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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew replied to Stew's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Yep, thats Dean alright, well recognised. =D> His pub is going okay I believe, have only been a few times myself, but he says its picking up slowly but surely.
  2. Stew replied to Stew's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    You mean like this..... (this isn't me though).
  3. Stew replied to Stew's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Aye, still at it. This next one is on a honda though :oops: (its the girlfriends bike). http://crotchrockets.escapethewomb.com/tra...ay/IMG_3561.jpg
  4. Stew posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Well here it is... It would look better with more images and if I spent a bit more time on it.
  5. Stew replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Yeah I know its in this years top 50 used bikes guide, this is based on RiDEs own opinions whereas after they have compiled all the info from the rider power survey they will release a kind of chart listings for a massive list of bikes that are mentioned within the responses from Rider power. As for the YZF750 coming out on top last time, I remember that too, although I think a lot of it is down to the individual bike they are given for the review, this time their review bike had an aftermarket exhaust system without the EXUP etc and last time it was based on '10 year old 750's' so the older gsxr may have been down on power compared with this review. 125bhp is the figure yamaha quoted at the time of release for the YZF, probably the SP version crank figure too. :roll:
  6. Stew replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Last year I filled in a rider power form from the magazine (you can do it online now https://www.riderpower.com/index.asp ). Since then I have had emails asking opinions on things such as what I think of my exhaust system (I had a little snippet and a photo in last years rider power supplement) and was offered a test ride on a ZX10 but was unable to go. I forwarded the email to a mate of mine who was able to go and he got a test ride along with a bigger mention in the magazine. Last month I got an email asking questions about my bike, I filled in a litlle questionnaire and sent a picture and they stuck me in the magazine. You may aswell fill in the rider power survey and you can ignore anything you don't want to fill in that they ask you. If nothing else it might get the YZF750 into their top100 bikes list (the yzf750 wasn't in the list last year as not enough owners returned the survey).
  7. Stew replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Yeah, she did, lol. I still got to use it for a Cadwell trackday though when my YZF decided to not play.
  8. Stew replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Mine was tested at Elvington airstrip at a Straightliners drag event. I only did a couple of 'max-out' runs down the 1 and a half mile strip. First run was recorded at 147.6mph, second run at 151.1mph (that was showing 160mph on speedo though). Best 1/4 mile time was 11.68s @121mph, but my starts need plenty of practice.
  9. Stew replied to davec105's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    I have a 1994 YZF750, also has a K&N and a 15 tooth front sprocket.160mph is still possible on the speedo at redline in top gear (actually came out to be a real 151.1mph). Great bikes the YZF750s IMO. Did anyone else see in this months RiDE magazine the 'used 750cc superbikes' test they did? I got myself into the "I bought one" bit. :D/
  10. Stew replied to R1JAN's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Here's my YZF750R too.
  11. Stew replied to Stew's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    A lot of people say I make the NC30 look like a mini moto. As for my boots, yeah they still squeak a bit but they seem to be getting better. WD40 (or the oil that came with them) always works as a temporary measure but the rain seems to wash that away and they start to squeak again.
  12. Stew posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Okay, perhaps I shouldn't post in here as my first trackday didn't quite go to plan and I ended up riding my girlfriends honda around Cadwell instead of my previously trusty YZF750. The YZF decided that it didnt want to play on a track with me and came to an abrupt halt with electrical problems on the way there. The YZF is fixed again now and if I had found the dodgy wiring while I was at the side of the road I would have still used the yam. As it was I had to cram myself onto the little NC30. Still, a fantastic fun time was had, pictures here.... http://www.escapethewomb.com/~crotchrocket...s/trackday.html Wonder if the girlfriend will notice the slightly shorter right footpeg? :wink:
  13. Stew replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Could you take some pics as you are going? Make a kinda FAQ for all of us wanting to do something similar. :wink: Of course if you can't be arsed /don't want to, then don't bother.
  14. Stew replied to cterror's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    I would love to get an R7 fairing kit for my YZF750R. The plan is to one day buy an R7 race fairing and 'make' it fit. Possibly with endurance style headlights (as mentioned the R7 headlight assembly isn't easy to get hold of) and get it sprayed in virgin mobile colours just so that it matches my tank. Alternatively I could buy a 2nd hand tank and get an original R7 paint scheme just so people can recognise what it is supposed to be. R7's are such sexy bikes though aren't they. 8) Of course this is all plans for the future as I would have to stop riding my bike to undertake work of this kind. :roll:
  15. Stew replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    AFAIK, they dont still make em, but you can still buy them brand new somewhere in th UK. Think they are around the £6000 mark. Most people would go for a modern 600 for that kind of money though. :roll:
  16. Stew replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Recently the UK press has been giving these bikes some decent write ups as second hand bargains. The original problem was that the bike was released as a high spec 750, which would have been fantastic...... had the Fireblade not been released at approximately the same time at a lower price. Yamaha were just unlucky with their timing I guess. Still, I love mine and it does everything I need of it, kneedown, acceleration (11.6 second quarter mile at Straightliners, Elvington) and speed (151.1mph again Straightliners@ Elvington).
  17. Stew replied to Alex's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    I have a YZF750-R too. Also a 1994. Standard other than Akrapovic end can, braided hoses, K&N and Virgin Mobile Rep paintjob by Rapier Paints. Oh and downgeared by one tooth on the front sprocket. Click for larger image. Loads more pics on my website.