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Live to ride Ride to live

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Everything posted by Live to ride Ride to live

  1. I have a mate who regularly oversizes his tyres, (Suzuki), front and back..dosnt seem to compromise his riding...if anything hes better because theres more rear rubber to go at and hes not riding off the edges of his tyre like he would on standard sizes. Ive seen a few people who do this and they say its ok and dosnt hamper the handling...personal choice maybe....dont know...My Xj900 is a 170..zzr 1260 is a 180...never needed to oversize...the only issues ive seen with oversizing is how much clearance there is or isnt on the swingarm and chain..once saw a tyre with one side melted off because the chain had been rubbing on it....unusual, but it does happen.. All I can say is try it with a normal tyre and the larger tyre and see.
  2. I have PMd you Handie. Balls in your court.....
  3. Oh dear me...please dont go down this route..thier really isnt any need for this type of reply...Goffs right..its one thing discussing the subject, as I was...my opinion...its another thing to have a go at other peoples bikes and then get personal. A lot of people on here are also on other forums...some as moderators etc...beware that your IP adress can be blocked from using such forums. We enjoy banter..thats part of biking and life in general, but having a go is not acceptable in any way shape or form. If I had taken it personally...you would know.(Id have sent you a personal message to tell you, you had stepped over the mark and a copy of the message would have been sent to the moderators. ) As for calling you names....where? You have no idea who I am or anybody else on here for that matter..so untill you meet us all and have got to know us...you cannot form an opinion on anybody. Youve such a lot to learn.
  4. Hey Handai....please tell me your story..you seem to be needing a release of some sort. Why do you come on giving people grief? Everybody on here has an interest in bikes and machines...Whats your interest? How old are you..... And if your on here to get a rise out of people...beware....moderators will kick you off!!! Myself...Im just interested in you as a character...having done psychology, i like to people watch either in person or online. Online..people create a different persona to what they really are. Come on ...talk sense instead of being silly. We are all adults here....
  5. Live to ride Ride to live replied to lukey's post in a topic in Naked
    See your point here. unfortunatly the police see it different, yes it does depend on which one you get.....You have no say on which policeperson is around the bend. I was stopped in Scotland 2 years ago on my YBR125 for having no front L plate on...they gave me an escort to the nearest garage, which was 25 miles away..I wouldnt mind but they left there blues on so it looked like I was escaping!!! it could have cost me loads, I would have had to leave the bike were it was, miles from civilisation, a fine and points, but all it did cost was just a new set of Ls and a ticking off. Its upto you, but I learned.....Trim it down a bit, that seems to be ok (although there is supposed to be the same white showing as red. And Shokz right with the riding...if your confident, peeps dont even give you a second glance...just dont do anything stupid. P
  6. Hmmmm.. is it using any more oil than usual? Smoking a lot? (thinking piston/ barrel wear) Check your brakes arnt binding on...thats a great one....faster you go, hotter they get, slower you go.... Throttle cable sticking or not threaded properly... Does it rev cleanly? After that lot im stumped.
  7. Live to ride Ride to live replied to handai's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Love the pic Goff....is it my brother from the fuel protest?
  8. FFS...Im choking and laughing all over the place...please behave...im struggling to contain myself......
  9. Live to ride Ride to live replied to handai's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sure... In fact il send you one you can send back....
  10. Hellllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo....lol.... Welcome to the site. I see what people are getting at here...R6 is a monster....turns into a nutter half way through its revs (correct me if im wrong peeps), and for a first bike ever...It may prove to be a little too powerfull...bike engines are nothing like cars....the R6 puts out the equivalent Bhp of a decent size family car approx 123 bhp (ok BIG family car)....but very very light...so you get a greater power to weight ratio..thus turning your bike into a ferrari....Even a 400 is still quick when you wind them up...they call these bikes screamers..cos they scream when you wind them up through the gears. But saying all this...you can still potter around on a 6....But be wary that your insurance will be high....To keep your insurance down ...aim for something not so sporty...unless you have deep pockets.... P
  11. Oh please.......
  12. Live to ride Ride to live replied to xcelr8's post in a topic in The Bar
    in your photo bucket account...u see all ur pics?....yes? ok under each pic is a different set of numbers etc...look for the IMG code (bottom one.....got it? ok....copy it now....when your typing your new post or reply...2nd little box along is a pic of a landscape...its small....when clicked it may say allow scripting temp...yes...then click again....if it didnt ask to allow scripting...good...a box will pop up asking for img code, paste into there...it should stick a line of gobbledegook in your message....try it and see....Itas wise to have your photobucket open at the same time using a 2nd net window http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk212/B.../Mailmepick.jpg ur img looks like this but with img at each end copy and paste the whole line into your message, it even works that way cos it has the img tags....
