Everything posted by singy21
New 2009 R6 Colours
you can get anycolour they make on the 0%, but you cant have the one on the link, thats the 09 bike, so it only comes out in 09, along with a new blue, and a new black one, plus the non uk bikes that all the supermarkets like george white and TAZ sell, they have the american colours, like the yellow and black flames. in case your a 4 year old , they normally come on the 0%
merseyside area riders?
haha i was till i parked my bike off road, hopefully it will be back soon. if you fancy a ride out, where do you get to? i ride an r6
2006 R6
iv had an 07 and now got an 08, there not a handful or a pain, although on a comute you would soon get pissed off in my opinion, mine kills my wrists, arse and back if i ride at normal speeds for more than ten minutes. you need to be doing 120 to take the weight off your friggin arms. theres a ton more midrange on the 08 to 06, but still no where nr the pre 06 bike. but if you do track days, the new ones are so balanced. they feel a lot more stable than something weighing so little should.
MT 01
i would suggest importing one...although i forgot your left hand drive over there aint you im suprised no one does sell them over there, we have loads of dodgy dealers over here flooging u.s imported bikes, with there dodgy paint schemes, hideous reflectors all over em
New 2009 R1
I have this crazy feeling...maybe that the 09 R1 will get released on the 09 reg plate.
Bike Security
Excuse my ignorance, but how does locking to their lock make you bike safer? surely that means its still only the same amount to smash?
MT 01
i cant believe you have never seen on!!! or am i replying to a post from 2005? possibly the stupidiest bike in the world. monstrous power, but no speed. its so wierd, and nothing at all like a MT03 as fizzer says its noisy and vibey. and very much a buel contender, but im sure iv hear people on here say they dont sell it in the US, which is wierd cos i think there the main market for this kinda stuff
4th Dimension
Has anyone ever heard of, or had any dealings with 4th dimension in shepperton. they do resprays ect,
08 R6 Pillion
i would say remember your breaking distances.....get used to them being alot different. that had nothing to do with my slight incident yesterday by the way. lol
chain cleaning
yep again all good stuff, best to spray it on when your not going out on the bike, cos half of it will end up on your wheel:)
08 R6 Binned
espace driver says 100% on my side. but i think insurers tend to go with the general rule that if you couldnt stop in time for even the daftest of things, its your fault. see what equity red star say tomorrow. thing is, i wanna know either way so i can buy the bits myself. the wagon was a council one, and on there policys, they tend to just say sod it and not bother arguing the case, or thats my experience in the few incidents iv been involved with. if it is my fault, i think my insurance will be to high to bike for a few years, its bad enough now so heres hoping it works out.
08 R6 Binned
yeah. its gonna go down as my fault....braking distance ect, but what the hell is he doing on the over side of the road on a blind bend in a hgv. they will prob just say it was me who was on the wrong side cos im a biker. he can be on any side he wants. grrr i need head lights, nose fairing, mudguard, left and right upper fairings, left hand engine casing most importantly. left hand foot peg. a clutch lever....and a some head ache tablets!
08 R6 Binned
howdy...just been for a nice ride with my good lady on the back, her first ever ride. a wagons over took a parked car on a blind bend, coming at us, the espace in front slammed on. me too but cos of her weight the backs come up and iv hit into the back of the bugger. no one hurt, except a bit of a dead leg and so on but partner is good so thats main thing. bike isnt to bad i spose....see what insurance think of it. i reckn there just gonna blame me cos i ran in the back, thats always my reasoning. but what the hell is a wagon doing on my side of the road on a blind bend. bastard!! so got my eye on ebay, but if anyone knows of any or sees any 08 r6 bits, give us a shout please, would be most greatful. its all the front end stuff, fairings lights sub frame, mudguard. cheers guys......and again... oh bugger
OMG what are these 2 thinking....
i was ther that day...i over took the 8 1/2 mile tail back . i dont think the cars were to impressed as it was down to one lane, and i just strolled past them all. it was mayhem, never seen an accident seen like it, the fire crew had stuff set up there that looked like it was a permenant. they had cabins and all sorts!!! i always wondered what had happened, cos i just saw a rigid parkes smashed up and stuff!
This time its official
Happy new bike pal
To the Gixxer rider.....
