Everything posted by sumncguy
Outta banks for the wounded troops
Anyone from the Hillsborough NC or near by heading to the Outerbanks http://www.outerbanksbikerally.com/ in support of our wounded brothers and sisters ? Weather permitting. Ill be leaving the RTP area around 12pm on the 25 of April. I will need to return on Am of the 26th. Drop me a line if anyone wants to ride out together. Regards Chris
Yo VStar 1300 guys and gals ya out thar ?
Very quiet 1300 owners ... is there not many of us ?
Ronald McDonald Run Triangle Cycles Durham NC
Ronald McDonald House Toy Run 12/15/2007 - 12/15/2007 Triangle Cycles-Durham will be collecting new toys for the Ronald McDonald House on Saturday, December 15th. A new toy is your entrance fee. Join us after the ride for a Pig Pickin' and a visit from Santa himself.
rtp area North Carolina residents Unite
http://www.notollson540.org/ Pass it alont
I have loads of gear and it depends on the ride Im going to take Commuting any season ... Im fully covered. Full face, Tour master Flex armored jacket with Rockgardn chest and back proctector, full fingered Alpinester (<-spelling ?) armored gloves, First Gear overpants with armor. Winter time commuting -- add Tourmaster heated Jacket liner and gloves and the winter liner for the First Gear overpants. Lightweight and comfortable and very very toasty warm. Winter time ride - I may not use the chest and back protector. Summer time ride - will remove the First Gear winter liner from the overpants and all liners and panels from the Tour Master Flex. On the bottom half Ill use either the Bohn armor adventure shorts or the Bohn Armor cool air pant under the overpant or jeans respectively. Up top I'll usually just where the Tour master flex jacket and gloves. For the night time commute I carry one of those crossing guard belts so that these knuckleheads dont rear end me on the dark interstates of central NC.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
WHoa guys and gals !!! As I mentioned in some other posts, Im coming from 06 Sporty 883 Standard to the Vstar 1300 Touring. I can agree with the cost. Harley is more expensive no matter whether you look at sales, service, accessories or apparel. That is probably the main reason I shopped other manufacturers. The second is that the maintenance and preferred customer package they sold was not exactly as the sales pitch claimed. As for the bikes reliability. This was also an area of concern. The stage one was for the most part mandatory to correct a spitting and sputtering carb, I had to have the voltage regulator replaced at least 4 times and had intermittent engine and electrical idiot lights and the spedo sensor went leaving me stuck on the side of the road. This incident showed service issues. I was told that the spedo sensor "wasnt in the country" I figured Id call around to see if I could find one. First call was a hit. The stealer outright lied. Actually the people of Harley are pretty friendly and I have met people from all walks of life low, middle and upper class. The social environment and people are great. If one dealer doesn't have anything going on this weekend, another local dealer does. Ok so thats the story with the Harley .. Its true that the cost of the 1300 T was alot lower compared to the Harley equivalent, the service contract, gap, maintenance plan and extended servcie plan were cheaper. Although the preferred customer Harley plan covered maintenaced form the handle bars to the rubber and rims, yammys dont cover "wearables." I had to push HD for the tires but I got them. So .. the yammys reliability (so far). Ive owned the bike since 10/3 and have 3k on it. There are issues. The clunk, the clutch and the throttle all have issues common to many 1300s. Only the throttle has been reported to the dealer and the "stickiness" was adjusted out a bit. Other issues popped up since the last visit. Ill let you know how it goes. A few things I can say are .. the battery cover isnt contantly falling off and so far I dont need to spend a grand on stage one. I bought engine guards, Luggage rack, Side bag rails and racs for 633 bucks Yammy OEM. Harleys engine guards cost me over 3 bills alone. At least for the first service, the bike went in in the morning, I picked it up the same afternoon. While things look good right now, I cant say that the bike is trouble free. Yammys people and culture - Theres a Harley comradry that I haven't yet experienced in the metric world. I registered at 3 boards all of which are extremely quiet. Ive had weekends free where I could ride and couldn't find a ride, run, rally or show. I do realize that late fall and winter are always quiet ..but the Harley dealers still have things going on. http://rayprice.com/raypricecgi/eventcalen...ventCalendar.pl for example. I have joined the Starriders group so we'll see. I can make the same comparisons to the Chevy, Ford and Dodge pickups Ive owned. Point is one manufacturer isnt any better or worse then the other. The all have problems. It just so happens that assholes who start threads like this have a sole purpose of starting crap, hate and discontent. When the fact is who cares what you ride. We are all brothers and sisters who have a common yearning for that wind in our face and the vibrating rumble under our feet. As for the original thread starter .. Shut up man !
Cheapest Yammy OEM Accessories
http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com has the cheapest OEM parts that I can find. Someone on one of the Yammy boards turned me on to this site so I figured I spread the info. Engine Guards 143.52 Bag Guards 217.52 trim rails 159.06 Lugg rack 113.18 Ordered the parts today. Should be here within two weeks, Ill let you guys know if they stick to the estimated shipping time. Regards
2007 V Star 1300
I dont know man .... I have been looking around and dont come up with too much for this bike thats reasonable. If you do get the Yamaha performance exhaust, the cheapest I found it was at shspowersports.com http://www.shspowersports.com/eshopprod_ca...ON_LONG_DRA.htm Just curious ... willing to live with the maintenance now ? Is kinda high, huh?
