Everything posted by grizzlydan
XJ750?? frame 1981
I would've thought so, considering the mass production & where the engine mounts would be. Then the same engine configuration (tuned however) should fit a variety of frames. Just like the early xj/fz600 engines that interfitted each other & also fitted into a xj550 frame, i had a xj550 like this & boy did it shift.
xj 600 n diversion steering lock?
have you tried pushing the key into the lock & turning anti-clockwise (sitting on the bike), if the key wants to turn you may have to turn the handlebars til it locks. If it turns, make sure it it only turns enough to lock (1st click) & not turn the park lights on (2nd click). Just a thought as i had a 600 that had a similar problem.
Lost Key
Roy, the best (& some times cheapest) way to get a new key is to remove the ignition yourself & take it to a locksmith, who will locate the key number (this can be on the side or behind the barrel) & cut a new key from a selection of masters that are issued to qualified locksmiths by manufacturers.
But are you a hydraulic jig? On these models you have to seperate the crank to replace the bigend, which means the 2 halves have to be aligned correctly & accurately to be balanced afterwards. Check the services section in MCN, you'll find a number of specialist listed.
79 650
Typical yank with the correct name for a change. Didn't even say which 650. If it's an XS it could be 0.7-0.8mm.
Carb Removal - how ?
The carbs come off in one complete set (as goff said), you loosen the retaining clips (or jubilee clips, which ever's fitted) between the airbox manifolds & carbs, then the same between the carbs & inlet manifolds to the head. Then twist the carbs out of the manifolds & push out the carbs (usually to the leftside of the bike when sitting on it). Obviously after removing fairing, panels, seat & tank. On some bikes it may be necessary to loosen the airbox to pull it backwards to provide more room to manouver the carbs. Fitting is the reverse of removal.
XJ750?? frame 1981
In most manuals you'll find a section on identification numbers (usually at the front), this section will tell you which letters or numbers will tell you what model & year that particular bike is from. Alternatively write down the frame number (complete) & ask a maindealer.
I don't know where in London you are but for tyres, myself & most of my mates use 'Essential rubber' on Downham Rd N1. They deal mainly in motorcycle tyres & can come up with some reasonably good deals. I've heard the mechanics ain't too bad either (no i don't work for them). For MOT's I usually use 'Dalston motorcycles' on Kingsland rd N1 (just off Balls pond rd). Keeps everything sort of local, despite me living about 5 miles away from that locality.
To the Gixxer rider.....
I tried to pull some nutter over once & despite having a rather small person on the pillion (my 12 year old nephew) I then had 3 miles of avoiding a black series 12 BMW (despite speeds) where the driver tried to run us off the M1 (between Watford & Northamton), when it sped off I thought good! Only to have the driver on the carraigeway (a couple of miles later) waiting for us, with a machete & tried to hit us! Now I reported it to the police & what happened? FUCK ALL HAPPENED!!!! DESPITE ALL THE CAMERAS ON tHE MOTORWAY! WHY???? Coz I was on a MOTORCYCLE!!!!! UNLUCKY EH!!!
To the Gixxer rider.....
With a bit of luck he's taken himself out b4 any1 else.
Which branch? Personally I worked for West Hampstead & they weren't that bad, then again that was when I used to work for them LOL!
God dam white van drivers
Thank God for that! Now i know I'm not the only one to have things thrown at him. Let's see, empty JD bottle in Manchester, 3 books in Leeds, too much to mention in London & 2 screwdrivers, 3 spanners & a ratchet in Leicester (on the one roundabout by the same vauxhall car driver). A couple of times I was the white van driver but the rest was when I was riding as a courier. By the way if the guy from Leicester is reading this NICE TOOLS MATE (still got them in me toolbox 18 years later) lol.
xj600 pre diversion
about £30+postage I think. Well I know actually but there ya go. Sorry long weekend & trying to sober up (Hic).
xj600 pre diversion
Right the one I've got is part no. TID14-05 4U8-10 so i don't know if it would help. It would fit as it has 4pin & 6pin. This one might be off an old XJ550 so I'll have another look round the shed as i know i've got a couple of other ignitors somewhere. They all should work as they came off bikes that had been working til being writen off in crashes (my ex's were good at crashing or putting chains through the back of engines).
FJ1200 brake disc swap
If you go onto Allbike engineerings website you can look up the discs & compare the dimentions to check if they're the same as other models. Alternatively take them off & try the discs against the other bikes wheels.
xj600 pre diversion
can do but then again check all the connections between the CDI & the coils coz a short can also cause it. let me know what type the CDI is as i may have one coz i scrapped my old one a couple of years ago & still have some parts left (most of the electrics interfitted with my FZ).
Blacking Exhaust / Yamaha Apparel
I think you'll find the YX-5 is off road only as it won't have the necessary marks on the helmet to say it's been tested for road use. Fine if you're doing motocross or trailing but just the shape of the helmet is enough for plod to pull you over.
Hi to all,
Hi JGP, welcome to the club mate.
xj600 pre diversion
What you're describing sounds like the reg/rectifier. There is only 1 cdi unit on XJ's but you might have the type that has 2 plugs going into it (1 fourpin & 1 sixpin) which is black plastic in appearance.
Fork Springs
'Closer wound coils to the top' as it says in the manual.
xj600 pre diversion
According to my manual on that bike it says 2.2litres on oil change only or 2.6litres with filter change.
Pending Marriage
Damn! So that's what I did wrong!
Am i stupid?
The only person that can answer that question is you! Think 1st what do want the bike for, then decide. Also try the seating positions & work out which is the most comfortable, i know a lot of people that ride particular bikes for street cred rather than comfort & handling & then turn round & complain about the bikes like crazy. If you do like them then YES you'd be stupid!
Bike test blue's..
I resat a test 3 years ago (DVLA 'lost' all proof that i had a licence) & i went the route of taking a couple of lessons. I'm lucky i did coz over the years i developed a few 'bad habits'. Make your own mind up as to how to go but when you go with lessons the school you go with can show you the test routes & if you have the lessons just b4 the test everything you need to know is fresh in your memory. Which ever way you go good luck.
Can i just point out that it's the road test that's getting harder, the CBT is the same.