Everything posted by fazer6
Bike Advice needed!
Burnin rubber you're probably right. I mean once you've managed to get your knee down on your CBT they might even just give you an instructors job straight away. Don't mess around with this lessons and license lark, go straight to the top. Don't worry about a helmet, you just need half a football with a piece of elastic and that'll be fine. They don't do anything anyway and only wimps actually wear a real helmet. You can also save on riding gear by wearing your football shinpads down your socks and stealing shoulder pads from an 80's suit. Do you know I've been thinking about your bike dilema and I might have come up with a solution http://www.madv8bike.com/id10.html I know that performance is important and I think this is the only thing you'd be happy with.
Bike Advice needed!
To be honest someone coming on this forum sounding like a twat boasting about bikes does sound like you. Well at least the roads will be safer when this guy gets his R1 or busa, lets face it he isn't going to last 1 month and depending on how lucky he is he might never be driving again either. Ah the joys of over confident riders who stupidly think they can handle top end bikes. Now if born again bikers kill themselves so regularly on sports bikes I wonder how someone with absolutly no experience will cope. Get your blood group put on your helmet Burnin' Rubbber, it could save valuable time. Oh and when you apply for your license make sure you fill out the organ donor section because your riding career could help some people who really need it.
Bike Advice needed!
Is this scraped plastic again? This cannot be real, no-one would be that stupid would they? If they are then darwin's theory should certainly prove that people who get an R1 or Busa for a first bike really are not wanted in the gene pool. I hope you don't have children already.
125 or 250?
Lets see, should you buy a more powerful or less powerful bike. Well if you hadn't fallen off your other bike and broken your arm it would have been a difficult decision. However I think that you are the sort of person who should do their time on every rung of the ladder, next time it might not be a broken arm, or they might not be able to fix it. Don't run before you can walk or you might end up never being able to run again. Whatever you get make sure it's got good brakes and easily replacable plastics, and is cheap to insure.
Yeah it was a pretty bad day. The cloudbase was quite low and visibility down to a few metres in the morning. By about 12 or 1 it had lifted to the white farm building by the side of the road just before the top, and then in the afternoon it was superb. Most of the bikes were parked to the left of the cafe because of the wind. The carpark did fill up once the fog had lifted though, fairweather riders. Oh and it was the first day we'd seen curried soup on the menu so that's a sign the weather's starting to go bad.
So quite a mixture then. I did like the ZX6 that I tried, but I'm just not so keen on the bracketry around the screen, is that still there on the 636? Don't go for anything green though, there is no excuse for having a snot green bike. I'd prefer flat bars on it too, but that's because I'm used to the fazer so anything else feels uncomfortable. If I was going for a second bike then this might be top of my sportier list. Both the thundercat and race and fazers are cracking bikes. Depends how far you want to travel and if you can put up with that riding position. The fazer thou can be just as flickable as the 6, I know some riders who argue that with their weight behind it they can throw them around just as well as the 6. It's also got loads of torque and enough power to keep anyone happy. Then there's sportier still in the thundercat. Decisions Decision. I'm blatently biaised as I love my fazer and think everyone should get them. Now really is the time to be buying though and you should be able to get a pretty good deal. Isn't bike shopping fun.
Well beezneez as long as you don't go for the new eurofazer you can't go wrong really. I think there are quite a few 6's and thou's for sale on foc-u at the moment so you can get a pretty good bargin Gold Fazer 600 99 model.tested and taxed till September 05 £1700 ono 03 600 fazer in blue 5k miles need 2 get 3k for it 1999 Fazer 600 with updated upper fairing 2400 ono 02 52reg black 1000 model offers over £4000 Go on you know you want to. What are you deciding between?
Ah black, I believe that's also the second fastest colour so you're not doing too bad. This is my little beauty up at Hartside cafe with some friends. I take it yours is like the second from the left which I think is something like a W reg.
Bob can I just say what fantastic taste you have with bikes. Nice to see proper fazers on the road not this nasty new eurofazer. Have you read MCN this week? The old vs. new debate still continues. What colour is it? Obviously you know that silver is the fastes colour.
Yo moderators...
but being a bunch of bikers if you've time to sit and wade through the wonder that is phpmyadmin then there's something wrong with you. You should be out on the roads instead.
Impatient But Boring
We're not trying to say don't go for the R6 all we're trying to do is say have something for a bit beforehand. You can get a cheap runaround to start with, it doesn't have to be a scooter or an ugly bike either. Just something to get you started that will be more forgiving, something preferably with less plastic too! If you're not used to bikes and someone pulls out on you (which happens on a regular basis) then you might panic and lock the back wheel up or jam on the front brake and leap over the bars. Cars really pose a major danger and you're not paranoid, they are out to get you. You'll not even use a small portion of the bikes performance for ages which is why I wonder if you need it at the start. Not many people would choose to stick with a fiesta after passing their test, but are you telling me that it is actually wise to buy the 300ZX after a weeks intensive training? Which bit of the car test teaches you to cope with the back end sliding out when you come round a corner and hit some wet leaves? Does the emergency stop really teach you not to panic when a car pulls out in front of you or does it teach you to do a manouver to pass the test? You have your whole biking career ahead of you so would it really hurt that much to spend a few months on another bike before the R6? It could save your life, or at least save you a lot of money in replacing the fairings when you drop it. Seriously what would be that bad about having another bike before the R6? R6babe DL isn't saying the R6 isn't a good bike, just not idea for someone who's only just passed their test.
