Everything posted by SRXy
Total Electric Death SRX400
Thanks....Well it's back at my place today and it seems ok, took it for a quick spin around the block and did'nt have much of a problem.....I'll take it for a ride tonight and see what happens. Hold thumbs!!!
Total Electric Death SRX400
thanks....I've run through a lot of the wiring and had a mechanic mate of mine bass through the rest ands run a few tests. no luck!!! My old mans a spark-head so I had a few words with him and he reckons could have been a dead short within the battery.....maybe it's best if I go grab myself a new one
Total Electric Death SRX400
After finally getting the carb sorted out on my SRX 400 (1992), i took it for a ride last night and the clutch started playing up. I would get stuck in neutral after I had stopped the bike. That's a recurring issue I'm having that I just can't seem to sort out....If I fiddle with the clutch screw (on the handle bar) I manage to get it to work....that's another story though. Anyway after getting the clutch to work, I decide to fire her up, nothing happens...after I do that the starter motor keep turning over, but in a slow sick way, chug chug....I pressed the kill switch and the starter motor continues it slow turning over!!!!! NOW I STRESS (I used to own a Renault R10 which nearly went up in flames after doing a similar thing!!! I turned off the bike with the key, got off the bike, take of the seat and go to grab my tool set by the back light and someone has nicked it!!!! bloody bike shop that did my carbs has kindly lifted my tool set....anyway I was about 1/3 mile from home so I start running back to fetch some tools. When I get back my bike (thank god) is still there and not a roaring inferno. Anyway took off the battery and called some mates to give me a hand. The battery was BLOODY hot.....we put it back in and nothing, checked the battery and it was totally dead (about 0.5 volts!!!) I wheeled it back home and got it to fire up from a running start and it ran fine. I charged the battery last night and she started up fine this morning, no hassles...idling like she was brand-new.... Any ideas..I'm taking it to an autoelectrician 'cos I'm nervous now about gettting my ass burned off from a short...
....mmm maybe a burnout on their hands would make them think twice about 'borrowing' other peoples stuff......
Petrol/Oil leak?
thanks yamguru.... I had some bike guys strip it and check it out for me today. the problem apparently is that the pilot jet is a bit stuffed. So I have to get a new one.....which will take 2 - 3 weeks because it has to be ordered in from Japan. Nobody in SA has the part. So I'll have to wait a bit All I want to do is ride.....
Petrol/Oil leak?
mmmm...The float part I'm sure is the fuel problem...Japanese fuel seems to be really rubbish and the carbs all seem to be coated with a green gunge which is unpleasant to clean. I'm putting in a fuel filter, to try stop any further residue from the tank getting into my carb. How do you get too much oil in the crankcase?
Petrol/Oil leak?
My bike started to leak petrol when it had been running for a bit. The petrol came out of a hole just in front of the carb and behind the air filter. Any ideas what it could be? Another issue is that when I was pushing the bike onto the trailer to go get the petrol leak sorted it was leaking only oil out the same overflow hole!!!! It seems what looked like a petrol leak when the engine was warm was actually a mixture of oil and petrol?!? I'm a bit confused as to how the two could get mixed up and come out the same overflow? I'm new to bikes and would appreciate any help.
Unleaded or unleaded
I would hope so!!!! I'm not betting on it though. The real problem is that most of the cars is SA use leaded petrol, particularly the taxi's which serve as transport for ~60% of the population who can't afford a car or a bike. So I guess this will force them to find a solution.
Unleaded or unleaded
Thanks a lot everybody......My bike's a '92 model so it seems as if it wil be ok. I'll post some pics as soon as it's back from it's service. Had to give the carb a good clean out, put in a fuel filter, put new tires on and new fork seals. The bike seems to have been standing for a while......I think the previous owner went onto something more substantial. Anyway..I keep in touch.
Unleaded or unleaded
oops...Topic should be leaded or unleaded I live in South Africa and we are facing new laws which prohibit the sale of leaded petrol. I'm wondering what effect this will have on my bike. I'm recently purchased a SRX400, and can't seem to find out if it uses leaded or unleaded petrol..... What would happen if I used unleaded petrol in a bike that used leaded petrol and vice versa? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
SRX400 Questions
Hi I have recently bought a '92 SRX400. I was wondering if anybody out there has had one/still has one and what are the issues they have come across. Are there any things i should look out for? This is my first bike so i'm pretty clueless :?: Looking 4ward to any help you guys and gals can give
My SRX400
I have just bought a silver SRX400 (90's model). It's due to arrive middle of next month. I was just wondering how your SRx has behaved so far? :?: