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Everything posted by pnoidrummer

  1. pnoidrummer replied to Texas Criminal's post in a topic in Naked
    listen to them mate... check out youtube.com and watch r6 hiside fall. it's kinda hard to control this fall, actually... you can't... and it's an r6, r1's are harder to control throttle in turns anyways. like they said the torque is extremely peaky, if you accidentally let go of the clutch and let it snap, say goodbye to your bike
  2. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    what??? if ur going, and u over throttle, how can u release the brakes if ur not on it? unless you mean ur braking into the turn, and u release the back break to fast compared to the front?
  3. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    oh shiiit... that kinda scared me... waht causes hisides anyway, casue of the bike about to slip, then it grabs the concrete? so correcting is not such a good idea then i'm guessing. frick , that story about hisiding then hitting a truck kinda freaked me out. but what caused him to hiside? over throttling exiting the turn?
  4. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    yeah i meant the intake, haha i didn't know it's purpose at first lol, but i think i got it, thanks guys
  5. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    what is tank slapping...? ur friends friend sided? or slid into a truck?
  6. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    oh goodie. accidental wheelies... not my kind of bread... i'll go with an r6 then haha, and start of really really slow... i know someone who fell on a gxsr 750. it was from nto seeing a slick sewer cover. the bike got banged up pretty well as well as the rider. is it possible to correct urself once u slip? or not really huh? cause once u correct urself from that quick slip, the tires get grip the second after an can make u flip the other side... iono i'm just thinking of it logically
  7. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    hahah. hopefully i'll learn a bit on how to fix motorcycles xD. i'm lookin into gettin an r6 used. i'd like an r1, but i want that smile from not wiping out haha
  8. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    thank you sir. that helps a lot =D Thank you everyone !! hopefully i'll be out there soon =] and that i'll survive the first 6 months
  9. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    i've been inspired. haha. thanks so much xD too all of you. hopefully i'll be out there soon
  10. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    ohhh shiiii*******t 2500 per year? i really want a 2003 r1, it satisfies the look of the bike i want haha. but i don't exactly want to kill myself and/or drop it... i heard tho that r6 is about as fast as an r1 off the line, but at higher mph, is when the liters of the r1 really show. is that true? cause i'm not really into going over 100 mph or anything... haha. thanks for the explainations on everything guys. xD i was wondering though, what if i got a used bike let's say an r1... (eheheh) would insurance be lower becasue it's now a loan thru a bank? or would it still be high becasue it's an r1. if so then i'll just get a used r6 til the 09' comes out, i'm anxious to see what it'll look like haha
  11. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    haha thanks thanks! i'm for the ride, and the look. well the look is for me not for other ppl to look at haha. xD i'm weird that way i guess. but that's a good idea. sliders don't exactly protect ur bike completely haha. and i guess it's good to learn on as well as prolly use it for that police training class for bikes too. what do u mean liability? i'm new to this insurance deal
  12. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    yeah i took the msf. i heard about the police training thing, if i do get one i belive i will go do that as well. it's the parents who really don't want me in having one, and because i have no credit points i cannot get one. blah, oh well. i'm hoping to look for the new 2009 r6 with a little design difference in the mean time whil i build up my credit. maybe i'll grab that instead of the 06-08 models. xD
  13. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    yeah i know waht u mean. there was one where a car was parked illegaly, and he was doing a stunt. but we went to go down from his stunt and his bike started shaking violently. he went down then hit the car. but he's ok though he had two broken hands and a rib i think. but i guess it was the car that made get out of sync with riding, so he didn't land corectly. and even then this was the result of stunting. thanks for ur help guys =D
  14. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    hmmm i see thanks guys. i'm still a little freakd out i guess. i mean but when i got on my friends gxsr gah i got a sense of thrill. =] but hten when i came home to share my thrill my heart sunk =\. but yeah as for the youtube.com thing, i think i'll pass. i'm looking for hope that the statistic of motorcyclist's fatal accidents are extremely small, well i guess i can't say extremely small. but far less chance than that of a car. but then i guess if you aren't surrounded by 1 1/2 tons of steel it's hard to find a statistic like that. i dunno. i just kinda figure that what jrehn said. its dangerous to step outside ur front door. i kind was throwing the idea around that motorcyle and car fatal deaths were being around the same, considering motorcycles can avoid things easier (unless i'm wrong), though they are not as visible. compared to cars who can't avoid things as well, but are more visible. and that the only reason cylcists deaths are higher is because of the twats doing wheelies at 70mph on teh freeway in traffic. isn't motorcylcing dangerous mainly from hitting things that are stationary or close to becoming stationary. or that ur the stationary object being hit? cause if u fall and u got armor u just skid... course the falling part wouldn't be a pleasant feeling.
