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Everything posted by funky

  1. funky posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hey guys, i got a xj750 and every now and then it runs for a while then cuts off. i turn it on with the choke, as soon as i release it, it cuts off and then the bike wont start for a day or 2 even with the choke on. any ideas? how do i increase the ticking over rate? the engine is red hot after 30 seconds of the bike running why is this?
  2. funky posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hey guys, i got a XJ 750 as a project. I have the engine working fine and the bodywork just needs painting. I have one problem and thats the tank. There was dints in the tank, so the last owner cut the petrol cap out and knocked them back into place. My question is, how do i put a new one on? Can i just buy any cap and drill the holes needed? Thxs for any help. Mark XJ750 picture
  3. funky posted a post in a topic in General
    hey guys glad to see this website still going strong anyway...my question, i have had a restricted bandit for 2 years know so i have takin my restrictors out and i am know selling them on ebay ppl have been emailing me if i send them my certificate can it be swaped over to there names or do i just send them the 4 washers and they get the cerificate from the garage or.... i have no idea so any help would be nice thxs mark.
  4. funky posted a post in a topic in General
    oh know i went though a red light and got flashed is this just a 60 pound fine or is it 3 points 2????? really pissed off with my self, passed test got new bike sorry guys got bandit 600 and when the lights went amber i was to scared to hammer on the brakes as the brakes r mad conpared to a dt125r and did not want to come off plz help me
  5. funky posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi guyz does any 1 here now when the easter egg run is on in cheshire? i got told its on this sunday but i failed my mot today on bk whell bearings i hope its next week so i can go
  6. funky posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi guys after think about what u lot said i have had money saved up and im going to get a xt600 or wr400f bike so im selling my bike here is a picture of my day out to day edit...mod
  7. funky posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    right i have a DT125 1991 and have looked at the rd125 wheels as i want them on my dt to start supermoting it! any help saying if they will fit or not? any help thx mark
  8. funky replied to funky's post in a topic in The Bar
    well i have had a look and i can allso ride a 4 wheeled car a micra :S but i think im going to stick with my bike (dt125r) or buy somethink else like a yamaha rd350 or somethink like that.....its just doing my head in on my bike atm my bike keeps sliping on the ice and i have new tyres its like im racing with my foot down and sliding round the corners well thx for help to guys ( and i now i allso made me self look like a prat ) :?
  9. funky posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi guys i have just passed my bike test and im not going to get a big bike till the ice goes as it is realy bad here! so my question is what cars :? (i know) but i want a car till the ice goes away so what cars can i ride on a bike license?? no car license thx for any help 8)
  10. funky replied to thepodge's post in a topic in The Bar
    i think it tock the new name as the yamaha xs650 m8 thats what i have been told told and there easy to find spec and pic and so on and so on well hope this might help
  11. funky replied to gaz's post in a topic in Yamabyss
  12. i went to hoy lake today on my dt was a really nice run tomorrow im going to thurstaton on bike the walking up to top of mouitain ill take some pics to share :wink: :wink:
  13. funky replied to paul's post in a topic in Yamabyss
  14. funky replied to gaz's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    lol true m8 true like with me she told me to stay out of her way so i go out on my bike for 3 hours then come bk and she says "where have i been leaving me on my own, you selfish twat!" allways your bike first she allways says to me pfff can't live with them can't live with out them :roll: :roll: :roll:
  15. funky replied to Maz's post in a topic in Naked
    welcome to the site m8 :D
  16. funky replied to funky's post in a topic in The Bar
    its just my front tyre is 21 and i got told that is really big for road tyres and won't get them but he said the rd125lc wheels would fit as they r really close bikes!
  17. funky replied to funky's post in a topic in The Bar
    and this 1 too http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...ssPageName=WDVW thx mark
  18. funky posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi guys will these wheels fit my DT125R 91 model?? plz help http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=7912912373 thank mark!
  19. funky posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    yo all i was wondering if any 1 nows where i can get some decals for a 91 dt125 as i got this bike crashed and fixed things on it i have now sprayed my panels and its all gd only think missing now is the decals thx funky..
  20. funky replied to Bazz's post in a topic in The Bar
    funny man funny!!!!!
  21. hahahaha nice 1
  22. funky replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    i think it looks really cool it stands out from rest gd job :wink:
  23. funky replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    get well soon m8, bad news
  24. funky replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in Classics
    ya i love the dt too i have 1 this looks fun to ride!!!
  25. funky replied to skyline's post in a topic in General
    u can get love handles about £20