anyone else gets the same problem cheers
Thundercat fuel problem?
Hi everyone small problem with the Tcat,bike was stood for only about a month but now when striking up it runs but misses,so took for a run and at high speed (80 +) runs smoothly,have changed plugs and air filter and now thinking of striping carbs unless any one has any other ideas. cheers
thundercat suspension setup
Has anyone out there got themselves a good setup for the cat, i use my cat for comute plus like the odd blast around, any info would be appreciated, many thanks
tax in post
Thanks for all the info guys Cheers
tax in post
Sorry to appear a bit thick, but just renewed my tax disc online and would like to know if i can ride till new one arrives as old one ran out 3 months ago and was sorn'd. Cheers
thundercat suspension setup
Thanks Wayno for the info,i've got all standard tyres on 120/60 front 160/60 rear, i thought about changing profile just didn't know what that would do to the handling its somthing for me to check Cheers
thundercat suspension setup
Hi guys i seem to runout of tread on my front tyre before the rear is this right,cos i thought it should be the other way around, a friend said my suspension setup is out,has anybody got any ideas Cheers
thundercat tyres
Thanks for the info SB will check them out, don't mind if they cost bit extra for peace of mind... Cheers
thundercat tyres
Hi guys Its time to change tyres and fancy a change from the standard dunlops cos they seem to be a bit too soft and wear out to quick,so i was thinking of a set of them dual compound and wonder if anyone has any good recomendations thanks
thundercat exhaust
Hi guys can anybody tell me which make would give me a boost in performance