  15. pnoidrummer posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Soo i hear a lot of things. i was wondering if there was an actual study on the amount of fatal motorcycle crashes, and the cause of it. well actually i'ts mostly from ppl who show off and do stunts on the street right? well i was even more wondering if there was a comparison of % of fatal bike accidents where it wasn't the biker's fault compared to the % of fatal car crashes. But i wanted some of the factors removed from this statistic, such as stupid people who show off on public roads (which would more than likely lower the percent greatly). I heard most young street bike drivers die within the first 6 months from inexperience and over doing it, and most of all for show boating. i guess i'm asking really, if you were a good rider, able to predict movements of cars, wore visible clothes, took the msf class, does not do stunts on public roads, able to avoid accidents and w/e. i'm asking the % chance of either really bad accident or fatal accident caused by another car/biker hitting you from behind, considering behind is probably the only place u can't exactly see what's coming. iono i guess i'm in despair of not getting one now because of discouragement.
  16. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    haha. hey so i went to a motorcycle dealership. i was looking at the r6's and the r6s' i heard that the new r6 has better power to it, as well as handling. you think if i were to throw on an exhaust like the one on the r6 it would mess that up cause of weight distribution i'm in a dilema because i want the new r6 style, but the old r6s exhaust look xD haha. i'm realy for looks, cause anything with 2 wheels and a motor will prolly wet my pants. also. once after this 2008 r6 comes out, do you guys think there'll be some kind of minor change in the aesthetics of the bike like they do on cars after 3 years in 1 generation? i'm just hoping it's not a major change and end up buying something i don't want because something came out only a few more months later.
  17. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    awesome thanks guys! quick question. for new riders, how much rough estimate would insurance cost? i'm new to insurance as well. well i mean in setting it up for myself i've never done it. and not sure what the terms mean. i went to AAA.com put it for an r6 and r6s. i think imma grab one of those two to learn on. mainly cause i can't get a cheap one then drop it to buy another. i'm just gonna be super cautious really. i doubt i'll even go on streets for a while until i get a handle on it. thsi isn't really a means for transportation for me, but just the enjoyment of riding. but anyway i went to get a qutoe, and i just left it as is, like the standard options and it was about 7-8k per year... my bike payments are gonna be for a span of either 2-3 years. and the cost of insurance for me anyway is already the cost of my bike.
  18. pnoidrummer posted a post in a topic in Naked
    the new 07' r6 and r6s, which bike is more peaky? and what does the r6s redline at? and a quick question, is there a way to put an exhaust that's as long as the r6s on an r6?
  19. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    mmm i seee.... maybe i should start with a 125 LOL. but i was searchin about the Aprilia RS125, it looks really nice. but u can't get that in the US huh? also. aren't 2 strokes harder to handle regardless of engine size cause of the peaky power band?
  20. pnoidrummer replied to pnoidrummer's post in a topic in Naked
    thanks a lot guys, really helped =]
  21. pnoidrummer posted a post in a topic in Naked
    alright i r1 is off my list haha. i even heard to not start with an r6 too. i heard the peak torque is only in a short range on the power band, and that if i took a turn and hit it w/o knowing i'd slide and go down. also i heard that first 6 months is usually when new riders have a super high risk of dying. but isn't it with any bike? i mean, if i practice on the r6 slowly and get used to it i should be fine right?
  22. pnoidrummer posted a post in a topic in Naked
    what year is this bike? http://www.motorsports-network.com/YAMAHA/201mc/r1b2.jpg and also, is there a hole in front of it still?? and on the new 06 07 08 models of the r6, are you able to remove that short stem exhaust and put a full length one on, like a yoshimura?