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Everything posted by gethro

  1. I forgot about this thread,the bike was still playing up right up to christmas 09 ,the only way to get it to run right was by passing the air filter. I had it in the workshop and the guy cleaned the carb checked the float level,valves,plugs and everything and couldn't find a problem. He did wonder if me modding the air box had caused the problem so i changed the box back to a unmodding box,while doing so i checked the exhaust only to find an hole at the top or the exhaust which was leaking fumes by the airbox intake (under the seat) which i now believe was causing the problem I have plugged the hole and the bike rides fine but it is off the road at the moment as my CBT and insurance ran out,mot is due next week so it will be back on the road soon .
  2. Hi i bought a replacement front sproket and chain on ebay last year for £1 the seller lived local so i collected it,i put the bike in for repairs as i had running problems,the garage told me i needed to change the front sproket before the MOT as it was badly worn,luckily the one i had bought was the same as mine (05 plate) so keep an eye on ebay as it worth buying just in case.
  3. Hi Just got another carb from france,fitted it and the stupid bike still splutters with the filter fitted,just to be sure i have changed the CDI unit and Voltage regulator but it hasnt made any difference. I am now going to stick it in the garage before i hit it with a big stick Update i think there might be something blocking the airway the airbox intake is under the seat so i rode it without the seat and it pulled fine (dam uncomfortable),i have now put a row of bolts in the bracket under the seat to raise it up a couple of mill and cut out a lip on the front of the airbox beside the battery which should increase the air flow and it pulled with out juddering, i think it's still lacking a bit of power so i will look to increase the air flow a bit more ( or lose a bit of weight).
  4. that was one of the first things i thought ,so i ran a wire from the snorkel up through the air box and it comes out under the seat when i decided to fit the air filter straight on to the carb i stripped the air box down and still didn't find a mouse
  5. Any one looking for a replacement exhaust just need to do a search on ebay and change the search options to search worldwide not the UK . There are plenty for sale outside of the uk (germany + france)and the postage isn't that expensive.
  6. Hi My first thought was the ignition so i changed the plug,this made no difference,i cleaned the tank + petrol tap ,then adjusted the valve's ,none of this made a difference but when the bike had no foam filter and no filter case cover fitted it ran fine. I tried it with the case cover on but no filter and it still chugged which made me think the problem was the carb so i stripped it down and cleaned it several times but it still wouldn't run with out chugging. I then adjusted the float and tried it with the filter and cover on and it ran without chugging but no power (wouldn't go over 40) i then took the cover and filter out and it ran fine. I then fitted a foam filter direct to the carb,so it was sucking filtered air straight in not via the box and snorkel and it ran fine but a bit loud (no box to dampen the noise) I then tried several different size jets but none would work with the original filter and cover on (would run but no power) the problem is i cannot find anyone selling the original Teikei 134 jets ,so i have to try to get a compatable jet and the only one i can find which fits the holder are Mikuni jets but apparently they are 2 sizes smaller,i have tried a 132.5 and a 130 (they go up in 2.5)but it still struggles. I think my only option is to run the bike like it is and wait for a carb for sell on ebay.I have my eye on a cdi unit just in case the problem is still electrical and will let you know how it works out. Oldgitonabike thanks for your help
  7. Surely if the bike runs fine without the air filter the mixture must be better which in my mind means that with the standard filter on (less air flow) the bike will not run properly so there is too much fuel to air (i expect i am thinking wrong) As above surely if i put in a bigger jet the bike will get more fuel and bog down more ? if it's not getting enouth air now will it be better with a bigger jet (it runs fine with the mod but i want to get it to run with the original filter) I have done the plug and gap,but why will the bike run fine without the air filter or with the mod i did with a foam filter fitted straight onto the carb if the fault is else where. Is my thinking wrong somewhere ?
  8. Right i am now trying to rejet the carb as it's getting too much fuel.I could leave it like it is but it's too loud ,i cannot get Teikei jets anywhere but did read that Mikuni jets fit but there might be a difference in hole size ( anyone know about this ) i have tried a Mikuni 130 (original Teikei 134) the bike runs but not very fast with no acceleration at the top end so i am assuming not enouth fuel getting through,the next size i can see is 132.5 but no 134. Any other ideal.
