Everything posted by rasme360
yamaha 360 paint?
well, i have a pair of NOS headlight stays for this bike....hopefully the paint shop can match some paint up from these. however, i had a pair of headlight stays (NOS) for my 72' DT250 also, but the paint that they mixed really wasn't a very good match, so i was hoping to find the "original recipe" LOL i suppose as long as it is pretty close, it will work. even if i have to paint another pair of headlight stays to use instead of the NOS ones. right now i have the engine on the bench, rebuilding it (including the bottom end) and i have started putting the chasis back together. does anyone know where i can find a set of crankshaft oil seals for this bike? i'm having trouble locating a set........thanks, rick
yamaha 360 paint?
i am restoring a 1973 RT3 360 yamaha enduro. my question is this, does anyone know where i can find a close match for the original paint? (baja brown) thanks for any info.....rick
my new 82' yz125
i just bought a 1982 yz 125......this bike is unrestored mint. the original owner bought it in 82' and rode about 3hours, and stored in since then. it hasn't been fired since 83'. it is in perfect shape, and i'm flushing the cooling system and cleaning the carb before i fire it up. the only problem is that the gas tank got tired and brittle, and has a big crack in it. does anyone know where i could find a really nice original tank to replace it with? thanks, rick
help! DT250 runs like crap
this bike still has the oil injection system in play....works fine, so no pre-mix. i adjusted the oil injection per clymers. the bike does smoke quite a bit, so i guess it could be getting too much oil. yes, i let the bike warm up, and then take choke off. doesn't seem to matter, still runs like crap.
help! DT250 runs like crap
i pulled the spark plug again last night.....it actually looks more "oil fouled" than anything. this is a brand new plug, and maybe a mile of riding(it runs so poorly that i don't even ride it) but the plug is entirely black, no clean burn areas, and carboned slightly everywhere..... i did check the fuel flow from tank again, trust me, there is NO PROBLEM there. i flowed fuel all over my hot drop light under the bike. LOL (i thought i had the fuel shut off, but was in reserve position instead) surprised i didn't burn my garage down!! anyway, does anyone know how to check the timing on these bikes? i was told you have to pull the head, and use a dial indicator or something like that......... thanks again, rick
help! DT250 runs like crap
well, fuel flow from tank is good, and i have a new in-line fuel filter already in place. you said timing is easy to check, can you talk me through this procedure??? i completely re-built this bike, but took it to the local corner shop to have the points put in and timed. (someone told me it was complicated) someone else told me that if the crankshaft seals were bad, it would run very poorly also. i never got into the bottom end of this engine. could this be a possibility? i have played with each and every setting on the carb rod. seemed to make very little difference. thanks everyone for responses.......rick
help! DT250 runs like crap
i would say the spark plug is saying....."too lean you idiot" LOL but does that mean timing, fuel, what? thanks, rick
help! DT250 runs like crap
hey everyone, i just found this site! i have several early 70's enduros. i just finished a total restoration on a 72' dt 250. but i can't get the dang thing to run for crap. new top end, new clutch, new points, and set timing. rebuilt carb, good clean fuel source.........but it won't hardly get outta its own way. starts and idles nicely, but under a load it craps out, no power, and misses when gaining rpm's. any ideas? could the original exhaust pipe be plugged? could the timing be off even though it starts and idles nicely? after it warms up, it starts pinging real loud and seems to get hot pretty quickly.....anyway, i'm just frustrated, the bike is beautiful, but not much fun to ride. any help would be appreciated. thanks, rick