Never had any troubles me-sen mate, the bikes that bloody light it is hard to keep on the floor half the time. But I have got to admit my last bike was an XJR1300 and before that a BMW Rockster (nightmare conditions - I will never own another BM) and before that an old Suzuki GS 750. So as I could blip them up anything less than a flying brick should be easy.
Yes the geometry would be out but the effect in reality would probably be very minimal i.e an extra degree on the twist grip.
Have you done much of this type of stuff before, because if you havent it is a learnt skill and often costs people a hell of a lot of money.
My method is to get the bike rolling at around 5-10mph and then dip the throttle (so your bike rocks forward) then power up cautiously, as soon as you get to the point where your front end is lifting be ready to throttle off slightly (or you will end up with a face full of tank n lid).
If this aint working mate slide your self backwards on the seat, so that more of your weight is to the back of the bike, this would make things interesting; this has got to work because your removing more weight from the front therefore turning it into a wheely beast.
Get out there and get on with it - but be carefull mate, like I said earlier "if it goes wrong - it gets exciting and expensive all at the same time"
Dont know what you weigh mate but im 5'9" @ 17.5 to 18 stone, and its easy as soon as you get over the "OH SHIT ITS THE SKY" bit.
Hope this helps mate
The Dirtmonster