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  1. Help! The tail light has stopped working on my 3en 400, the brake light works fine, but when i turn the headlights on, only half the binnicle lights come on and the head lights work on full beam and dip. But most frustratingly the tail lights do not come on,- brake lights work fine still. And i have changed the bulbs so its not one of the fillaments. Please help as i need to get it on the road asap for the sumer.
  2. FZRBhoy posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Have just got an FZR400RR, 1988, its in ok condition, but want to put a different seat unit on it. Has anyone got any ideas or best fits for sub a frame and seat unit? Any other mods you can suggest greatfully received. Paul
  3. FZRBhoy posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Building another bike, looking at swing arm and tyre options for my xj600n, anyone know of any swingarms that will fit straight on and what tyre sizes available. Will an FZR600R / FZR400 SP / FZR600 or anyother back end fit? Help needed
  4. FZRBhoy replied to FZRBhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    e-mail is [email protected] look forward to the pics, cheers while am at it, does anyone know what swingers will fit my Foxeye?
  5. FZRBhoy replied to FZRBhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Can't find it on E-Bay, have you got the id of the advert...... Also am in the North of scotland, that always complicates deliveries of parts and going to collect things.
  6. FZRBhoy replied to FZRBhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Send me whatr you have got, i may be interested, out of curiosity will a 750 swing arm slot into my fzr600r, have just finished rebuilding it, thats where i got the bug for fzr's. Will tinker with that and my project.
  7. FZRBhoy replied to FZRBhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Looks really good in the frame, tight fit like you said. Would love to see the thunderace engine too. Looks like its a 750/1000 hybrid is the way i am going, will be a slow project, funding on a payday basis. Will be looking for either the fzr or thunderace engine at he breakers and e-bay.
  8. FZRBhoy replied to FZRBhoy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Air box not a problem, have a fibreglass guru as a father-in-law. He used to make race plastics and mods for a livving, so no issuses there. The 'cleaner look will be moving the top mounts. I am interested in the plate, have you got the specs / measurements or pics.
  9. FZRBhoy posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Have aquired a YZF 750 frame and am looking at engine options before building a special. Will prob go with YZF 750 swing arm. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Would a Thunderace engine fit? Are there any drive chain issues? An how about suspention options? Am going down the R1 Tail unit route and standard front fairing. Any ideas on any of above or other items to think on greatly appreciated. Paul