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Everything posted by cterror

  1. cterror replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    rode a friends KTM LC4 620cc s-moto. avesome!... been bitten by the dirt/s-moto fly ever since. if i just could afford another bike :?
  2. cterror replied to Pete's post in a topic in Naked
    if they make anything slightly even resembling an enduro with an yam engine, ill buy one. perhaps even two
  3. cterror replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in General
    since i dont have a clue about prices on your iseland, im just going to put something that could be done here. actually we have about double the prices of germany so that should give an rough idea why im putting these in.... touring: XJ600 (cheapest available) or an gsx750es(83-85) sports: RD350/TZR250/aprilia 125. cant get really anything here with the thou if licenceplate is needed. commuting: ... im begginning to lose options here.... old gpz550´s could perhaps be bought to that price. offroad: KTM GS250 ... aarrggghhh.... Too few pound´s to buy bikes..... there really is an 1500£ limit for working bikes in Finnland. under that and ..... off to the repairshop.
  4. cterror replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in General
    jeah. remoulds they are. but when you burnout with them its just the usual kinda grayishblue smoke. although there will be yellow/blue or red skidmarks in the tarmak
  5. cterror replied to JonRisby's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    looking good! just add some smoothbore carb, some nasty carbonreeds and a nice pair of supermoto wheels and let the good times roll i´ve actually played with the idea of buying an 125cc dirtbike with supermoto rims. it would be a nice toy to run in town. a DT would do fine with some mild tuning.
  6. cterror replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in General
    the carbonfibre and other rare materials that they use can be a bit more unrelyable than the stock ones . not to say that i wouldnt take one carbon tank if someone offered
  7. cterror replied to DT_125R's post in a topic in General
  8. cterror replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    I dont know excactly which test you mean but in some tests it has been the gsxr - srad 97 which they have tested against the 93 design yzf.
  9. cterror replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    not at all. congrats on an finely done bike!!
  10. cterror replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    once i get my engine re-done with the 1040 wis kit (which i ordered yesterday) i just have to try it on the 1/4mile . A friend of mine has been all over me with drag racing as he races an "stock" zx6r -00. he has kitted the bike quite well under the winter as it pulled an linear dynocurve with 121hp uncorrected at rearwheel last week. oh well... ill just have to have my yzf up to 140+bhp ... thats easy ... not *lol* and to Davec: you really do not see many of the yzf´s on the road. which i think is nice
  11. cterror replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    my yzf750sp with fzr1000 -95 engine did 159mph/258km/h last summer. 15/43 sprockets. measured with an quite accurate sigma bc800 type cyclecomputer. rpms 11600... well out of maxpower (10500rpm)
  12. cterror replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    you are absolutely right! its allways a pleasure to look at pictures of a Winner!
  13. cterror replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    whoohoo!!!... talk about engine swap! I did shoehorn an suzuki RM80 engine in an 50cc suzuki PV moped when I was 15 but this is something else. those 500cc´s do create HUGE amounts of power. Perhaps i should introduce this to my friend who has an aprilia 125 frame with an rd350ypvs engine in it. he races trackdays with it but is allways complaning that he cant keep up with the R-6/cbr600 boys the aprilia with yam rd350 engine and tz250 fairing
  14. cterror replied to R1JAN's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    heres mine. yzf 750 sp -93.
  15. cterror replied to alpine-star's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    o boy. this post i have to show my missus. perhaps she´d let me consider buying a few more
  16. cterror replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    auh... well the good thing is that you can buy another one laiter on the summer and have a good deal for it. wish you luck with selling your bike and hope that youll get an new one as soon as possible
  17. cterror replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    sorry but still no good pics. Karban took this with his cellularphonecam. still shaitloads of things to do... :? http://predator.bikepics.com/pics/yamaha-y...pics-131956.jpg
  18. cterror replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Really nice to hear that your bike finally gets where it should be!! as for the german ebay, i´ve been buying everything there for a few years. Just got an full 750 exup exhaustpipe for 40€ + 28€ freight. not bad. And my new R6 seat came for 20,50€, R1 full racefairing for 195€ so they do have quite tempting bargains there. Still missing R1 headlights and a nice set of Keihin FCR´s
  19. cterror replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    damn it´s allways a pleasure to see an racebike of the past well maintaned with all original kit-parts. i hope to once own an -99 R-7 with ALL THE KIT-PARTS! just a dream that i´d like to claim one day Yeah if only i had £15k! :shock:
  20. cterror replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    oorait. bathroom cleared out (actually a few tiles still but quite there). I finally got some time to try out the r1 fairings and man did it take time and some heavy grinding to get them into place. It seems that all race fairings are the same :? a few beers and time alone in the garage with the grinder did the trick and the fairing now sits in place. ill trye to explain everything that needed to be done before they sat in place. roughly same things will be needed to be done if someone plans to go the "R-7 way" ill post some new pics when i get an digicam to the garage. hopefully this weekend.
  21. cterror replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    alex there is at least one yzf 750 frame for sale at ebaymotors.de at the time. if you havnt tried tze zjermanz you should try there at once!
  22. cterror replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Uh.. hope noone has answered this yet but it is the yamaha-racing kit swingarm that you could once buy. so it´s not the org SP swing... (hope my SP was kitted but nooo)
  23. cterror replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    sorry guys i havent gotten the time to take any as of yet... been busy as hell at work and just finishing my new bathroom ... my missus said i dont have any access to garage before its done! :oops:
  24. cterror replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    U just have to love that pic... drooolll... ill post some pics of my bike as soon as i get the fairings in place. i can also take a few of the rear assy so youll all see how things fit to place.
  25. cterror replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    i knew that the r-7 fairings would have been quite easy to fit but i had a few reasons for going to r-1. the first thing is the actual fairing... i got the r-1 race fairing for 175 eur (new fairing, never painted -99modell) from e-bay.de. the r-7 fairing would have costed double at least from sebimoto. second problem is the headlight assy. you can find used r-1 headlights for 150eur but the only place that sells r-7 lights is yamaha corporation orginals and sharkskinz.... 390eur =///. third is the windshield, again r-1 available in all shapes and colours for little if used. r-7 windshields cant be found in colour, or i havnt at least found them. r-6 rear was easy. sp model yzf has an removable rear assy.. dont know if other yzfs also have removable. i just took the original away and welded an new to fit in old mounts and the slim r-6 design. the r-1 rear is quite alike so the fitting should go as mine... i like the r-6 better but thats an personal oppinion. i also got an rear seat by this, although i prefer my ride as singleplace only.... no women aloud... njähä