Soo i hear a lot of things. i was wondering if there was an actual study on the amount of fatal motorcycle crashes, and the cause of it. well actually i'ts mostly from ppl who show off and do stunts on the street right?
well i was even more wondering if there was a comparison of % of fatal bike accidents where it wasn't the biker's fault compared to the % of fatal car crashes. But i wanted some of the factors removed from this statistic, such as stupid people who show off on public roads (which would more than likely lower the percent greatly).
I heard most young street bike drivers die within the first 6 months from inexperience and over doing it, and most of all for show boating.
i guess i'm asking really, if you were a good rider, able to predict movements of cars, wore visible clothes, took the msf class, does not do stunts on public roads, able to avoid accidents and w/e. i'm asking the % chance of either really bad accident or fatal accident caused by another car/biker hitting you from behind, considering behind is probably the only place u can't exactly see what's coming.
iono i guess i'm in despair of not getting one now because of discouragement.