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  1. I see what this group's all about... As an update... I went home at lunch and the bike sparked and started with no problem. I couldn't reproduce the problem from last night. Really weird... and scary.... because when I'm in hot pursuit of that elk I don't want to have my steady steed get weak in the knees and make we walk out of there. Still interested in ideas folks might have. Besides to chase women instead of elk...
  2. Aw come on, I might pick your draggin-elk tail up on a trail someday Still need to get his frustrating thing fixed. I was up until 2:30 this morning trying to figure it out. *&^% electrical problems drive me nuts.
  3. I bought my first dirtbike tonight, Yamaha RT180, and it started up easily enough at the sellers and ran fine. When I got it home I couldn't get it to start. I replaced the gas, drained the float bowl, etc. On checking for spark by pulling the plug, grounding it, and cranking the bike over I'm noticing that there won't be a spark for maybe 15-20 cranks and then it will come on for a dozen or so and then go off for a while again. Really weird. Can anyone shed some light on what's happening? I really need to get this bike working reliably since it's elk season. Thanks.