Everything posted by Live to ride Ride to live
Whos going on the go slow fuel protest ?
Anybody going to the go slow fuel tax protest in Manchester? If so...I`ll be going...from Rossendale/Haslingden area to meet up with people at Birch services on the M62, 8am for the slow run into Manchester. If your going and want company PM me and we can meet up. Blackburn/ Haslingden/Rossendale/Burnley areas
Lean angles....How far over do you have to be?
You can see from my vid still what Im doing.... Id use my knee, but with 40,000 quids worth of titanium in my spine... I cant flex enough to get my knee down that far. Im at the edge of my tyres (BT021 sports tourer dual compound jobbies) now, should i back off a little and lean off the bike now?
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
Yeah I know, makes life easier for me tho. Had to give up driving cars 2.5 years ago because of a back problem. I had an operation last year, but I still cant drive or be a passenger in a car...15-20 mins sitting in 1 and I cant get out!!!!
Lean angles....How far over do you have to be?
Ok... how far over is too far? Edges of your tyres? Leaving a little strip only 5mm wide? Am I just being excessive or should I back off now and should I be leaning off my bike?
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
There you go peeps. Me, my dog and My bike
hi there
Hi matey. Slough...marvellous place, dropped off many a package at Mars. Little bits of machinery for the chocolate!!!
hi every1
Hi there. Spray some WD40 onto a rag, carefully wipe the wheels, dont get any on brake disks or pads or the tyre itself. WD removes allsorts....just be carefull where you put it! If you have balancing weights on your wheels, dont put WD40 near them, it will disolve the glue holding them on and you`ll lose the weights. Have fun...
EU Super Test centres.....
Saw this on MCN website...The EU are messing again.... Do we all know about the new test centres? " My names Alex and I am a motorcycle instructor living and working in Cornwall. First off I understand that the DSA will be introducing this new test and has to because our Government has said it will. The problem is and I'm sure you are aware that these new centres are taking time to be completed. Even when all 66 sites are completed there will be large areas of our country which aren't covered. (as already covered by the MCN). In the DSA's latest dispatch (April 08 edition) they are predicting only 35 sites will be operational by th end of September, leaving 31 sites to be completed. In the Southwest only Exeter will be operational which leaves Redruth, Plymouth, Taunton, Bristol and Poole to become operational at a later date. In the EU only 3 countries are actually adhering to the new regulations (Holland, Germany and of course the UK). For the government to say that the EU will fine us if we don't implement this is ridiculous, unless of course all the rest of the members of the EU are fined as well. To this end I have set up a petition on the Government's web site and was wondering if you would like to go online and support us. " Petition regarding super test centres click here!!
xj600n Oil issue
Your oil issue could be anything, without knowing precisley were it came from its hard to give an answer. As for the starter switch....Would you want to start your bike in gear?.... Its quite normal not to be able to start it with side stand down, in gear etc.. Just make sure that A: maybe you should do an oil and filter change, so you know exactly how much oil (and the right stuff) is in it B: Check that your side stand switch works properly (theirs nothing like setting off and the first corner you come to, an almighty DINK from under you as the stand hits the floor) Sounds like the bike wants a good checking over before its ridden any distance. Let us know how you get on.
No.... was supposed to be. Gona be at Oulton park though
Steering head bearings
Hello matey. Never paid full dollar..er... pound for my bearings (wheel,head etc...) Always gone down the cheaper route. i buy mine at a localish shop 20 miles away, cost a fraction of the money of yam/kwak etc ones. Never had any bother with them. As with all freaking bearings, patent or not, they can last miles and years, or knacker up on you after a couple of hundred miles, depends how good you are at replacing them, keeping the hose away from them (cos it blows the grease out of them) and how hard you ride. The trick is, getting the correct ones and fitting them correctly so you dont crush them on installation. Good luck.
Stebel Air Horn
Ive a set on my XJ looooovely noise, motorway mobile phone junkies get the message.........It usually entails them throwing the phone over the head or dropping it.... They work for me....hehehehe, you can still hear them when doing 140.....lol "Sorry guv me speedos broke"
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
Your answer....I tried it today, no reaction...she stayed curled up in my tank bag...untill i dropped it onto its front wheel again,then she popped her head up as if to say "What did I miss?" Will try and get somebody to take a pic of us 2, just for you, Goff,oldgitonabike and Geoff. Ill post it here.....well not quite here ~~~~~~~ Oh sheesh I give up... u know what I mean...lol
Car "Lovers"
I love my bikes ....but..... weird or what? I guess each and everyone to thier own........
im needing help please
If the 600s like my 900, then leave it on mate, it was put there for a reason....to keep everything cool, even living in Scotland you`ll need it, air cooled motors need that extra help to get rid of the heat....removing the oil cooler (kinda tells you why its there in its name i guess) would be like draining the water out of a water cooled engine....things gona get warm, plus your oil pressure will be different.