Impatient But Boring
Please read this account of the result of a new rider on a sports bike http://p196.ezboard.com/ffazerownersfrm6.s...icID=1493.topic Now you want an R6 and it will be your pride and joy right? Well when you first get a bike you're more likely to drop it. You have a lot of expensive plastics to replace on the R6 so I hope you're going fully comp. At the moment it's not perfect sports bike weather, there are more leaves on the road and it's coming up to ice and salt on the road time. Not so perfect time for someone with 4 days riding experience to have a lot of power at the back wheel. Right as a new rider do you need all of the performance that the R6 has to offer? Will you use it to even 50% of its capabilities within the first year? You say you're not going to be reckless but mistakes can happen. Seriously please at least consider getting a cheap hack for over winter to get you used to riding and getting some practice in, then next march buy an R6. If I had been driving for 4 days would you suggest I buy a Nisssan 300ZX (twin turbo version)? Bearing in mind that I'm not used to cars in general let alone the power delivery of the fairlady? Oh and with it being winter and ice and muck on the roads I'll loose the back end a few times. Oh and also not being used to a car, let alone a large car, I'm sure when I park it I will scrape the back and sides and ruin my pride and joy. The R6 is a superb piece of machinery but perhaps a couple of months on a less expensive and more forgiving bike might be better. How impatient would you be if (like in the thread I linked to) you have an accident? I have a friend who had an accident on August bank holiday weekend and has a fixator on his leg and is waiting for a bone graft. Hopefully he will be able to ride again though. What do you want from a bike? What will it be used for? What criteria does it have to fulfill? Sorry for sounding like an old fart and there are lots of people who do cope fine with going straight to a sports bike, but I just don't want you to become a statistic. You'll won't get as much use out of the R6 this winter anyway so isn't it better to have more riding opportunities rather than having an expensive ornament in your garage?
Impatient But Boring
If you've never ridden before and are going to do your direct access after a couple of days training then you might be better off getting something else and riding that for a bit before going for the R6. I really hate to be the voice of reason but bikes are a lot less forgiving then a car and a misjudged corner could end up being quite serious. Oh and this isn't scrapey again is it?
Alright but while I'm making the tea would you mind doing an oil change on my bike and servicing the brakes and greasing up my bike ready for winter. Being such a superman you should have it done by the time the kettles boiled.
NEC Motorbike Show 2004
Exactly I've passed the point where I believe I might one day grow into a bigger bike, so perhaps the bigger bikes will grow into me. I was going to go to the show but money's a bit tight at the moment and I knew there were so many things I could have bought so I have been very restrained.
Michael Moore
Yeah you've done well to put your point accross in a way that shouldn't start an argument or cause any agrevation to members. Don't be too controversial and you shouldn't have any more problems. See it wasn't that hard was it?
Just be careful of the content for the time being, no jokes at other peoples expense and nothing too sexual either. Some jokes just seem strange coming from a 16 year old. Aye skyline I'm over 21 so I'm getting close to being past it, but I'm a long way off goldwing territory yet.
Hey I don't have either gray hair or a mullet, I'm not that old either. That wasn't sort of meant as a nasty comment that he's young so we don't want him around, I'm also young compared to most bikers. I just wanted to point out that perhaps some of his comments perhaps could be rephrased.
How about for the next month you only talk about bikes and respond to threads about bikes. If after a month you're not banned you can post in any non bike threads but not start any non bike threads. Then if you're still not banned you can start any thread you want, but don't post anything that might start an argument or cause problems. You're hanging around a lot of people a lot older than you here so it's best if you remember we don't want to hear the same things as your friends your own age. Read your threads twice before you press submit and don't say stupid things. Take a back seat for a while and then maybe you might be able to come back into the group without being banned.
Best Pipe for the money
Sounds silly but have you tried your local breakers? I was talking to a place in Chester and they said that some of the bikes that come in have undamaged cans so they sell them on fairly cheaply. If you've got the time then that would probably be your cheapest option.
I see so actually he's not been banned from the site at all, he spat his dummy out and it was promptly swept up. Just shows that you get what you ask for.
I thought his IP address was banned from Dualsport so I presumed that when he was banned from here he was actually properly banned. Persistent little bugger aint he.
Well even though it is a euro fazer you've still made a good choice with the bike. How you liking it?
2004 YZF-R6 Vs. 2005 ZX-6R
I prefer the looks of the R6 and it does seem to be a physically smaller bike, but I just didn't like the riding position. I felt like I was lying on the bike rather than siting in it. The riding position of the ZX6 seemed better for me, although I can get slightly less of my foot on the floor I felt more comfortable and as though I was sitting in the bike. Then again the R6 I tried had a comfier seat.
You could say there was a slight difference of opinion.