Everything posted by grizzlydan
sticky brake
you say that the previous owner changed the pads, I wonder if he wore the last pads to the limit? If so then when fitting the new pads they might not of allowed for excess brake fluid in the master cylinder (which happens when it is topped up during services). When fitting new pads you are supposed to remove the top of the master cylinder & put a rag around it to absorb the excess fluid (so it don't dribble over your paint job) incase it overflows. The easy way round the problem is put a (correct sized) hose over the bleed nipple on 1 of the front calipers & loosen it (the bleed nipple), pull the brake lever in (allowing some fluid to escape safely), with the lever held in tighten the bleed nipple then let go. This should then correct (to a point) the amount of pressure in the system. Which in turn allows the brakes to let go of the discs when the lever is released.
Because they were 2nd hand you may still need 2 replace the seals on the calipers, depends on how long they sat on the suppliers shelf. What was wrong with the original calipers? Just wondering coz they may have just needed piston & seal replacement kits fitted.
yet another newbie
welcome to the forum, where in London are you?
run for 10 minutes and it dies, looks like no juice.
This may sound too obvious but you have checked all the connecters, earths & fuses, haven't you?
where they all gone
I've asked friend's & they reckon any similar sized tank should fit as long as the mounting brackets are the same.
Car parking..dosnt it F**K you off.....
All these stories remind me of when (a few years ago) I was working in London as a courier. Riding up the Euston/ Marylebone Rd one day & this IDIOT in a old decrepid Fiesta was all over the road & not giving a toss about any other road user, when it came close to taking Me out 4 times in the Euston underpass. What did I do? Rode up the side when stationary & ripped it's offside mirror off, handed it to the W£$K@R behind the wheel & rode off. What followed was the IDIOT cutting through the traffic trying to catch me, when just by Baker st it ran into the back of another car. I stopped to P meself laughing when a Mr. C Hunstable got of said car & told me to 'K,off'. I duly obliged. . Still P meself when I think of it.
bent keys
The frame number won't help. If you take the bike to a proper locksmiths they have master keys to fit most vehicles, that way they can just cut a copy. Alternatively you have to remove the ignition so the locksmith can locate the key number which is stamped either on the side of the barrel or the plate on the back of the ignition. Which ever way you sort it write the number down & keep for future use, just in case. Be warned doing it that way can cost up to £18 depending on the locksmith.
IF YOU HAD A BAD DAY HAVE A LOOK AT THESE POOR SOULS Things getting you down? Well then, consider these. In a hospital's Intensive Care Unit, patients always died In the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 a.m., regardless of their medical condition. This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had something to do with the supernatural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 a.m Sunday, so a worldwide team of experts was assembled to investigate the cause of the incidents. The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 am., all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to see for themselves what the terrible phenomenon was all about. Some were holding wooden crosses, prayer books, and other holy objects to ward off the evil spirits. Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner. [Still Having a Bad Day?? The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Alaska was $80,000.00. At a special ceremony, two of the most costly saved animals were being released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both. Still think you are having a Bad Day?? A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy, with some kind of wire running from his waist towards the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current, she whacked him with a handy plank of wood, breaking his arm in two places. Up to that moment, he had been happily listening to his Walkman. Are Ya OK Now? - No?! Two animal rights defenders were protesting the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse In Bonn , Germany . Suddenly, all two thousand pigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence, stampeding madly. The two helpless protesters were trampled to death. What?! STILL having a Bad Day?? Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. It came back with "Return to Sender" stamped on it. Forgetting it was the bomb, he opened it and was blown to bits. There now ...Feeling Better??
Headlight Problem Very Strange
Hi junker. Try the fuses as a first, then locate the regulator/rectifier & check the connector. If it's got signs of over heating or burn marks then 1: it's probably knackered, 2: there's a overcharging problem. I suggest this as it's the problem i had. Another way of checking is to start the bike & see if the reg/rec is overheating(touch & smell).
why wont my 125cc dt fire back up?
Have you checked the fuses (if fitted) or the connections to the coils?
I Failed
Unlucky mate! Better luck next time. Next time don't even think you've passed until HE (the examiner) says so, that way you might keep your concentration on the job in progress.
15 Months in the Nick!
I think you need to join MAG (motorcycle action group) then you might be a lot better informed mate!
FZS600 Fazer Headlight - Bit dim!
have you checked the plug on the back of the headlight? if one of the terminals are not contacting properly the bulb will be dim, i learnt this the hard way (at the MOT station).
nail in the rear tire
Having worked for a few shops i can say that if you have a good bit of tread left then have it plugged properly, these days if done well a plug can last the life of the tyre.
I used to work for a youth project that built a load of off-road projects (parts donated from stolen recovered we got off the local old bill) with kids, I'll try and find out what will fit, alternatively i'll find out if anyone has 1 for sale if you want.
run for 10 minutes and it dies, looks like no juice.
When you run it, check the regulator/ rectifier is not over heating if so it may point to over charging.
What's with all the colour schemes? Oh well at least black's not so bad, despite the red stain on the tank... Everybody to their own i suppose.
use ya head, keep calm & best of british mate..
i know nobody will reply but
Easy mate, what do you know about being a courier in London, in whatever the weather decides to throw at you??? On all manner of bikes.
Tips on Decoking
Do you have a manual? If you do you will find a measurement for the lnside diameter of the bore,if it is larger than the spec, then it's been rebored. If so use oversized rings or larger piston but deglaze the bore before fitting. If as spec, use standard rings but also deglaze the bore. As for the decoking bit you can use a decoking solution, try & understand the manual or catch me next time when I'm hopefully a bit more sober. "HIC"!!!!!!!!
FJ 1200 specific apparel?
Don't be a prat mate!! He was trying to help you!! IF you bother to look you might find that places like the one he suggested do MAIL ORDER!!!
dt125 flat battery starting
Of course it will, if the battery is knackered you will have to warm up the engine up b4 it operates any where near 'normal'. That is as long as the charging system is ok.
If i remember right that bike is fitted with a anti-dive system, have you put this system back together properly? If not I'll borrow a friends manual (this friend has the same bike), to try to answer your question as some bikes have individual traits to themselves.
No spark, how to diagnose... 86 FZ600
well there ya go, looks like you've just answered the question to your own problem! No plug caps & the HTlead pushes onto the screw at the top of the plug. Which means the first 1/4 inch of HTlead has no wire in it & by shorting out the coil direct to the earth you probably burnt out the coil anyway. Meanwhile the way to check for a spark is to hold the end of the HTlead 6mm from earth & look for the spark. But hey what do I know I'm just a qualified motorcycle mechanic & also own a 1986 FZ600 so I think I know the difference. BUT then again I might just be qualified to not know what I'm talking about.
i know nobody will reply but
Why worry as long as they go round!