Doninington Park - Moto GP
i will be there for race day mate! Cant do the rest of the weekend!
Draggin Jeans
If your gonna get a pair I would do it now! I just ordered a pair for me, got free knee armour thown in! I also shelled out a couple of quid for some Hip armour! Ive only had one spill (so far ) and my hip got the most bruises so I thought it would be a good idea!! I'm also going to get the Zip Belt attachment so i can zip my jeans to my jacket! more protection the better! From what i can find out about them there worth their money!
Tank 'n' tail bags!?!
Hey ladies and gents, I'm after a decent tail n tank bag. Looking to spend about 40ish. I will use it on the back end mostly and switch it when i take my missus out for a blast. Was just wondering which ones are good and who rates what?! And of course what to avoid!? Cheers Dj
belly pan decals
If you know what ones you want my boss has a vinyl shop and has pretty much every bike decal available! Let me know what you want and I will let you know how much!
R6 06 fairings for sale
If you need decals I can get them at a very very good price!! If you need them drop me a pm!
What's your R6 MPG?!?
I try and only use the good stuff but I live in a little village and its a 40 minute round trip just to get to garage that has it! By the time I get there and back I need to re fuel!! lol! As much as I would love to keep goin there and back (some really nice roads!! ) Its a little expensive and impracticable !
Finally got my new exhaust!
It is removable but of course its not!!! I would only ever dream of removing that on track days!!
Which one??? Which one???? Ecxhaust!??!?!?
Just thought I would keep everyone in the loop, so to speak. I finally settled on the beowulf! Looks good and sounds mint! I wanted the Akro but the cost was high and I just love the "tri" oval shape!
Finally got my new exhaust!
Not so embarrassed now! lol!
- 2003 R6
- NEC 2008
Law On Motorbikes?
You can do your CBT and be restricted to a 125cc, but not to sure wot bhp. But its not much. If you do your normal test your restricted to 33bhp, regardless of the size of the bike for 2 years. Or you can do a direct access and ride anything. (I dont think you can do this under 21 though?!) I think thats about right. Your best bet is look on the DVLA website. Its all there!
- NEC 2008
Which one??? Which one???? Ecxhaust!??!?!?
Booked my tickets for MCN Yesterday, all being well I will get a bargain from there! lol!
Only been riding a few months but inherited a few bits from my father in law! (What a star!!!) I bought myself a Dianesse two piece set thats incredibly comfortable and snug! And my Dianesse back protector. (Feels like a giant hug! ) For my feet I have a pair off Sidi Vertigo's!! Bloody Mint! Hands - Alpinestar Sp2 Head - Shark S600 Air barros And a neck scarf. For the winter I use some off my inherited bits, I use my long johns, take the edge off, with my leather trousers. And depending on the weather a pair off jeans or combats to take the edge off. Or I got a set off Sidi Waterproofs. Top half, I use a t shirt, a long sleeve t shirt, my "Giant Hug"! Another hoody or top, and then my Dianesse Gore-tex jacket with liner. The only thing I need is a decent pair off winter gloves! Oh, and just in case I got a spare pair off boots, two spare pairs of gloves, and a spare pair off Dianesse Leathers! (Cheers Dad! lol!)
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