  13. Live to ride Ride to live replied to handai's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ok to answer your questions.....The guy who stuck a cat face on his bike IS me..(guess you know that), check out your previous thread 'modifications...dont!' That bike cost me NOTHING...makes people look...I dont care what people think or say...I learnt that a long time ago...why should I bother what other people say?.....Im living my life how I want to, free, easy, and just because my voodoo mask scares you....GOOD! Thats the idea...so my £25.00 modification of the bike (A 1990 ZZR600 that does 140mph) works....you havnt seen the weirdness I did at the front....I am weird..I admit that I am, Im proud to be odd..who wants to be Normal...Who is normal? Whatever you ride, be it a standard machine or a modded one...cheap or expensive..be WHO YOU WANT to be, listen to everybody else, enjoy looking at other peoples machines, have fun and make up your own mind who you are....I know who I am and I scare myself sometimes... Next question..the pic under your user name is called an avatar....go to My controls, open it up,this is your control panel look for update avatar...upload a pic from there. And thus finishes my ramblings....Im only 31, but have experienced much more than Id like and care to mention. All questions on a postcard please.
  14. See the post to your new topic Mods
  15. Live to ride Ride to live replied to handai's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Let them!!! A lot of main manufacturers look at people who mod bikes and things because they can learn what works and dosnt work...plus in some cases the modded machine actually functions better than the original..then they dont have spend loads of money trying to guess what people want..how do you think todays bikes came about? From people tinkering in there garages, sheds, front rooms.... ..Take leading link forks for instance (I dont expect everybody to understand what they are), they have been designed to improve the handling on combination units and trikes...without them..yes the original works, but you get some issues. With them you get a fantastic piece of kit that also can perform. If we didnt modify, how would people become unique and learn? Heres a pic of my mates Kawasaki GPZ1100 Sidecar combination....Made for his youngest daughter so she could join in the biking...When my mate rides htis machine with an adult in the car..he overtakes solos! He was caught in the speedtrap over the mountain road in The Isle of Man doing 135 Mph...How many combo units do you know that have been modded to perform like that? I fell asleep in the chair coming home from a Bike show...we where doing 120 at the time....comfy...
  16. You got it done then. Well done. Ive got them in myphotobucket account 2. im afraid Im not in the know with this model... Glad you got them on tho.
  17. Live to ride Ride to live replied to Carole's post in a topic in The Bar
    Welcome Carole. All a bit daft on here....but in a good way. Enjoy your stay.
  18. Live to ride Ride to live replied to Sambo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Woops!!! Yup...take some out, maybe even go that bit further and do a full oil change....then you know how much there is in it. Or you could just drop the oil into a suitable container, measure it out using an oil can or such (So you know how much your putting back in.), Let her tick over for a while when youve done, to let the oil get around. Gd luck.
  19. Oh my,,,I fell off my bloody chair...
  20. Live to ride Ride to live replied to Sambo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Oh matey, you really do need to take some out, use the sump bolt under the bike to do it. If you use the bike with it to full....the oil pressure will damage stuff(because it will be 2 high), plus as xcelr8 says youll get shit loads of smoke, and it wont go away!!! the losing power bit is the over pressure building up in the crankcases. Good luck!!
  21. Live to ride Ride to live replied to terry rossi's post in a topic in General
    Hiya matey, Im about 15-20miles away from you, over in the valleys of Rossendale, fairly close. I say it dosnt matter whatit looks like, riding it is the pleasure..if it looks nice its a bonus, my streetfighter is a cheap rat bike, in need of some tlc again....but im so busy that I dont get a chance to spend money on her. (Suppose id better get some first, that would help ) Anyhoo, enjoy ur time here, lots of nice folk around, some with a slightly warped sense of humour...but havnt we all? (I ll speak for myself here).
  22. Love that pic... Thanx for that OGOB, that pic is so bad to start with....quality is fine, just the subject....
  23. Live to ride Ride to live replied to terry rossi's post in a topic in General
    Hello...........just a stones throw away from me, well maybe a well aimed catapult. .... Enjoy the forum, plenty of people on here that can help with stuff.... P
  24. Just to add a little more...My 125....didnt need a bigger engine...it would do 116mph flat out....thats enough to keep some big bikes behind me...then I put a big bore kit in it...only a 175cc...134 flat out..enough for some 400s and even 600s to struggle with....oh and I used to race it against 1200s lol and stay infront.....now i just plod along....
  25. glad you like it....got bored again....and somebody keeps saying no to modifications.....so Im doing my bit of cheap modifiying....cos mines cheap .....apparantly.... it may be cheap....but out of how many bikes....I can see myself....