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
Well folks, My doggy loves riding on my bike, she tucks her head behind the screen and at one point she curled up in my tank bag and went to sleep...Passed many police, got looks but thats it, if only it was that easy with the cat.....best not it would be 2 much for a 19 year old cats heart.... Thanx all for your posts,...love the links Goff...cant see me using either one though....dashboard tray system? lol, looks like a sledge strapped to the tank.
Nick Sanders
2 years ago I DID Scotland on a ybr 125, I live in Lancashire. It took 2 weeks to do the whole trip, even visited John O Groats, best trip I ever had. Whatever trip/journey you decide on mate, take your time, enjoy it and explore. How do I start....well it went wrong from day 1..My bike, an Aprillia RS125 was reversed into by a council truck the morning i was to set off..Great start huh. Anyway I rang my insurers and they supplied me witth a YBR125 with just over a 1000 miles on the clock 2 days later. Nothing was going to stop me going. So I set off 3 days late. Took my journey up into Scotland, 1st camp was at Loch Lomand...Love that place, free camp, fire, touch of fishing before dark. Its a regular stop for campers who like to rough it, I had Aussie neighbours for the night. Yes the whole trip was done on A roads. It basically was a ride up the road and follow it a see where they go trip. When Id got up to Inverness, I camped in a town called Contin, best campsite id stayed at, stayed here for a day or two and did ride outs. Visiting Applecross Pub way over one of the highest passes in Scotland on the Westside, close to Isle of Skye( Did skye 2). Followed the coast road most of the time,popping inland to explore, as I got up to the Northerly tip, it got very windy, I camped at Durness near Poocan Smoo, the view was astounding, but intense wind, when I got there, the guy said Id be better camping between two large objects, Gale force winds for 2 days.....Id lashed my tent and bike to a solid fence lol. Explored the area. ( John Lennon visited Durness regularly as a child) After my windy time, I followed the coast road across the Northern edge, met a 80 year old witht a GAs GAs who 60 years ago had crossed the roadless bit on an old bike and had decided to do it again before he got 2 old...go that man!!!! Had loads of fun, went off road to camp, up paths etc.. something I wouldnt have done on my own machine.. lol. Came down the A9, camping in or around towns, and then further down through the East side of Scotland, had no plans, just a map for a guide. After the first days upset, everything went really well, even with the galeforce winds. Met loads of people who said i was mad. Me? MAd? Nooooo LOL. Anyhoo, That was my start of riding big miles, so last year I tried out bike couriering, anywhere up to a 1000 miles a day was usuall. Had great fun, and met loads of people who also said I was barmy. Sometimes I didnt get home till the next day, Riding 4-500 miles during the day, then going into scotland or down to the South coast overnight and then off somewhere else, Ive travelled this Island lots and still find new things. Bikes are my life, and I use mine everyday, 6000 miles since Feb, I love the freedom, the wind, the fact you can ride into a town or city and taste the air (or the lack of it! lol) Whatever or wherever you go, enjoy your machine, enjoy the ride, the views, the people and have fun. P
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
Hi peeps. Quickie for those in Britain. Now the suns out, im taking the dog out on the bike (Not fair to put her through it when its raining) I carry her in my tank bag with the top folded back and her lead attached through the bag. Does anyone know of the legality of this.....just in case i get pulled....dont want to get smart with policeperson, but if you know the law better than her/him, it stands you in good stead. Thanx P
hi all
to the forum. The more the merrier!
any one on this site
Many people on here. As with all forums, you have to wait for a reply....patience my friend ....patience
Ey up matey. You back on the road now after your numpty incident? Which side of the Northwest you mean?
Hello, new Bulldog in the yard
Welcome to the forum matey. You`ll find a lotof us english peeps have used the flag chosen for Estonia!!! Somewhere on hereis a post relating to it. Anyways, happy riding matey, I know where your coming from when you ride through temperatures like that...brrrrr. Lovely machine you have. P
Darlings 2009 plan
Seen this on another bike site. Our "beloved" Mr. Darling aims to double VED on motorcycles in 2009. There's an online petition. I've already signed it.If you care about biking,sign it and pass it on to anyone you know who rides. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/motorcycle-tax/
fuel consumption
16 lts.......110 miles Er... am I having fun
Hitlers new bike
Oh man that is soooooooo funny