Shifting the Vstar 1300
Yes. I meant tall ... Yes Vstar1300 ... sometimes I find myself surfing gears if Im behind someone doing lets say 55 .. to low a speed for 5th but too high a speed for 4th. So I just compensate a bit with the throttle. Cornering is also been a learning experience. Lugging at 15/20 around a corner in second, downshifting to first just doesnt feel nice ... ... and who is complaining, I am making an observation and comparison. Sheez
advice for new rider in damp cold weather
make sure the tire pressure is right ... tires loose alot of pressure during the cooler months. Also invest in the Ride like a pro dvd and go to a MSF course if you havent already. Do you remember if you were looking up, around into the curve ?
Rolling On my 1300
Im coming off a 2006 Sportser 883. I noticed a throttle issue right away. The yammy dealer found that the windshied was kinking the throttle cables and free play needed to be adjusted. Im still learning how to corner on this bike. Used to be in 2nd on the sporty .. doesnt work here lotsa lugging .. in fact I can ride along at 55 in 4th and the bike isnt screaming. Another fact is that if I try to shift to 5th before being at, at least 62, I lug it. Now its gud ... it still will take a while to get used to the FI throttle response. Chris
2007 V-Star Forum
Naaaa ...no buffering for me. I am finding it hard to get used to the gear ratios compared to what Im used to on the Sporty. I did here and feel a vibration the other day when in the friction zone. Ill mention this when it goes in next at 4k ... already have 1300 miles in 2 weeks ownership. One other thing I dont like is that my overpant keeps getting stuck on the exhaust cover. When commuting, I go full dress, Armored riding pants, chest and back protector in addition to my armored gloves and jacket. Anyone commuting on I-40 in the rtp area of NC knows what Im talking about. Anyway, my pants keep getting hooked on the exahaust. The position of the ignition could be a little higher. I find myself messing around with the key change to get the key in and out. Thats all the bad stuff. The good stuff definitely out weighs the bad. I have to keep an eye on my spedo. This dam bike hits 75, 80 in a heart beat. Dont need more tickets ... get enough of those driving the Hemi. Im not sure what your local dealers are offering. But I bought an maintenance plan for 999.00 for 3 years unlimited miles and all parts and labor is included, excluding tires and brake linings.
Shifting the Vstar 1300
These bikes must be geared real low. I have to check the owners manny ...I believe I saw a specs section. I can cruise down a country road in 4th at 60 and the bike humms along nicely. If I try to shift up to 5th at 55 ... lugging city man .... On my Sporty, no matter what the situation, 2nd turning at stop signs or into a driveway etc etc. Here Im lugging in 2nd on slow manuver turns. Any other 1300 rider out there have comments ?
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
ps and sorry for the dub post Mine did not leak oil.
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
I just came over from Harley. Had an 06 Sportser 883. I put 16,638 on it in 14 months. Lots of troubled areas. ... AND by no means should anyone be telling anyone else to stay off the road with the "real bikes". mandatory stage 1 ($1000 bucks - rejet carb, new air cleaner and exhaust and labor) plastic batter clips suck cause the battery cover to fall off onto the highway while your riding faulty voltage regulator *tsb on this one/3 or 4 installed on mine check engine and battery idiot light intermittent and experienced dealer couldnt resolve. Spedo sensor went ... you Harley riders may be able to bull crap these guys who have never owned one, but you aint gonna bull crap me. Your simply paying for the name and the image .... as mentioned on other threads .. more and more are realizing this and thats why Harley is closing 4 plants without pay in November due to sagging sales. Hell, most if not all the parts on the Harley are jap now anyway !!!!!
2007 V-Star Forum
I just bought a 2007 V Star 1300 Tourer. I came over from a 06 Harley Sportster 883. True the valves have to be adjusted every 4 to 8k miles. However, at least as the 06 883 standard goes, Harley riders have very high cost maintenance schedules. The 04-06 883s have a carb problem that requires a Stage 1 upgrade to correct. The upgrade doesnt fix the issue completely. Occasionally, when one opens the throttle, the bike spits and sputters. That mod costs about $1000 with labor and is usually done within the first few months of ownership. The dealer is unable to tune this issue out. There are quality issues and service issues. Not that the Yammy wont have some of their own, but dont let those guys riding Harleys fool ya. Owning one is not a trouble, maintenance free endeavor. I had the bike for 14 months, service couldnt figure out why I was getting intermittent check engine and battery lights, the spedo sensor went, somewhere around 3 or 4 voltage regulators were replaced, the cheap plastic clips to hold the battery cover on fail which cause the cover to come loose and fall of while riding. The two nuts holding the exhaust nuts on kept loosening and falling off. Theres more. Harley guys will probably, no they will argue, but they are no better with respect to quality or service as any other manufacturer. You pay for the name. More and More people are realizing this. Thats why Harley is closing 4 plants for a week in November due to sagging sales.