Everything posted by Woody1975
'75 xs500 carburetor issues
Hey Jeff, I had a similar problem with my 75 xs500, it was running fine then quickly was running bad, the idle was all over the place, it almost felt like something was sticking in the carby, had no low range power and was stalling a lot. The problem was point gaps, one was not really even opening, I regapped and shes running great! Hope this helps! Jon
XS500 Sump Removal
Sorry Ive taken so long to anwser! I left a bolt in (ahhhhhhhhh). Your advice to apply heat to remove fork seals ( a reply to someone elses inquiry) worked a treat!
75 Yamaha TX500 Starter Problem
Hi all, Would anyone know what might be going on here? I have been restoring the old girl for a few months now, but have only ever been able to kickstart. Starter would turn over very slowly regardless of battery charge. I pulled out starter motor, stripped, cleaned and reinstalled. All I get now is a frantic ticking from the solenoid. I'm not sure what to do now except replace both but for the cost of doing that in Australia I might just keep on kickstarting (although its a killer in 40 degree celcius heat!! (105F) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
XS500 Sump Removal
XS500 Sump Removal
Would anyone know why the sump refuses to come off my XS500? All 11 bolts are out, although both sump plugs are still in, plugs are trashed so I thought it would be easier to replace the sump. The mallet and screwdriver have been in use (aahhhhhh!!!!) although this is not what I expected! Any help greatly appreciated! Cheers, Woody
'75 XS500 only one cylinder firing
Hi all, Have had a problem getting my new project to fire on both cylinders. Starts reasonably easy (easy if warm) using kickstart, but starter motor turns slowly even with reasonable battery charge. Fuel system seems fine, it quickly starts spitting from cold pipe. Have changed plugs, switched leads and replaced coil to suspect side with no change. I've got a multimeter (not too sure on exactly how to test condenser or any other potential causes), the probem seems electrical? but any tips would be most appreciated! Check her out in the gallery if you like the oldies! Cheers, Woody1975
My TX500
Hi all, Here is my latest project, A 1975 TX500 (I belive thats an XS500 inthe US, Ihe bike has Australian compliance plates, date of manufacture 11/1975). She runs and starts quite well although gutless, not bad considering only one cylinder is firing! Are ther any 500 owners who have undertaken this project? $800 without seeing the bike - so far so good! Have sourced replacement camcase cover for cacked one, ebay seems to have the largest variety of parts and constantly changing stock - are there any other good sources for parts? Anyway, pics below of her homecoming!- How the *$#@ do I add a picture? Woody Have put pics in album!