I hate the kennel club and and crufts. i know that guy on the vid was riding fast, and dangerous too...... but is the police man, not even worse, hes got the reg on camera whats with the smokey and the bandit. is it not just an excuse to abuse his badge, and ride like a twat..... i wanted to call him the PO PO cos iv been watching 'the wire' but i dont think im 'street' enough.
YZF-R6 HELP!!! rear wheel locking / skidding in first??
you can check your self mate its easy accessible, and it shows you the settings from the factory in the manual, which is a good place to start, if u aint got the yam tool kit, a cheap c spanner from busters or somat like will be helpful, 2 minute job, as with the tyres, diablos and qualifiers tend to be pretty grippy from the off, there only road tyres, i use qaul RRs and they take no time to warm, but even then its only at daft lean you notice. as for the 'more powerful midrange bike in the class' if youve ridden, a cbr, gsx, zx6,748, or even sv650,which is almost every bike in its class. youll know thats defo no the case lol, its a dead weight up until the revs spin up. good luck pal im sure youll refine it with time, just be careful until then, but i defo reckon its a riding style thing.
o8 r6
oh right... i lost 2 bhp on the dyno on my 56 R6R, done on the same dyno, i still have a race can on my 08 and the midrange isnt as slack too start with. so its not AS noticeable when riding. what year is your R6?
YZF-R6 HELP!!! rear wheel locking / skidding in first??
aim to be hitting about 18 thou in first, 18 in second, 18 in third ect ect when you say locking, you mean spinning up, what tyres have you got on? if its wet its easy to spin the tyres up, at any reves its more about the throttle opening than the revs, its a pretty weak bike down in the low revs to be fair so at 3-6 it aint doin much if it does spin up dont worry, dont close the throttle, just back off a touch and it will straighten up. dont shut off the throttle though. like the other guy says, without sounding patronising, book a lesson with an instructor, to build your confidence, theres plenty of courses ect out there.
o8 r6
so does the R6 06-07 and 08 not have an exup valve? does it not have an effect on the midrange?
What helmet do you use?
on another note, what does everyone think of the new sharp ratings? do you believe thats the be all and end all? will it sway your decision? me personally i take them with a pinch of salt, the fact that the top arais, and shoeis are getting low ratings makes me think....... i think the best evidence for how good a helmet is watching biagi flip his bike and be hit by 4 more at 140 and get up to moan about it. or gorgeous george throwing his M1 at every oppurtunity. if the helmets are good enough for them, ill go with them over sharp! what does everyone else think
idiots in shorts
Im 24 and i wouldnt ride in anything less than my bike jacket, and denim, always with proper boots. and full gloves. but if i know im gonna give it some then no matter what the weather ill wear only one piece leathers. you get loads of arguments in mcn defending it, i honestly believe that there is no argument......its not a case of being a free country, or helping the government to have more rules for us. its a case of common sense, and decency. cos i sure as hell dont want the person riding with just shorts on to get treatment on the NHS not as long as im paying into it.
What helmet do you use?
i have a cheap 100 squid hjc signed by glen richards....... i have a shoei xr1000, think its a joust tc2 cant believe how much they have come down in cost now. and i have a kbc vr1000 i think its called in red and black the kbc went slack as a nuns... straight away, the shoei despite what someone said in the early posts. is the noisiest helmet i have worn. they must have blody bad ears ...but its comfy and so light
o8 r6
i think the exhausts are a matter of personal taste, none of them will honestly gie you hp gains, unless you fit power commanders, and full system ect. so just which ever you think looks good, a lot look the same, but the main ones for diff look are the micron gp, scorpion powercone, the laser extreme, twin gp thing. and then race fit make what i think is the nicest, it looks like it came from a fiat M1 gp bike. as for noise, again, if its a race (non street legal) it will scream like buggery, if its a street one, it wont sound too different from whats on........either way you lose the exup valve
Tail Tidy 08 R6 / Yamalube
I know its a matter of taste on most bike mods, but i think the flush mounts are bad idea, i ride in the uk where 95 percent of car drivers are either txting or drinking a mcdougals coffee, or changing their boyzone cds, and to busy to notice you at the best of times, if anything id like my indi's up on the mirrors like the gsx and kwaks, miles better. you can buy them but i dont want holes or infills on my fairing