Everything posted by Live to ride Ride to live
Just for you....
Born again biker looking at a XJ
Hiya matey...XJ900 or 600? my experience of the 900 (03 model) is huge...have done approx 70,000 miles on it, comfy, capable machine, engines are pretty bulletproof, exhaust downpipes and collector are a main rot area, check for a full stainless system cos the collector box is 100-300 new! I got a new stainless on Ebay for 100 (Obviosly not Yam, but was better that patent part, oh and cheaper!) When provoked id throw it around a bit , .. 2 up fully kitted with top box and side panniers....140mph down the er.... track...... She even can play a bit 2, good power band (right through), can be a little wallowy around country lanes if you push reallly hard...but it gets fun then.... Im not sure how the older ones are, but must be similair.
Aint been there for a while.......
last night...this morning and whenever I can.
Now ...see what happens when you copy another and it is the same...it dosnt stand out from the millions of others...thankfully there is only 1 bike with my union jack weirdness.... here you go Goff...took me 5 mins...satisfaction or your money back...(copyright infringment.... )
new to site
Yep, we are all friendly here, if you have a query, somebody should be able to answer it if not give advice. Ok, some days it can take a few hours or a day or 2 depending whos on and about, after all we do have lives outside of the tinterweb (well some do ), No clickyness here, everybodys welcome matey.
Yeah and mine looks like someone did a pavement pizza on it.... in triumph yellow...lmfao Nice machine there Goff
Im with XT stunter here... You bloody what!!! Does mine look cheap? ...I can tell you..there is nothing better than spending oooodles of time and effort in making your machine unique to YOU!! Its not always how much you spend either, its what you do with it. I ride everwhere on mine, as you can see, its very, very bright, it gets noticed. People come up to me saying they saw me 400 miles away in another town so and so weeks ago. Top and bottom of it is, enjoy urself, be an individual (dont get caught up with the look at my green ninja) thing, cos every other persons got one, stick some bits on it, make it original, and if you dont feel confident in doing it youself, there are plenty of peeps out there that will help. P
Next move regarding fuel tax !!!!
Okay peeps, I checked some of this out last night (See other post regarding fuel tax protest, for those not in the know), it seems to have started, the balls rolling. Ive put a link to the main website. Its a National one and hopefully will attract many. Link here!!! It dosnt have to be a noisy thing (but with bikes thats usuall ), just a mass gathering that the authorities have no control over, because theres no apparent leader...Its down to the individuals to make it work. Good luck people, I should be there at Birch Services. Spread the word, even if you dont attend, tell others. P
Ebay bike
Not my cup of tea really... To save you all the bother of going to fleasbay ive linked it for you... Linky here
Number plate size points or fine ? ? ? ?
ANPR = Automatic Registration Plate Readers...........Bastard cameras that see your number plate, put it through the system....that checks for insurance, tax and markers that say your vehicle wants pulling over...Bailiffs use them 2 to clamp vehicles that have failed to pay tickets. Ive a slightly smaller plate on my ZZR1100...but the letters are silver...after 30ft, you cant read the plate....havnt had any bother with it....yet.
Fuel tax protest......Manchester
A right bloody shame that matey. Maybe you can come to the next one....A national one thats getting off the ground ...........22nd June National fuel protest link here. ........At a guess its a just do it event... Will post more when I get/see it.
Oulton Park 24-06-08
Live to ride Ride to live replied to Southerner oop north's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & TrackdaysId think he means Oulton Park in Cheshire...
YBR125 Side Panel
Sounds like a WD40 (penetrating spray) job.... spray it in the lock, carefull cos it will come out at you!!! , leave for a while, try again, I seem to remember the key goes in all the way as it is a lock latch. A screwdriver will ruin your lock and your plastics.
Warming to Milton Keynes members
Ill join you....thieving little fxxcking cxxts.
One for the peeps on 125s
No oil at all...Oh er...so you may be needing to flush your oil system out to get rid of all the metal bits....Hope you havnt damaged it. Do the dragstar have a oil pressure light? Yeah,I agree with you, no matter what your bike is, check that oil. Learn to check it properly too. Some you check when the engines cold, some you check when its just starting to cool (ie letting the oil drop to the sump), whatever it is CHECK IT!!! It hurts when an engine seizes up under you, the results can be very bad, also very expensive...
Help! What do I need to do?
Claymores......placed around the shed.......they wont do it again. . . Putting a security light up is a very good idea, make sure the wiring and the light itself cant be accessed easily. A large paving stone with holes drilled into it to put your ground anchor through. We`ve done that in my mates garage with a wooden floor. All else fails...put it in your house. Thats where mine are
xt250 custom
Yeah that vinyl stuffs great. Might give it a go on one of my otha machines. My yellow multicolour job is paint not vinyl....Have to have a lot of patience to do it with paint....
Yeah pretty close....NOT!!!! LOL, Nothing a plane ride and several hours riding couldnt fix.........Shame
Another newbie
Nobody said helllllllllllllllllllllooo to you yet.?..ignorant buggers only kidding peeps I said hello to you on another post. ...oop north aint so bad. may bump into you at Rivvy one day. You`ll recognise my machine.
Hello newbie!! Welcome. Im in Rossendale, not far from Heywood (or any where else at speed to be honest )
xt250 custom
Cool !!! Nice body job....er...and the bikes real nice 2. Sorry im learning too behave.... Honestly, smart machine..fancy having a dabble with one of mine, it needs some artistic imput.
Hello!!!!! newbie. Plenty of people on here to chat/moan/whinge/laugh at or with... So...as a Yamaha dealer..can we all get discount.... Worth asking...?
One for the peeps on 125s
Slow....85mph full tilt, head down behind the clocks , thing is..when your touring, speed isnt whats important. Ive mates who have been to JOG and have no pictures, apart from ones of them stopped at petrol stations looking very tired, and no real memories...I remember everthing about my trip, even the names of the kind policemen who pulled me over near Loch Lomand (Because my L plate had ripped off, well I had travelled a few hundred miles that day Good fun. It was more bulk than weight, sleeping bag and tent. Now I travel with my duvet!!!! and my sleeping bag...must be getting soft..It just used to be my Basha (Lightweight tarp to huddle under) , bivi bag and sleeping bag.
fzr 600 project
Your project is getting there and so are your piccys!!!!!
fzr 600 project
Hey Mad73 try putting them (the IMG code) in by using the script editor above your writing, one says link other says image(when you point mouse over it.) IMG] it should look like this, its the very bottom of the addresses in the photobucket album under your piccy