  9. Iv'e took apart the air box and have fitted a foam air filter straight onto the tube from the carb and it works ( its a bit louder but no more chugging,i now have to fit a crank breather as that ends in the old airbox. Im not sure what this has done to the fuel consumption but i assume i will use more fuel but at least i will have my bike back
  10. I had to take it apart again as it still isn't pulling right,i have reset the float again but it still pulls better without the air filter. I am going to try a aftermarket cone air filter to see if that evens up the over fueling,any recomendations ? Can you get replacement jets for this carb as i cannot find any on the web,will a carb from a TW200 improve the performance ?
  11. Seals and everything fine and i have had some success i have adjusted the float level and the bike runs a lot better now but i have also snapped off one of the legs the float pins sit in ,i have use chemical metal to stick it back together and so far all it holding it together and the bike is running fine (upto the last bit of throttle anyway) So i will get another carb asap but at least i can still ride the bike to work for the moment I don't want to take it apart again incase i break the leg again. Thanks to everyone who gave advice of what the problem could be
  12. hi Its been running fine up to a couple of weeks ago when on the way home from work it started struggling and it still struggles with the air box on without the filter. I must have the cleanest carb on a TW anywhere,i have cleaned it 3 times (3 tins of carb cleaner ) just in case i missed something so i will give up on that,i will check the seal tomorrow and check for other air leaks. (fingers crossed )
  13. Getting desperate now,the suns shining and im stuck in the car Iv'e done the valves,drained the tank and flushed it out,refilled with new petrol and checked the fuel tap and it still splutters. If i leave the cover and the foam filter out it's noisy but rides fine,if i put the cover back on without the filter it still splutters so it can't be getting enouth air is that right or when the filter and covers back on is it not enouth fuel The local bike shop is busy and can't look at it for at least 1 week so what do i try next
  14. Done the filter again and it still splutters,could the valve clearance affect the performance i cleaned the carb again and can't find anything wrong with it,the fuel is flowing fine out of the pet tap ,iv'e replaced the throttle cables as i noticed they were starting to fray. Ive spoke to a couple of mechanics,the first said i need to replace the filter as i shouldn't had washed it in petrol,the next one said thats rubbish as long as i spray it with a light oil (3 in 1 type )after cleaning it it will be fine. I think i will try the valve clearance tomorrow and see if that makes any difference,any other ideals ...........
  15. Hi Nope it the foam type,iv'e cleaned it in petrol and reoiled it but it still splutters
  16. Update Ive stripped and cleaned the carb but it's still spluttering,i rode it with the air filter and cover missing and it went fine is the mixture wrong ? Help
  17. Hi All Last week my TW125 started to misfire and i can't find out why,i have changed the plug,cleaned all the wiring and sprayed all the connections with WD40 to make sure there are no wet connections,I have checked the HT lead and it looks fine. Is there anything else i should check before i strip down and clean the carb . it feels like the bike is not pulling up to top speed with the throttle open and splutters a lot. HELP
  18. It's not all about speed ..........but it helps i read on ebay that someone drilled the exhaust at the end to let the gasses out to improve performance but don't know if that helped ? aftermarket exhaust seems to be the only option fot the TW125. I would had thought there was some way of changing the gearing as 5th is useless,unless you are going down hill you lose speed
  19. Steady 55mph .downhill up to 70 mph
  20. Yep Mine isn't too bad to get to 50 then its slow up to 55,downhill i have had it up to 70 and if the road was longer it would had been more.............
  21. Hi i never ended up buying one cost toooo much money £400 +
  22. I have found this site before but couldn't understand it,thanks for the translation,the aftermarket exhausts look cool i have to get my tw125 MOTed next week so i might replace the exhaust after that especially if it increases the top speed ....
  23. There was a TW125 for sale on ebay last week with a aftermarket exhaust fitted,i emailed the seller asking if it made any difference in performance but she said she bought the bike with the exhaust fitted so she didn't know.